Chitchat My trip to Universal!


Rosemi <3 (slow replies atm)
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Hello! So, I went on a few day break starting around Sunday or Monday, and it was so that me and my friend could go on a small trip. Originally, we were going to go to a city nearby in another state (it's too nearby where I live for me to share what city sorry) that has a lot of like Asian stores and is very Asian cultured. We were both super excited, especially since we're both Asian (I'm Korean mixed with black , she's Chinese), we were gonna bring out our inner Asian mom voices and everything LMAO. But, due to some events happening in that area, we were unable to stay there for the few days like we'd planned, so we counted how much money we both had and decided to go to Universal Studios!

And holy shit, it was SO much fun. It was my second time ever going, and the last time I'd went was in high school, so I was super hyped when she came up with that idea. It didn't take too long to fly over and take a cab to the amusement park since we were already in a nearby state, so we got to spend a lot of time over the course of 3 days hanging out there.
I was an idiot and only took like 7 pictures, all of which had my face in them. So sadly, I can't show any pictures (well, I can, but I don't exactly feel comfy revealing my face to the internet hhh) but I can talk about a few things I did on the trip!

So, let's start with the most memorable thing I did on this trip: spend $2,000+ on merch. Yep, I did that. Every single time we passed by some sort of souvenir or toy or clothing shop, I just felt the urge to take out my debit card and buy a bunch of shit. Like, I have so much stuff to unpack from this trip still, it's crazy.
And I think that the most stupid thing I bought was this $15 mug that said something about 'World's best Dad' because my friends always call me the Mom friend or the Dad friend.
Oh, I also bought a 25 dollar minion plushie, it's fucking Kevin, and one of his eyes are slightly lopsided. I swear, idek why i bought most of the things that I did LMAO

Another thing I did was go on a few rides! I can't remember the name of this specific roller coaster, but there was one in the Jurassic Park section, and oh my god it was so much fun! I also ended up throwing up on this really big one that did a loop, don't eat a burger and fries with a soda right before getting on a roller coaster that, quite literally, throws you for a loop.

Since I am absolutely a Harry Potter nerd, I stopped by anything with Harry Potter in it, and someone buying a Harry Potter shirt was dressed up as Dumbledore, I actually got a selfie with them it was amazing XD

On the way back home, me and my friend actually ended up staying at a hotel since it was nighttime and all of that, and oh my god the chaos. So, we were out until about 3 AM trying to find a hotel, but almost all of them were completely booked. We stopped by a gas station for some food at one point, and then we were like chasing each other around a parking lot because we made a cheese touch joke about one of the foods we got, and so we started chasing each other around and shit. Like we probably looked like stoned teenagers to anyone passing by on the street, especially to this dude that was biking by, stopped to look at us, shook his head in a dissapointed manner, and then rode off. IT WAS SO FUNNY XD

But yeah, those were my favorite parts of my trip to Universal with my friend, just wanted to share it with everyone here XD

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