My OC Cassandra Torres



"It's a reason for the things that I do.... I just want to be remembered..."

Face Claim: Kehlani Parrish




↠Full Name: Cassandra Torres

↠Nickname(s):  Cassie, Cass, Sandra

↠Reason for nickname: Her full name can be a mouthful.

↠Age: 22 (can be younger depending on rp)

↠Gender: Female

↠Place of Birth: Oakland, CA

↠Birthday: June 28th 1994

↠Currently living in: Los Angeles

↠Moved to Los Angeles on May 14th 2014

↠Species/Race: Human

↠Ethnicity: Cassie calls herself a "mutt" because she    is mixed

with several ethnicities: African-American, French, Blackfoot Native

American, Cherokee Native American, Spanish, Filipino, well

according to She however, identifies as African American

↠Blood Type: O

↠Occupation: She is a sales associate

↠Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

↠Social Status: She's very popular amongst the people she grew

up with and most of them respect her. The few who don't most likely

don't know her very well.

↠Relationship Status: Single

↠Status: Alive








↠Eye/Eyebrow Colour: Dark brown

↠Hair Color: Dark brown, Eyebrows thick, waxed/arched

↠Hair texture: Soft and curly

↠Hair Style: She wears her hair in various styles both long and short.

Her natural hair is to the middle of her back.

↠Skin Color: Medium tan

↠Distinguishing Facial Features: Her cheek dimples.

↠Mouth: Full lips, straight white teeth, though she has a filling in

the back.







Her makeup tends to be bold with dark lipsticks smoky eye makeup and dark

colors for nail polish. Without makeup she looks younger and more innocent,

which is why she wears makeup all of the time. She likes to appear "mature"

to others feeling that without makeup she doesn't look her age.







↠Body Build: Athletic

↠Height: 5'3

↠Weight: 125lbs

↠Body Shape: Lean and curvy

↠Bra Size: 70C

↠Birthmarks: Beauty Mark Near Her Navel (Though this is hidden by a tattoo)

↠Skin: Soft, smooth, healthy, well moisturized and kept hairless.



__↡↟Typical Clothing/Styles↟↡__




She tends to dress more like a boy, and her styles consist of mainly streetwear. She

adores sneakers and has a whole room dedicated to them. She also loves to

wear clothes that expose her skin so that her tattoos are on full display.





She can always be seen sporting her nose piercings and wearing her rings.

She also wears a lot of bracelets or wristbands and earrings.





↠General health: Well she smokes. A lot. And drinks. So what do you think?

↠Posture: She mostly stands upright but she tends to slouch a little.

↠Any physical illnesses?: No

↠Any mental illnesses?: Extreme Anger Issues

↠Take drugs?: No

↠Smoke?: Weed



__↡↟Mental/Emotional State↟↡__


↠Archetype: The anti-hero and extrovert she doesn't like getting involved

with others but finds herself being dragged into situations anyway, leaving

her frozen and at a loss on what to do.  She prefers the outdoors and is

usually distrustful of people who she doesn't know, though you wouldn't

assume this at a glance since she's usually found surrounded by people. So

of course she'd probably have a lot of friends right? Wrong...

↠Mental age: 40

↠Act before thinking/Think before acting?: When it comes to thinking

things through, Cassie can be a bit irrational, especially when it comes to

her anger issues. Thats the time she usually acts before she thinks.

↠Emotion-wise, generally: When she isn't angry she's pretty chill.








↠Way of speaking: She has what you call a "foul mouth." Because she

curses... a lot.  She also uses a lot of slang words in her speech but not

because she's not intelligent but most times she's simply just too lazy

to say larger words. She thinks it takes up too much energy when people

typically understand what you're talking about even if most of your

words are slang words.


↠Common conversation starter: "You wanna smoke?"


↠Swears?: Most of the time...


↠Made-up words?: She's not that creative..


