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Fantasy Mutant Overload [Dream x Sazzy]


New Member
1723; Wales, England.

The Mutant Underground League(TMUL) was first founded in 1723, in Wales, England. As was the first genetically modified human being. It had started out as two friends, Domenico Guerilla and Patrick van Ross, trying to figure out a way to make them superior than the other human's around them. There were several wars going on at the time, and many more to come in future years; Domenico and Patrick wanted a chance to survive, wanted to live, see the day that their children grew up and their grandchildren, too. Their experiments were a success.

Once they were absolutely certain that the Mutant Genetic Modification would absolutely work on humans, as they had been testing it on themselves -which was rather bold on their part, as they had no clue if it [would] actually work - they started injecting their family members with the Genetic Mutation Gene that would one day become superior to their kind. They kept their Genetic Experiment quiet, not wanting anyone else to catch wind of what they had done. Domenico, he had the ability to slow down time and alter it to the needs of his own and others around him - it helped, greatly, when bullets started flying through the air and he had to protect his family and at the time pregnant wife from being murdered.

Patrick, he had the strength of twenty men and was practically invincible. His powers came in handy when a building collapsed after cannons exploded around where he lived. HIs family, two young sons and a daughter, were protected by their father who huddled over them to keep the building structure from collapsing on top of them. Patrick's wife, however, had not been so lucky and died in the building collapse. Patrick was devastated, and it was understandable, she was the love of his life and because of that day, he had lost her - his powers did not come in handy for her, no matter how hard he tried to save her.

Patrick and Domenico decided, after that, that living in England was no longer safe for their families. And, with that notion, they ventured from England to America, settling in large New York City - even at the time. It was perfect for them, as no one knew them. They could blend in better, be more 'human' than what they were now. Their children had their own genetic mutations, and somehow with each injection, they each got different powers - the serum was powerful, it was not at all understood even by the creators, but it was what kept them alive, and still does to this day.

2018; Somewhere in Texas, United States:

The Underground Mutant League had been successfully running for two-hundred and ninety-five years. Generations upon Generations of genetically modified races have come and gone through their ranks; old, young, men, women, and non-gender specific races as well. Over the years of genetic modifying, more and more different types of 'X-Gene Mutants' became readily apparent. Their bloodlines were all skewed after all of the years that they had been living with the genes. People continued, daily, to transform and take on new looks as their powers not only grew stronger, but they developed them more. Some, however, still looked like the humans that they were born as and they could be considered the most powerful X-Gene Mutants of the world.

Because of the fear people had, the US Government created the "Sentinel Army Forces". They were tasked with detaining X-Gene Mutants who were a danger to the human society. Some were, of course, rogue or corrupted, beliefs skewed by Media Propaganda. Especially after the 1920-Attacks that had several Mutants pegged as perpetrators who started several wars across the globe. Some even claimed that Hitler was a mutant, but those claims had never been proven and Mutants weren't claiming him either way - they wanted no dirty blood on their hands from that man.

Anyway -- TMUL was not a place for vengeance, murder, or any violence. They were now a safe haven - a place for X-Mutants and their families alike to come for safety, to escape from the Sentinel Hunters. And the Purifiers - those were the worst of the group. They were the people who preached that their genetic mutation was an abomination and would murder a Mutant just for being visibly different; whether it was their skin, their hair, or their unique eye color.

Clay "Vamp" Ross happened to be one of those 'Rare' and 'Unique' X-Gene Mutants. At six-foot-tall, he was considered of average height, but his red toned skin and his black eyes and jet-black hair made it very obvious that he was not of 'Human' quality any longer. He was a full-blown X-Mutant, his children - should he ever have any - would also be fully transformed mutants. Clay has medium-length hair that goes to between his shoulder blades, but he is clean shaven on both sides of his head, leaving him with just a Mohawk and that long patch of hair that is most often seen tightly braided.

Clay did not fear the sentinel hunters nearly as much as those others whom he lived with at the TMUL Compound. His levitation powers gave him the ability to basically fly over the cities around him, thus he was never spotted or seen, unless he wanted to be - which was not at all often. Clay preferred being a hidden entity because he had another power, which they called 'Energy Vampire' hence the nickname "Vamp" -- He was capable of using and manipulating any and all X-Mutant powers, sometimes against his own will, just depending upon how emotional one X-Mutant was at the time.

On this day, Clay was just out flying over the Texas towns, looking for any trouble that may be occurring - he was always trying to help people out whenever he could, even though most were afraid of him because of his demonic looking features (He totally blamed 1990's Television show "Charmed" for that, as he looked like Balthazar) with red skin and black tribal markings that covered his arms, chest, back, neck, and the sides of his head. He had never met anyone with that specific genetic mutation, nor had he ever met anyone with two powers, such as himself. He was rare indeed.

Clay sighed and landed on one of the large oak trees just outside of the small town that the TMLU compound was closest too, looking out across the flat Texas lands that he now called home. Boredom was starting to set in, as there was nothing going on with the Sentinel Forces, or anything that was of utmost important for the TMUL Militant Captain to handle - that was his title, Militant Captain. Yeah, he ran and operated all TMUL Military Operations, protection, serving his people - it was a big task, a task that he took seriously... except for days where nothing was going on.​
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2018 - Killeen, Texas, United States
Marie was taking a nice, hot shower after a long day on the farm when she heard it. A thump, a pained groan, and then... nothing. Her entire being froze as her heart raced.

