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Futuristic (MxM) An Iron Heart [OPEN]


Should be studying.
Your father was on his desk, passed out. He'd overworked himself again, and although that was common, this time his body had finally given up its waning consciousness for some precious sleep. You couldn't remember the last time your father had fallen asleep, but there he was. Hunched over his work desk, messy hair, snoring to himself quietly. He seemed well out of it. A bomb could go off and he would still be blissfully unaware of his surroundings. There was no chance in hell he was going to get up any time soon. You stare at him. And then you realise you haven't seen him sleeping soundly for almost two years since he'd started working on that secret project of his. Not even you, his 16 year old son, were allowed to see it. He'd roar at you and rush you away whenever you tried to get into this room. He was like a dragon fiercely defending its precious treasure hoard. But now the tables had turned. Your father was so tired he sluggishly stumbled in without realising he didn't shut the door behind him. The door that'd prevented you from entering this sacred place for two whole years. You were in. And he was out. He's gone. He's sleeping.

You knew the massive supercomputer in front of him was connected to whatever project he was working on. The lack of flashing code and gibberish told you that whatever he was working on was inactive. Sleeping, just like your father. Just waiting to be discovered. You were very curious. You wanted to see what your father was working on. He had always let you watch him work on his projects, so why not this one? It wouldn't hurt to see it. Besides, how would knowing what this project was do any harm? That's right, it wouldn't. Your attention turns to the side. Your eyes light up. You see it. Two sliding doors that sealed the next room shut. The room that held whatever your father was working on. Two years of work, holed up right there, just waiting to be discovered. Right there. They stood there proudly. They were like the golden gates to heaven, and you wanted to enter. The doors would slide right open quietly for you and let you right in without any fuss. No dramas. No one would know. You turn your attention back to your sleeping father. He continued to silently snore to himself. You would've thought he died on the spot if you didn't hear him breathing. The doors drag the focus of your eyes back onto it. It was time. You could sneak in, or leave. But, you had a feeling that whatever was behind those doors was grand. Something spectacular. All you had to do was walk up to them.
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