↠Made-up language?: Yes, but it isn't any type of language you can speak

using your mouth. If you don't understand it and can't pick up on it, then

you will most likely end up getting beat up. Not that she's violent or









Music/Rap/R&B/Hip Hop




House Parties


Video games

Spicy food




Violence (unless she's a part of it)

Any other type of music besides the kinds she likes

People who make the wrong assumptions 

When people think they know her when they don't.

Goody Two Shoes - She dislikes the poster children

type people who are quick to look down their nose at

her because of the things she does that they would

never do.

Charity that stems from pity and not genuine kindness -

Her opinion on this is, if you're going to be charitable, do

it because you feel its right, not because you feel pity.

Fake people - They're everywhere.





Going out





Smoking/Getting High


Playing Guitar








She says and does things without thinking anything through. She's a

spur of the moment type of girl. She tends to turn everything into an

adventure no matter what it is and will usually try to drag others into

it. She smokes too much and drinks too much, but when she's sober

she tends to surprise people with her genuine view of the world and

the lives we live in it.





↠Strengths: She's strong and "street smart." When backed into a

corner, mentally or physically, she can get out of it. She can fight

very well and can go toe to toe with most guys (she has) and holds

her liquor better than most people. She can also liven up any party

with her chatter and the need to keep people talking and loosened

up. She's the type to drag a person standing against the wall onto

the dance floor, before encouraging them to dance.

↠Weakness(es): She usually doesn't know what to do when it

comes to emotions she's not used to feeling, like really liking some-

one, or having feelings about someone. For this reason she doesn't

know how to be close to people on an emotional level. She tends

to push people away emotionally on purpose to avoid getting too...


They're are only a few people who she has connected with on this

level. But outside of them, she just doesn't trust anybody. She feels

that the world is full of fake people showing fake love straight, to her

face and to keep herself from getting hurt, she keeps everyone at an
emotional distance. Its like an emotional block for her. Its easy to socialize and

chat and have a few laughs and a general good time with anyone

but when it comes to sharing secrets and deep parts of herself, she

won't allow herself to do it. Feeling that she's setting herself up

for unnecessary pain.





She can make Os when she smokes and can pull out a blade or

weapon in a blink if she needs to.



↠Education: High School... She got kicked out of college and

never went back.

↠IQ: 105

↠EQ: Slightly above average.





She was raped at the age of 7 and since then has had a

distrust in men. She also thinks they're all the same.





↠Not being able to defend herself in a situation where she

would really need to and no one is there to help her.

↠Being overpowered by someone of the opposite sex.

↠Trusting someone and giving herself to them and then they

hurt her.







She wants to be a singer and songwriter. She also wants to

be a dancer and possibly open up a school for dance, though

she thinks these dreams are impossible to achieve. Since

she was a little girl she had always found solace in music.

The way it moved and manipulated you through sound.

When she first started singing she was only 5 years old. Her

mother tried to push her into singing lessons but Cassandra

would always sneak away from them to play with the boys

who were always playing in the street. However, her voice

was good enough that she didn't really need the lessons. She

started street dance when she was 15. Dance quickly became

an interest of hers and she decided to pursue a career of

it along with singing.



_____↡↟Views/Opinions on...↟↡_____


↠Government: She doesn't care as long as it doesn't

affect her life or her ability to get high.

↠Religion: She's going to hell because she knows that

she's not pure or innocent enough to follow any type of

religion. Joking... jeez lighten up. She does believe in a

higher power and that people didn't just spring out of

thin air, but that something or someone created them.

However, she doesn't believe in the bible. She thinks its a good

adult fairy tale book where you read these stories and

there's a moral or lesson at the end but the stories are

generally not true.

↠Economy: She doesn't care as long as it doesn't

affect her life or her ability to get high. Though if it went to

shit which it sort of is already she'd be really pissed. But

things are good for her right now and she's comfortable.

↠Technology: She hopes that they will one day invent

a device that can make weed and food appear on command.

She thinks that would be really cool.





↠Food: Anything Spicy

↠Colour: Dark colours, mainly black.

