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One x One My Characters


Shy 'n Bubbly Panda
Name: Aria
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4
Weight: 125 lbs
Personality/background: Aria is a reserved and shy being who is very bubbly and can be extroverted at times. She usually keeps herself well held together and quiet around her superiors and those in higher standing than her. Around those who she's comfortable with, she is rather boisterous and the opposite of her composed front that she keeps up in front of others. Like most angels, she's kind, generous, good all around. She's not much of a fighter, just basic combat, as she's more focused in magic and such related areas. She's also a curious being, more curious than most angels, and that causes her trouble at times because she would stick her nose into things that she wasn't supposed to.

Name: Leal
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4
Weight: 185 lbs
Personality/background: In progress

Name: Serena Lee
Age: 18, 19, 21, or 23
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4
Weight: 125 lbs
Personality/background: In progress

Name: Ryder Lockhart
Age: 18, 19, 21, or 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Personality/background: In progress

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