My life stories...


now i know how joan of arc felt
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There was a sponge who lived under the sea, then he built a little pineapple to live in. Eventually a pink starfish move in next door. They maaagically became lovuuuurs!

Bruh, wanna hear mine? family history is quite messed up!
LunarShines said:
Ok so this is my story.... I was born (Obviously) and I grew up as a bastard, my mom never married my dad, my uncle was autistic so my parents thought i would be and they wanted me aborted. Luckily I have no autistic bone in my body. So anyways I grew up and was abused, beaten, starved, locked in my room for hours every day and then i finally i went away to my dads house Christmas 2014. She begged me to come back and ignored her up until the day she hung herself. and now im here trying to forget and get over it questioning why i try and why im here.
You got a problem with autistics mate?
hmmm all starts before I was born, when my father and mother were engaged. A classic Romeo and Juliet story; both my mom's and dad's families hated each other. However due to my dad's nature he decided to move to Australia to study. My mom stuck in China at the time wrote letters to him. Eventually my mother moved to Australia to live with my dad, despite protest from both sides. Yet over the years, my grandma(dad's mom) and my uncle (dad's younger brother) harrassed my parents. This made my dad mentally ill. He had to go back to China to get treatment, my mom followed. During those days all of my dad's relatives blamed mom. After getting "proper treatment" they came back to Australia. Yet a problem struck again. My dad had tried to beat up a teenage boy, and now was sent to jail. I was a wee baby back then, so my mom not being able to support me financially had to reluctantly send me to China for my grandma to look after.

When I came back to Australia all was fine again. My dad had gotten out of jail and now was getting better in mental health. My mom now had enough money to look after me. They bought a house. The first and last one we had. My grandma came to visit us. When she saw the house she told my dad, to sell it cause it was evil and probably had murders happen in it. My mom protested saying we could pay off the mortgage, but he didn't listen to her. He never did listen to her warnings. We lost the house, and money. Now we're renting a tom house.

My relatives still blame my mom for my dad's mental breakdown. Last year in 2014 in September we went back to China, to visit my relatives. For almost two weeks I was happy, experiencing a whole different culture from my own land down under. Many things were different here. I could say I was one of the tallest out of the majority of the population in this town. Yet it wouldn't last. On the second last day of my stay in China I sat on a chair with my uncle (dad's younger bro) and grandma (dad's mom). My uncle finding out I played guitar asked if I wanted to have a brand new one. I declined politely,cause I already had one and me mom taught me never to be greedy. Yet my uncle was furious. He yelled at me lecturing me to be more grateful and life wasn't so easy. I sat there in silence. The topic moved onto how evil and wicked my parents were. They called my mom an evil unladylike women. Then proceeded to call me dad crazy and not right in the head. I sat there in silence. No saying a word. When they finished I stood up, went to find my dad and asked him to call mom, for she was at her younger brother's place at the moment. When she asked what was wrong, I said I wanted to come over to where she was. So I did with my younger brothers. But I couldn't hold in my tears when I saw here. I spilled the guts. I couldn't believe they could be so mean about my parents in front of me. My mom told me to stop crying, she did not care as she was used to such things. She told me to be stronger but asked if I told dad this. I said no. She nodded and patted my head. We both knew we couldn't stress dad out with such news. I have many more things I like to tell, but that's all I can remember for now.

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