↠Animal: The wolf is her spirit animal. She believes they 

share the same soul.

↠Number: 1 Because she's number one and will always be

number 1.

↠Holiday: Halloween because that's the one day she can

splurge on candy and steal it from little kids. Okay not

literally... seriously people don't have a sense of humor. 

↠Season: Spring because it's not too hot and not too cold.

↠Time of day: Night time is the most fun time.

↠Thing to watch: Horror movies. If she can sit through

any horror movie she can get through anything.

↠Movie: The SAW movies. They're funny as hell.

↠Show: Despite the cliche, she loves The Vampire Diaries,

plus Damen is sexy as hell  and so is Katherine. Katherine not


↠Type of art: Music

↠Genre of music: Rap

↠Genre of literature: She doesn't read. Period

↠Genre of shows: Action and adventure with mainly fantasy

and romance.

↠Genre of movies: Same thing as above.







Cassandra, an only child, grew up in the projects with her mother who was a drug addict. Her mother had disappeared with her after she was first born hoping to distance herself and her child away from her family. Cassandra's father wasn't around (and isn't until this day) and so her mother attempted to raise her on her own, but she often would take help from her neighbor who knew that she had a drug addiction and wouldn't be the best influence on Cassandra. However, despite her best efforts, when Cassandra turned 15 she turned to weed and alcohol as a way to deal with her drug addicted mother who was often drunk, high or passed out somewhere in the house. When her mother was sober she tried her best with Cassandra to establish a mother/daughter relationship. However, she failed at this terribly.


When Cassandra was 7  years old she had ditched her singing lessons to do what she usually did, hang out with the boys who played on their street. She was never the "girly girl" and preferred to play outside and get dirty rather than stay inside and play with dolls and wear frilly girly clothes. (Til this day you will never see her in any type of shoe besides sneakers) New neighbors were moving in and they had 3 sons who were much older than the other boys. Since she was the only girl and the older boys were bigger than her she quickly became the victim to their bullying. Her usual playmates quickly fled as they couldn't do anything to help her and the older boys were threatening to hurt them if they tried to interfere or go to anyone for help. So bullying and pushing around turned into rape and her innocence was destroyed that day. The neighbor that lived next to her mother heard the commotion and quickly stepped into help. The sons were part of a gang in their neighborhood as well and so the neighbor quickly decided that day to move them somewhere safe. She used the last of her savings and moved them into an apartment in Los Angeles, leaving Cassandra's mother behind. Cassandra still lives in Los Angeles today and still hasn't spoken to her mother since.


Her kindly neighbor took care of her until she was 20. She then moved into her own apartment nearby and often visits her.







Cassandra is an outspoken woman who says exactly what's

on her mind. Most of the things she says tend to offend others,

which she doesn't intend. She can be bitchy  and mean at first

but when she likes you and is comfortable around you,

she is a cool and outgoing person. She is

very persuasive and will try to get you to do

daring things, especially if she thinks you're shy and boring.

Though most would assume she's mean she is actually very

compassionate. She can also be a little tough and is quick to

fight a person who rubs her the wrong way. Her violent temper

is usually the culprit but sometimes if she's had a bad day she

will look for an opportunity to fight.





↠Family: She never knew her family and has only ever known

her mother. She never met her father.

↠Love interest: She doesn't believe in that shit.

↠Friends/Allies: She's friends with some street dancers

who live in her neighborhood. They were the ones who

got her into dancing and are the only people she's ever

cared about besides her neighbor. But she isn't close to

them on an emotional level. These are people she can

dance, smoke drink, party, and hang out with nothing else.

↠Enemies: Damn near everyone. She really gets on people's

bad side, though she really doesn't intend to. People who

haven't had the chance to get to know her generally

don't like her at first.






The more insightful things she has said often and while intoxicated. 

