My Unicorn


Queen of Thonos

My Unicorn

That crazy ass angel...

Meg walks down the hall of the motel Sam and Dean were staying in at this time. But there was one oddity, Cas was staying there with them...Cas and Meg hadn't spoken since the raid on the sacred tablet...what ever it was. Meg never really cared about anything sacred, unless to trash it. She chuckles to herself, thinking about that one time she and Ruby had spray-painted pentagrams over every window in the Catholic Church in Milan. Of course, that was just baby stuff.

Meg had narrowly survived the fight with Crowley that she had volunteered to be in in order to help the stupid ass Winchesters and Cas...mostly she just wanted to help them to piss off the "King". When she saw the Winchester Stooges run to their car without Cas, she was disappointed at first, but then relieved when she remembered that it meant he was safe. It was also at that moment that she realized the boys had left her for dead. Meg gritted her teeth and taunted Crowley for one last time before getting killed.

...or so they thought. Somehow she ended up waking up in a field way out in central Nebraska. The boys probably thought they were done with her. Ha! You can't get rid of me that easily! After an exhausting trip across the country and a search for Sam and Dean's newest fake IDs, (which wasn't that hard! They tend to use the names of famous musicians from the 90s.) She arrived at Dustland Motel in Nevada.

Meg held her breath on her way to the room. She had planned to yell at them and maybe break a few bones...okay, more than a few. But she felt nervous somehow. In the parking lot she passed by Cas, without his notice of course. Knowing he was here made her reconsider her plan. She laughed at herself internally for being such a bleeding heart. I know what u said to Sam, but I can't make a silly angel make me some goody-two-shoes! She would pound on Dean and Sam and then see if they had anymore schemes to kill or humiliate Crowley. And if so...maybe she would stay.

Meg's original plan was just to beat on them, staying was an idea that presented itself when she saw Cas with them.

She smirked and took in a deep breath, ready to yell as she opened the door.
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