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Fandom My Chains are Broken, the Force Shall Set Me Free (Closed)


Junior Member
Tzelem Nistar
Nickname- Tzel




Tzelem is a master of hiding his own personality. On the outside, he appears to be confident, charismatic, and somewhat c*cky. However underneath it all, he is an insecure young man who is very unsure of himself and his abilities. Another trait of Tzelem is his empathy for others. While at times he must hide his true intentions, he tries his best to be kind and friendly to others. While these would be considerable honorable traits to many, the larger Sith population would widely condemn him for these traits and consider them to be a weakneses. If other Sith were to find out of his "weaknesses," many would verbally, if not physically, attack him for it.

Background (opt.):
Tzelem group on in a well-established Sith family that resides on Dromund Kaas. His upbringing was typical of other Sith families (i.e. his parents would train him from a very young age to fight and learn the force), the only exception was that his family is one of the few alien lineages. While most other established Sith families were either human or Sith Purebloods, Tzlem's family was (begrudgingly by others) accepted into Sith high society. Which led to Tzelem having some of the best schooling and tutors within the Sith Empire. Other than encountering some xenophobic sentiments from his fellow classmates and teachers, Tzelem has lived a rather privileged life.

When Tzelem was around eleven years-old, both of his parents participated in the Sacking of Coruscant, which became the pivotal decision of the Republic signing the Treaty of Coruscant. His father, unfortunately, died in combat against the Jedi. However, his mother survived and returned to Dromund Kaas. While she certainly disciplined her son to become Sith, she would often dote on him at the same time (which often conflicted Tzelem). At around the age of seventeen, his mother would eventually go missing in one of her campaigns in preparation for war against the Republic. The Empire declared her to be killed in action, but no body was ever discovered nor any remnants of her ship being destroyed.

Lightsaber (future):
Hilt - https://torcommunity.com/image…er/sithhigh05.a01_v01.jpg
Color - Orange

Other: None

Even from space Korriban still looked like a desolate planet. A red, dusty orb that contained many Sith tombs and secrets. Prior to the Sith Empire returning, it had been a "relic world." Only showing to the Galaxy what the Sith were and had been left barren since the death of Darth Malak. The Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order had not expected for a return of the Sith and, because of the three hundred years of peace, had grown weak. Today, there is an entire Imperial fleet dedicated to the protection of the Sith homeworld.

While many Harrower-class dreadnoughts surrounded the planet, a new ship had left hyperspace and was currently entering the space of the planet. A landing craft departed from the larger ship, carrying many new acolytes to the surface of the planet. Many of these acolytes would not survive on the planet, but those who do are to become Sith apprentices. This would give them more freedom than most in the Empire and provide them resources that they would not be able to attain otherwise. The landing craft made it's way through the atmosphere of Korriban without issue. The landing pad it would eventually land on was connect to a building that was a bit of distance from the Training Academy. This would be the first round that would evaluate those who were weak and those who were strong.

A young Zabrak made his way out of the landing craft that took him and the other acolytes to the planet. He looked around curiously and studied his surroundings. He could definitely tell that there was a hidden power within this planet. It radiated with energy and practically oozed the dark side of the force. While he had not been in any of the other acolyte's particular path, a human male seemed to push past the Zabrak. Tzelem couldn't help but glare, however it seemed that the human had not even noticed the Zabrak. Tzelem had dealt with racism in the past due to his "alien status" among Sith Purebloods and humans, but he was determined to change his inferior status amongst his fellow Sith. Alien Sith were often looked down by other Sith until they proved themselves strong.

As the group made their way inside the building, a human man in his late thirties was there to "greet" the acolytes. There was a lightsaber attached to his hip and a Sith tattoo spread across his eyelid up to his eyebrow. No doubt he was one of the overseers of the Academy. "Look at this group of refuse. My name is Overseer Harkun and I'm supposed to go through you lot to determine which of you are powerful enough to become apprentices, or apprentice, to Darth Ravus. You should all be grateful for this chance." His eyes slowly made his way across the faces of the different acolytes, you could tell he was full of disgust by the sight of many. "My first assignment for you will to be enter the tomb outside of this building and make their way to the Academy. Those who are not killed by K'lor'slugs or tomb raiders, will have proved themselves to be students of the Academy. For those lucky survivors, make your way to my office. \"

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