↠"Mind as well smoke, you've got nothing to lose but

your life. Everything else is impossible to lose unless you

let yourself care about it."↞


↠"You only live once, so why not try something new?"↞


↠"Love is for dreamers and I'm uncultured."↞


↠"When you fall, just take a nap. You have all the time

in the world to get up."↞


↠"It's a reason for the things I do.... I just want to

be remembered."↞



Looking for an OC that can be paired with her!
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↠Friends/Allies: She's friends with some street dancers

who lives in her neighborhood. They were the ones who

got her into dancing and are the only people she's ever

cared about besides her neighbor.

↠Enemies: Everyone. She really gets on people's bad side.

Sounds like a paradox. 

↠"Mind as well smoke, you've got nothing to lose but

your life. Everything else is impossible to lose unless you

let yourself care about it."↞


↠"You only live once, so why not try something new?"↞


↠"Love is for dreamers and I'm uncultured."↞


↠"When you fall, just take a nap. You have all the time

in the world to get up."↞


↠"It's a reason for the things I do.... I just want to

be remembered."↞

Sounds like a acerbic, anti-social, selfish individual. 

Holiday: Halloween because that's the one day she can

splurge on candy and steal it from little kids.

Is this a parody? Are you actually being sarcastic about this shit?

Goody Two Shoes

Charity that stems from pity and not genuine kindness

Again, sounds like a paradox.

I'm not going to drag this OC through a blender of well-thought out criticism because I have better time on my hands but I understand this is meant for a certain niche. Just extrapolate on those parts I highlighted apart and just make your character a little more...relatable?
Sounds like a paradox. 

Sounds like a acerbic, anti-social, selfish individual. 

Is this a parody? Are you actually being sarcastic about this shit?

Again, sounds like a paradox.

I'm not going to drag this OC through a blender of well-thought out criticism because I have better time on my hands but I understand this is meant for a certain niche. Just extrapolate on those parts I highlighted apart and just make your character a little more...relatable?

i'm far from a perfect writer and she is far from a perfect character and I feel that makes her very relatable. I added details that I have seen in people I know personally even myself. She is meant to be a bitchy, sarcastic, selfish and snarky individual who can care less about anyone unless she feels they are worth caring about. She has plenty of associates but that's all they are she has next to zero actual friends. Plus her personality and her unfiltered mouth make her come across as mean and uncaring so this pushes others away however, when it comes to socializing she's the life of the party and often says deep insightful things when she's sober. So I wrote the more insightful things rather than meaningless ones. There's literally a point to all the things you quoted so for that reason im not changing them but I appreciate the criticism I guess.
So I wrote the more insightful things rather than meaningless ones.

Alright. I do see the merits in some of this OC post, even though, I'm a bit leery of some aspects since I don't really see those as appealing. (Or even necessary, who mentions bra size and how curvy a person is?

If your character is supposed to be the jerk with a heart of gold sort of deal, I get it. It's just that during a RP, people are gonna be confused about your flip-flopping. And if your character can only provide meaningful character interaction when she's drunk, that restricts the amount of possibilities.

Overall, I think it's alright but this character OC is mostly limited. I could see her being used for OnexOne or Romance RPs. 
Heh. I personally love this character. It's a shame I don't see more of these types of characters and in the world outside of writing, people are sometimes like this character. 

I honestly believe you have something amazing here. Full of detail and I absolutely love detail. You make want to overhaul my current character all over again. 

If if you ever want to take this character and bring her to the dark and grim universe of Fallout or just any post-apocalyptic setting then just hit me up. 

Again, bravo and great job!
I, personally, absolutely hate that character and wants nothing more than to gut her, make a hood out of her skin and wear it as a trophy.

But hey ! It's maybe the impression you are trying to make !

↠Ethnicity: Cassie calls herself a "mutt" because she    is mixed

with several ethnicities: African-American, French, Blackfoot Native

American, Cherokee Native American, Spanish, Filipino

How come ? Let's try to make a family tree out of this :

So there we'll start with Mr. Blackfoot Native American and Missus Cherokee Native American who marry and give birth to Mr. Native American

Mr. Native American meets Missus Spanish Conquistador they have a baby : Miss America

Miss America meets Mr. African-American, they have an extra martial adventure and Mr. Metizo is born from this short Union.

