My Introduction


Scary Monster
Hello there members of RP Nation. As you can see, the name/title I'll be going by is Woe. Usually it's a word used for sorrow or depression, but I'd like to look at it with the definition used by people in New Orleans, since that's where I'm from. Their version of the word is used to refer to a friend. Anyways, enough on literacy and on to some things about myself.

Forum role-play isn't a new subject to me. I usually dip my finger in those relating to Superpower settings similar to DC Comics or Marvel Comics, but I'm really up for plenty of other settings like Naruto, Pokemon, DBZ, and others of that sort. Occasionally, I'll go for fantasy settings and custom settings as well. And since I can't think of anything else to share, I'm glad to be here and hope to stay a while.
Hiya Woe and welcome to RPNation. I've never been to New Orleans, so I have certainly never heard of it being used as a term of endearment. Interesting! With that said, I hope you enjoy your stay here.
Hewwo, welcome to RpN! Don't be afraid to ask any questions. By the way, I love that you explained how you choose your name to us!
Hi Woe! Welcome to the site ^^

Hope you have fun role playing! If you need anything, let me know c:

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