Myrddin (I hope I'm not too late) ( *^* )





"Olani oai ollor Gassagen (I am an Angel)."

Name: Myrddin... just Myrddin.

Nickname: Merlin.

Biological Age: 270

Appears to be Age: 17

- Gender: Male

- Species: Angel

- Power: Pyrokinetic

- Secondary Abilities:

+ Runic Pyrokinetic (False): Myrddin is able to accomplish feats that involve controlling fire and heat, but he requires arm movements to draw Enochian symbols in order to use his power.

The Enochian symbol is a vast system of angelic runes containing unspeakable powers which was not very popular to the [Angels] back in the past and even now, that had suffered many significant changes until Myrddin's time, making it absolutely inferior to the original version. By writing the 'celestial language' with one's movement and/or existing substances, the users could achieve many great stages of powers, all of which are extremely powerful and forbidden to be used for a very long time.

Myrddin, however, is only capable of manipulating fire and heat with the symbols only. The flame generated by him possesses no special properties despite being created and powered by the holy runes of [Heaven], so they could not really harm the celestial residents and the demonic creatures.  

+ Combustion: Myrddin is able to set one object on fire both inside and outside with a simple Enochian symbol by marking them with it. With a small energy cost and instant cast time, this is one of the most reliable spells in his possession.

Fireballs: Myrddin is able to create various round orbs of fire to launch a barrage of intense firepower at his enemies. Favors quantity over quality. Weak but reliable.

- Personality:

Myrddin possesses a powerful righteous sense of justice, and is somewhat immature to admit the wrong sides of the world. He would immediately, without hesitations, rush out to defend what he thinks of as right. He has a playful attitude and carefree in his life, that usually ends up annoying everyone caught by it. He enjoys hitting on cute girls as well. A fun-loving, always cheerful, a little bit mischievous and rather optimistic lad, He's also easily touched by others' problems and is keen with his decisions until the end. He is notably energetic, friendly, cheerful, independent and naive; sometimes ends up dragging himself into troubles which would consequently lead to more troubles. He takes joys in doing his favorite things, going here and there and is a prime example for the saying "Curiosity kills the cat". He doesn't lie, but he does tell half-truths.

In addition to those qualities, Myrddin is also quite rebellious, imaginative, stubborn as a side-effect of being young.


Myrddin was a young Angel who was not interested in anything. He found his life in [Heaven] boring and skipped classes at school frequently, much like something that someone else once did... Instead, he spent time exploring the school, sneaking into areas that he was not meant to pay a visit. One day, he sneaked into what seemed to be an old room, filled with ancient chained books of what seemed to be old scrap papers. Curiosity struck the youngster, as he proceeded to open the literally biggest book lying in the room, with a column of light on top of it. The book called out to him. In a typical situation like this where a character knows that he or she should not open the book, but then does it anyway for apparently no reason at all, Myrddin followed the exact patterns without a single flaw.

That being said, Myrddin got a glimpse of the runes. They bashed knowledge of their promising power into his head, flooding his mind with tempting words about his bright future should he choose to join them and nearly got him. He was able to resist, and closed the book just in time. However, a part of the runes was already implanted within him, causing him to fall on his back. Realizing the destructive potential of the ancient verbal artifacts, Myrddin suddenly knew what he had to do. Tentatively, he made a decision to keep the book with him and hid it where people could not find it, so that no one could ever harness their strength for their own. He turned into a different person within a few days, acting mysteriously and being seen happy all the time in order to hide the truth about the runes that were slowly corrupting him...


+ Strength: 8 + 2 = 10 

+ Speed: 7 

+ Endurance: 3 + 2 = 5

+ Agility: 6

+ Luck: 18 + 2 = 20

+ Intelligence: 11 + 2 = 13

+ Cunning: 6

+ Charisma: 1 + 2 = 3

+ Intimidation: 0

Talents: Joker, Mage

Extra stuffs

+ Despite being a runic angel, Myrddin tends to take part in close-quarter-combat frequently. He is incredibly skilled with his staff serving as his melee weapon, and despite not being so extraordinary compared to others who are much stronger and faster than him, he is still able to handle them rather well with his 'combat logic'. His eyesight is extremely good, allowing him to detect and analyze attacks thrown out at him to develop countermeasures for each of them. 

+ Valzael does not like him for obvious reasons.

+ He speaks in both human language and celestial language.

@A Mysterious Figure
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@Tidnas Hm, I like him... But I was wondering, are the runes evil? The way you've described them make them seem quite dangerous in an, well, evil way, and angel powers usually only cause good effects (although some angels can be overwhelmed if they have too much power). Otherwise he looks good! I like the story.
@Tidnas Hm, I like him... But I was wondering, are the runes evil? The way you've described them make them seem quite dangerous in an, well, evil way, and angel powers usually only cause good effects (although some angels can be overwhelmed if they have too much power). Otherwise he looks good! I like the story.

The runes aren't evil themselves. They just showed him the future and tested his will. What Myrddin saw when he opened the book was actually himself in one, out of infinite and endless possibilities, also it is linked directly to the main reality with the highest chance of happening.

The future evil Myrddin called out to his past and tried to get him on the path of evil-doer. However, the present Myrddin was able to resist (a little bit as you could see him still being corrupted by the power of the runes implanted within him at a very slow rate). 
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Ah, I kind of understand it better now, however I don't know if angels would ever use something with that kind of danger. I don't quite know about the whole corruption thing, but I'll do my best to try to work out what you mean! I'm sure it will make more sense as we go along.
Ah, I kind of understand it better now, however I don't know if angels would ever use something with that kind of danger. I don't quite know about the whole corruption thing, but I'll do my best to try to work out what you mean! I'm sure it will make more sense as we go along.

Yes, that is why the whole Enochian runic system is forbidden :3 

Throughout the eons, the seals used to protect it seemed to have been extremely weakened, with people all forgot about its existence, leaving it vulnerable to Myrddin's curiosity. The corruption we have to deal with here is supposed to be Myrddin's thirst for harnessing the power of the runes.
Yes, that is why the whole Enochian runic system is forbidden :3 

Throughout the eons, the seals used to protect it seemed to have been extremely weakened, with people all forgot about its existence, leaving it vulnerable to Myrddin's curiosity. The corruption we have to deal with here is supposed to be Myrddin's thirst for harnessing the power of the runes.

Ah, I understand. As long as it isn't 'death and darkness and evilness' related, if you know what I mean, I'm all for it. It sounds very intriguing and I'm interested to see where you'll go with it, if the opportunities arise.
Ah, I understand. As long as it isn't 'death and darkness and evilness' related, if you know what I mean, I'm all for it. It sounds very intriguing and I'm interested to see where you'll go with it, if the opportunities arise.

No no no, Myrddin can't possibly do such thing. He would just stop at the point being able to create flame and heat hotter than even the combined might of 20 suns of Yruorough solar system (in a fictional galaxy) :3 
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