Mr. Metizo meets Missus French, they are married and have a baby : Miss Half-Frenchie

And finaly Miss Half-Frenchie receive assisted reproductive technology (using the sperm of Mr.Filipino) and have Baby Your Character !
Now, I'm know I can separate it in two by putting one part of the lineage behind the father and the other half behind the mother, and I will.

So here is my equation :

If we consider the child takes an exact half of the genes of each parents we get to that point :

Base genes : A B C D E F G

Gen 1 Alpha : A / 2 + B / 2

Gen 1 Beta : C / 2 + D / 2

Gen 2 Alpha : Gen1A / 2 + E / 2

Gen 2 Beta : Gen1B / 2 + F / 2

Gen 1 Omega : Gen2A / 2 + Gen2B / 2

Gen 2 Omega : Gen1O / 2 + G / 2

So by mixing those up we get those genes percentage :

- Your Genes : 100 %

        - Gen 2 Alpha : 25 %

                 - Gen 1 Alpha : 12.5 %

                           A : 6.25 %

                           B : 6.25 %

                  - E : 12.5 %

        - Gen 2 Beta : 25 %

                 - Gen 1 Beta : 12.5 %

                           C : 6.25 %

                           D : 6.25 %

                  - F : 12.5 %

        - G : 50 %

Percentage may fluctuate if you change where you put G in the family tree.

But as you can see, It's pretty slim. I wouldn't consider 6 % of my genes my ethnicity.

Yes I had some time to waste...
I'm awfully fun at parties.

↠Number: 1 Because she's number one and will always be

number 1.

She is not because there is only one person that is number one :

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I, personally, absolutely hate that character and wants nothing more than to gut her, make a hood out of her skin and wear it as a trophy.

But hey ! It's maybe the impression you are trying to make !

How come ? Let's try to make a family tree out of this :

So there we'll start with Mr. Blackfoot Native American and Missus Cherokee Native American who marry and give birth to Mr. Native American

Mr. Native American meets Missus Spanish Conquistador they have a baby : Miss America

Miss America meets Mr. African-American, they have an extra martial adventure and Mr. Metizo is born from this short Union.

Mr. Metizo meets Missus French, they are married and have a baby : Miss Half-Frenchie

And finaly Miss Half-Frenchie receive assisted reproductive technology (using the sperm of Mr.Filipino) and have Baby Your Character !
Now, I'm know I can separate it in two by putting one part of the lineage behind the father and the other half behind the mother, and I will.

So here is my equation :

If we consider the child takes an exact half of the genes of each parents we get to that point :

Base genes : A B C D E F G

Gen 1 Alpha : A / 2 + B / 2

Gen 1 Beta : C / 2 + D / 2

Gen 2 Alpha : Gen1A / 2 + E / 2

Gen 2 Beta : Gen1B / 2 + F / 2

Gen 1 Omega : Gen2A / 2 + Gen2B / 2

Gen 2 Omega : Gen1O / 2 + G / 2

So by mixing those up we get those genes percentage :

- Your Genes : 100 %

        - Gen 2 Alpha : 25 %

                 - Gen 1 Alpha : 12.5 %

                           A : 6.25 %

                           B : 6.25 %

                  - E : 12.5 %

        - Gen 2 Beta : 25 %

                 - Gen 1 Beta : 12.5 %

                           C : 6.25 %

                           D : 6.25 %

                  - F : 12.5 %

        - G : 50 %

Percentage may fluctuate if you change where you put G in the family tree.

But as you can see, It's pretty slim. I wouldn't consider 6 % of my genes my ethnicity.

Yes I had some time to waste...
I'm awfully fun at parties.

