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Realistic or Modern Mutations Running Wild - CS



Return To Owner
-Max of 2 character
-Try to be creative with your powers or mutations
-No Op powers
-Realistic and non realistic pics allowed
-No killing unless given permission
-Thats all the rules for now

Character Sheet

Appearance: (Picture Please)
Age: (Everyone is a teenager)
Facility Number: (This is what the Facility employees call you)
Personality: (Optional)


Name:Kristina Elsner
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Facility Number:237
Mutation: Partial Shifting
Can't fully shift into animals but can borrow many animals physical features and ablities(Wolf fangs, tiger tail, gorilla strength, cheetah speed). She usually doesn't look fully human most of the time and sometimes even acts like and animal.
Personality:Kris hates everyone until you manage to gain her trust. She tends not to talk very much. As proven by a guard she is very aggresive and will bite you if she doesn't like you and you get any of your body parts near her mouth. Though is protective of the few she calls friend, and gets really angry when they get hurt
Dislikes:Most people, people she doesn't like touching her
Weaknesses: Is very aggressive and that often gets her in trouble
Other: When taken out of her cell the guards usually shackle her arms together behind her back
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5’4|143 lbs
Name: Jessie Mills
Nickname: Jess
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Facility Number: 127
Mutation: Plant manipulation
She can only really make flowers and vines. The flowers, not so useful. The vines on the other hand, when her powers even work, the vines acting like rope but are easier to cut. Can only grow them ten to fifteen feet at their longest. The flowers only come into use to busy her mind, sprouting them from her hand and around her cell.
Personality: Jess is usually reserved around the guards, silent and moves very little. Though, when they aren’t around, she chats up a storm. Throwing out puns and little jokes at the worst times. These times only being to try and brighten up the mood
Dislikes: Tight spaces with people against her, people destroying her plants
Weaknesses: Weapons in general, loosing ones she is attached to
Other: Knows basic hand-to-hand combat​
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Name: Mamerie Walker
Nickname: Rabbit, Mamie, Mam
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Facility Number: 079
Mutation: Animagus (Lop-eared rabbit) She can transform into a lop-eared rabbit at will, but she has her long ears all the time. It takes her a lot of concentration to get rid of her ears and it only lasts for up to five minutes.
Personality: Mamerie is very quiet around everyone. She hardly speaks to other mutants and guards. But when she is a rabbit she is very energetic and runs around her room. She will warm up to people if they pet her.
Dislikes: Loud noises, long waits, guards, people pulling or messing with her ears without permission
Weaknesses: She is very small even as a human(4'8"), she doesn't know how to fight
Other: She was found and brought to The Facility when she was seven.

Name: Hamlet Whitmore
Nickname: Paradox
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Facility Number: 216
Mutation: Animal Morphing-He can turn into any animal at will, present or extinct whether completely or partially. He is also able to use their abilities and traits and gains their instincts when he is in animal form but he has to fight the instincts at first when shifting into an animal. He is not able to talk physically as an animal however as his vocal chords change but has adapted to this by developing the ability to speak telepathically in animal form. Despite this, he is able to obtain his human memories. Keen animal senses of sight, smell & hearing combined with human intelligence are heightened further than that of a regular animal. He can perceive infra red, ultra violent, heat, heartbeat, health, pheromones, feelings & emotions such as anger, shame, grief, disgust, fear or lust). The weaknesses of this are that he requires either a visual memory of the creature or touching the animal in order to absorb its DNA into his own body. He is not able to shift from one animal to another and the process is quite painful as well as clothing not transferring into animal form except skintight clothing. He is only able to remain in animal for two hours, any longer than that and he begins to lose his humanity. When he is asleep or unconscious as an animal, he reverts back to his human form.
Umbrakinesis-He is able to create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows as a whole. He can teleport via shadows over massive distances, create weapons and constructs out of shadows, cover everything in darkness, cloak himself in shadows and absorb light as well as developing high low-light vision and night vision. He can create tendrils, chains and threads to catch and bind a victim as well as swim through shadows like a person can through water. He is able to camouflage himself in shadows and cloak people from sight via shadows as well as use darkness attacks. The weaknesses of this are that because his eyes have adapted to darkness, they are highly sensitive to light. This power takes a large amount of energy to perform. If used for too long, he will black out, and enter a state of comatose for about 7 hours, depending on how long he has exceeded the use of his power. He can become affected/corrupted through extended exposure. He has to be in sync with his own darkness as the source of his power.
Regenerative Healing Factor-Paradox is capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of his body with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Injuries that result in massive tissue damage such as bullet wounds, slashes, punctures, blunt force trauma, and severe burns heal completely, without so much as a scar, in a shorter amount of time—hours or days instead of weeks or months. He can recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, even slowing down his aging. His weaknesses of this power are that decapitation can kill him, damage to the brain can cause him to take longer to heal, healing doesn't include pain suppression so he feels everything which involves inflammation as well. He still needs food, air and water to survive, unfortunately the power also requires him to feed on souls as well. He is still able to get sick/ill and catch diseases.
Personality: (Optional)
  • Fire
  • Small tight spaces
  • Being poked and prodded by the guards/forced to shift into animals for their amusement (like a monkey) or pull things (such as being a dire wolf or a horse)
  • Light as it blinds him and hurts him
  • His eyes are highly sensitive to light due to his ability of low-light & night vision, forcing him to wear sunglasses in the day time.
  • He doesn't know how to use weapons.
  • His healing knowledge is limited, he only knows basic healing capabilities thanks to his grandmother being a herbalist.
  • Although his animal forms give him heightened senses and increased strength/stamina/endurance, when he is human he is nothing but a 4'9" boy who possesses the normal strength of a human as well as their stamina and senses.
  • Light-Light hurts him and is painful, his cell is always lit up so he can't use his Umbrakinesis ability.
  • He was learning martial arts before he was taken into the facility.
  • His punishments often involve fire in some way or being locked up. When he is taken out his cell, he has a device that is forced on him to keep him from using his powers and his hands and feet are often shackled, the chains themselves attached to a collar around his neck that only the guards can get off.
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Name: Sasha Miller
Nickname: Shadow
Age: (Everyone is a teenager) 17
Gender: female
Facility Number:201
Mutation: Umbrageous teleportation; can teleport via shadows/darkness, merging into shadows/darkness and appearing anywhere else from the same element.
Personality: Sasha is a bit reserved, shy, and somewhat of a loner. She always found comfort with hiding in the shadows and not interacting with anyone, but it’s not like they would be interested. She’s a bit insecure and always cautious and on edge when it comes to trusting other people.
Dislikes: Light, a lot of extreme light directly on her hurts her
Weaknesses: must be able to touch or be near shadow or darkness, light
Other: she doesn't really know how to fight and is so scared of the guards, she always listens to them. She is always kept away from the darkness/shadows cause she could escape through it so her cell is well-lit​

Name: Daren Rare
Nickname: Breathe
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Facility Number: 148
Mutation: Sensory Manipulation- Daren has the ability to deprive, weaken, or strengthen the senses of himself or others through a variety of gases he is capable of breathing out and sounds he can produce. Used correctly this means he can cause seizures, anxiety attacks or breakdowns via sensory overload as well as vertigo, momentary blindness, momentary deafness etc. However, the effects can be slowly removed by escaping the gas/ sound and simply breathing in fresh air and settling with silence.
Personality: (Optional)
Dislikes: Analog Clocks- Hates the sound of ticking
Being Lonely
Weaknesses: Prone to over exertion due to frequently neutralizing his sense of feeling
Other: Practiced Savate before being held at the facility.​

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