My Hero.

Name; Audrey Schell

Age; 21

Bio; As far as childhoods go, Aurey's was pretty normal. She has an older sister with whom she was very close to. Her parents raised their children well. Audrey grew up hearing about superheroes. When she was a little girl, she was fascinated by them. It was borderline obsession. Her and her friends used to pretend to be superheroes on the playground and at their houses, usually "rescuing" someone's pet or doll or each other. As Audrey grew up, she began to get over her obsession. She was old enough to know that she could never be a super hero, and the chances of meeting one? As if. Still, even though she wasn't "super" anything, she did still have a passion for helping people. Audrey is currently in college, studying medicine in hopes of becoming a doctor.

Personality; Audrey tends to be pretty bubbly, and its infectious. Anyone in the room with Audrey will usually have a smile on their face. It takes a lot to bring out negative emotions in Audrey, she's always trying to see the best in people. She's just an all around cheerful gal who just enjoys life. She always puts forth her best effort.

Face Claim; Tanya Burr

Name; Gabriel "Gabe" Richards

Age; 22

Bio; Gabe's childhood was a hectic one. His mother, married and divorced, already had three children when she married again to Gabriel's father. It wasn't long before Gabe was brought into the picture, and not much longer after him before another child entered. All together, the family consisted of Sarah, the eldest, Donald and Thomas, identical twins that were two years younger than Sarah, Gabe himself, and little Liz, the baby of the family. Gabe's father was a lawyer, so he was often gone or busy, leaving their mother to stay home and take care of them all. Since the twins were always getting into trouble and the baby was always needing attention, Gabe had to take it upon himself to find his own source of entertainment. Which usually meant watching movies. Gabe loved watching movies, his favorite being superhero flicks. As he got older, his passion developed further and he found himself taking film classes all through high school. He has an extensive knowledge on movies of all kinds and is currently earning his Bachelor of Fine Arts in film in hopes of becoming a director.

Personality; Gabe is a funny guy. He likes to entertain, so he's usually the one making jokes or doing something silly just to get a smile or a laugh out of someone. Deep down, he's fairly serious, especially when it comes down to his work or schooling. He's very determined, always putting 110% into everything he does. While that's typically a good thing, sometimes he takes things too far and it has negative effects on him.

Face Claim; Hunter Parrish
Name; Dylan River

Age; 21

Bio; Before he found out he was a superhero, Dylan was just another kid in foster care who tried to fit in, but could never succeed, thanks to his overall geekiness. He did have one thing going for him, though, and that was his super strength. Dylan had always had the power to lift any object, any size, which made chores a piece of cake. It did also make him a freak, so he chose to keep it on the down low as much as possible. As he got older, he went to college, majoring in medicine, because he liked the idea of saving people's lives.

But things took a change when he was contacted by his birth family, who knew the reason for his unexplainable strength.

And that reason, was because he came from a family of superheroes.

Now, life finally has meaning for Dylan! His purpose is to improve the world with his courageous acts, to be the strongest and bravest superhero that has ever lived.

But boy, does he have a lot to learn.

Personality; Dylan is highly competitive, needing to win, and pouting if he doesn't. He's constantly trying to prove himself as having everything figured out and always trying to save the day, usually when people don't want him to. He's afraid of being seen as a coward or weak, and because of this, he can be arrogant. What he is most afraid of is vulnerability. But all in all, he is a lovable, dorky guy, just trying to help society at the end of the day.

Face Claim; Zac Efron

Name; Violet River

Age; 20

Bio; Violet is intelligent. Ha. That's an understatement. Truth is, she's what most people would call a genius. Her mind is faster than any computer in the world. She is a walking encyclopedia, full of information; and a human calculator, able to easily solve even the world's most difficult mathematical equations. But what goes beyond genius and can only be described as super? Violet's mind reading and mind control powers. She knows everyone's thoughts, and can even sometimes manipulate them to her will when she is lucky, which is great, except when it comes to her best friend, Gabe. It feels wrong reading your best friends' mind when he doesn't even know you're a superhero, but she just can't help it. She needs to know what is going on in that brain of his.

Violet likes and needs order, which is why she is a law major, planning to be a lawyer, then judge. But besides loving order, it is a job she feels called to, being the best candidate for it, since her mind reading powers will give her just the leverage she needs.

Things in her world start to become crazy when Gabe finds out her secret, and also when she meets her long lost brother, Dylan; and Violet doesn't like the chaos that comes with it.

Personality; Violet is rather neurotic and tends to worry…a lot. She likes to be the leader of the pack, and it is usually her way or no way. If she knows she can help the situation, she will, whether you want her help or not. Violet is bossy to a fault, and she does not like being told what to do; she is also extremely motherly, especially towards those she cares most for. She is also easily annoyed, suffering from headaches due to all the thoughts she is hearing on any given moment, which makes it hard for her to hear the thoughts she actually wants to hear, which is usually Gabe's. Even though she can be annoying at times, she's got a fun side to her when she is with Gabe.

Face Claim; Emilia Clarke

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