She is not because there is only one person that is number one :

View attachment 237909

I actually love your opinion of her loll. Not all characters are supposed to be "likeable" after all If all characters were meant to be likeable then all these books and movies wouldn't have a main character with "enemies." And my character has plenty of enemies as I've mentioned already. As for your umm genealogy lesson (which I skimmed through) I honestly took her ethnicity and all the crap she's mixed with off of the internet. As the person who I used for the images is mixed with all of these things. I personally put the mutt part because I myself am biracial and am mixed with a load of crap that I wish I knew about. I call myself a mutt too but I identify as black or more precisely, African American.

Alright. I do see the merits in some of this OC post, even though, I'm a bit leery of some aspects since I don't really see those as appealing. (Or even necessary, who mentions bra size and how curvy a person is?

If your character is supposed to be the jerk with a heart of gold sort of deal, I get it. It's just that during a RP, people are gonna be confused about your flip-flopping. And if your character can only provide meaningful character interaction when she's drunk, that restricts the amount of possibilities.

Overall, I think it's alright but this character OC is mostly limited. I could see her being used for OnexOne or Romance RPs. 

And well I try to put a lot of details into my characters so people can better picture them in rps. I don't know about the flip flopping part but in her bio her mother was also a drunk and a druggie. So lets just say in that aspect she followed right after her mother. When she's been through what she's been through she's not going to be this put together character with zero problems. And it shows throughout this whole CS. And BTW shes not this jerk with a heart of gold.. she's just a jerk but she's not a heartless one is all.. like a friggin serial killer or something. She's just.. her?
I think the main issue here is that none of the things that could be seen as flaws are stated to have impacted her in any meaningful way. I think that's what @Borkus Lazorus was getting at when he made his post.

She has people that are listed as friends, but apparently they're just associates, and she also had a bad, not-good-for-friend-making attitude? But at the same time, she's "the life of the party," which implies a perceived ease of socialization that gets people to like you? But at the same time, she's also apparently foul-mouthed, which drives people away (even though to some people, this could be seen as an endearing trait anyway)? But at the same time, she apparently has an above-average ability to understand her own emotions and those of others (that's what EQ is), but at the same time, she apparently doesn't? What exactly are the people she calls "friends" then? Is she good at socializing or not?

I understand your thinking in regards to attempting to make someone relatable, but there's a difference between that and believability; one thing that any real and mentally adjusted person has (I'm assuming your character is reasonably mentally adjusted, since otherwise was not stated to my knowledge) is behavioral consistency. In psychology, it's often said that "the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior." If someone does one thing a lot, it's almost guaranteed that they're going to keep doing that thing in the future unless repercussions hit them like a truck. I think what Borkus was getting at is that there's no real consistency in the traits that you listed. If they were a "goody two-shoes," for example, why would they steal from defenseless children of all things? That's not behaviorally consistent.

Is your character relatable? I don't know, I guess so. But I don't think I would consider her believable.

Though I wouldn't state that I have a level of dislike on the level of @Lil Carnage, I do think that there's something that feels a little off about this character, and not in a good way, or a "love to hate" way. As someone who actually hails from an inner-city area, this character honestly feels like something of a stereotype of the "cool, hip, foul-mouthed do-whatever urban drug user," and strikes me as potentially a little distasteful. I'd suggest taking a closer look at some of the adverse conditions in inner-city areas, in order to examine how someone raised in that environment might grow up a little more closely.
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Yes. Oh god, everything that _Line 213 says. Use it. Use it. Use it. Overall, I believe that it's better to use this character in a RP and get it out and moving and testing to see whether it can go the distance or whether it chokes and sputters out 500 meters on the highway. 

I mean, it all depends on the execution and how you write this character in actual RP. 

And BTW shes not this jerk with a heart of gold.. she's just a jerk but she's not a heartless one is all.. like a friggin serial killer or something.

Oh, for god's sake, she's a jerk with a heart of gold. If she has friends, there's got to be something about her that makes her likable. If she's able to say deep shit in parties. If she's got a heart, then, she's a jerk with a heart in my book. 

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