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Realistic or Modern [MxM Romance] Zombie Apocalypse - Love, Death, and Everything In-between


Always angry
Alan Scott 'Fitz' Fitzgerald was an anomaly. Standing at something close to 6 feet tall, the 25 year old cut a dashing figure that seemed entirely inappropriate for the world he now lived in. He dressed well all things considered, paying close attention to ensure his hygiene was up to his impossibly high standards; his hair, light-brown and somewhere between short and medium in length, was combed and arranged in such a way that it didn't obstruct his sapphire blue eyes. What was visible of his light toned skin was immaculate, though undoubtedly he had the same scars that most survivors had elsewhere on his body. The gentle curve of his jawline and high cheekbones made him appear almost princely, even more so when his charming smile was factored in, but any who had lived in that world for long enough knew to be wary around such a man.

He was out-of-place, strange. He seemingly didn't belong to a world of violence and struggle, a world where people prioritised survival and nothing else. Perhaps that was one of Fitz's strengths though? Those who underestimated the 'pretty boy' tended to find themselves in a world of hurt if they pushed things too far.

Alan Scott Fitzgerald was no pushover. He was dangerous.

It'd been just over a decade since the world fell to the virus, the government splintering into miniscule factions that ran a handful of safe zones in various parts of the United States. Though, calling them 'safe' zones was perhaps misleading; they were run with an iron fist, the people lived on rations and were required to work constantly lest they be thrown out. It was cruel, but necessary for survival.

The world outside those 'safe' walls was significantly more dangerous, infected roaming the battered landscape and empty cities, eager for their next meal. Bandits were worse. They formed hunting parties, built traps, and clawed their way to survival at the expense of everyone else.

There were bright spots in that dark world though, small communities that had managed to go under the radar for long enough that they could achieve a small semblance of normality. They were rare though, and difficult to gain entry to. People were naturally wary of outsiders.

None of it mattered though; the good or the bad, it didn't matter in the end. This was the world Fitz had inherited, the one he'd grown up in. He was talented in the art of survival, but it came at the expense of personal connection. He kept everyone at arms length. Everyone. So when he finds himself stuck with someone a little younger than himself, someone who hadn't experienced the world outside the safe zones?

Well... things became complicated.


Hey folks! I'm looking for a literate writing partner who'd enjoy writing a long-term story centred around a post-apocalyptic world similar to that in The Last of Us. The main theme will be romance, but Id also love to include the more mature themes that make sense for the world setting. To be blatantly clear, there probably will be mature themes involved given the setting, so keep that in mind. 18+ only please.

I'm completely open to altering details about the world of course, and actively encourage people who enjoy world-building and such. I'm also a fan of OOC chatter since it really helps to get to know who I'm writing with.

Discord is the preferred medium, and third person is the preferred writing method.

If this sounds good to you, then please send me a DM introducing yourself and the character you'd like to play! Hell, tell me what you want out of this RP too! If our interests align, then Id be more than happy to send you my Discord ID.

Either way, thanks for reading!

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