Was it a burglar? Why wasn't she dead already? What if it was a mutant?!

Even after a few minutes, nothing happened. She peeked out of the shower curtain, and there she saw him. There was a boy in the sprawled over the toilet, and he was unconscious. She was home alone. Her husband wouldn't be home for another day, and help was more than a few miles away. Marie decided to just take him to the couch and be far away when he woke up. Yes. And then call the police, then Bob. Yes, that was what she would do. But first... She needed to put on some clothes.


When Garnet woke up, he instantly knew he wasn't in any kind of lab. It wasn't his home or the lab of his rescuers. The smell was more like the hut he stayed in the night before his health check-up in the Professor's lab, but it was entirely foreign. He was instantly on his feet, eyes wide opened, and saw the only other person in his immediate vicinity. A woman, but she was holding a black object in her hand and looked really scared. It looked like a baton, but it definitely was not a baton. He'd never learned about that object, so it was probably as old as the woman looked. They locked eyes, and no one moved.

"W-W-What are you doing in my house?!" The old lady's voice shook severely as she talked.

What? What? He knew that she was scared. He also knew that she might even hurt him. He understood her intentions like how he understood Pokemon, but he was sure that this was an entirely different language from his own. People in the Kanto Region spoke one language. Where was he?! He needed to get out of here.

When he took a step back, the lady pointed her object towards him, and he moved to escape. He didn't know what that thing was, but he knew she was thinking of hurting him if he didn't respond. He ran across the living quarters of the wooden cabin and into the kitchen, but she didn't follow. He heard the door slam, and a siren call coming closer and closer. Was that her call for the rest of her comrades? He needed to disappear.

Garnet knew he could do it. He did it all those times to get out of trouble with the Coats. He spread his senses for anything living in the distance. The lady, two other people, and a bunch of Pokemon? There were Pokemon clustered every few miles apart from each other. He reached out to the furthest he could sense, and disappeared from the lady's kitchen.

He stumbled onto an open field and dropped to the ground in shivers. Phantom pains. It started happening ever since the Coats started shocking him every time he teleported. He needed to get further away. He Garnet lifted his head as the pain subsided. Instead of Pokemon he thought he could rely on for directions, he saw a big open field with lots of.. what were these things? Four-legged, some brown, some white with black spots. Some new form of Miltanks? There was nothing else in sight other than green grass. Short, green grass.

What was this place?
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Clay tilted his head up to the sky and took a deep breath of the fresh country-side air. The scent in the air seemed to change within a matter of seconds, and before Clay knew it, he was sensing the fears of someone - while not entirely X-Mutant, it was still someone in trouble and with a likeness to their kind. Clay opened his own senses wide and took more deep breaths to sense where the fearful person was located.

Levitating upwards, Clay started moving toward where the fear was the strongest, his black eyes wide open as he scanned the open fields of the roadside farm. Clay saw in the Cow Pastures a figure on the ground, curled up and looking as frightened as possible as the cows tried moving closer. Clay couldn't allow that - he knew what a frightened cow could do, and he did not want any harm coming to the figure... Although dropping down like he was about to do, would also likely scare the person.

Clay had no choice, he dropped fast and hard onto the ground, red skin gleaming in the sunlight as he glared at the cows that had been trying to surround the unknown... Clay glanced over his shoulder... Man. The unknown man on the ground. He could see that he was clearly in pain, frightened from something - it couldn't have been *just* the cows, either. Clay scared off what cows he could, simply by landing, and the others he roared at until they all dispersed from the immediate area.

Clay then turned slowly and crouched in front of the unknown man, smiling gently "You're alright now, I promise... I won't hurt you." he said quietly, looking at the frightened eyes before him. He felt a strong connection to this lost man, and wanted to help him in any way that he could - even at the cost of his own soul.
So overwhelmed and confused by the sudden revelation that he might not even be on his own planet, Garnet didn't register someone landing until he heard a loud roar. Garnet's eyes snapped up to the source of the roar, and was even more confused.

Aren't normal people supposed to have skin that's not red?

The roar was over before he could think of anything else, and the.. person knelt in front of him. The skin was so red. There were black markings on his face, and his dark black hair was only half there. It reminded him of Ruby, who had lost her hair after one session and disappeared a few days later.

Ha.. He's never felt so pathetic in so long. Curled up and looking up to an unknown creature who spoke a language he still didn't underdstand. Yet, he felt so safe. Garnet nodded, his heartrate slowing to normal speeds. He didn't know what else to do, so he tried to communicate through mentally.

My name is Garnet.
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Clay sat on his knees in front of the young man before him - he could hear the mental communication being passed over to him, but there was no way for Clay to respond. He closed his eyes lightly and tried connecting to Garnet, to see if the mental telepathy was his x-mutant power, but apparently it was not. Clay felt his skin almost crystalizing, hardening at the surface and just below it as well. He killed the connection immediately. It kind of hurt - if Garnet stayed with them, they would have to work on that; Clay couldn't have people around him that would unintentionally hurt him with their powers... It had devastating affects that he wished to not relive in any capacity.

Clay tilted his head to the side and held out a hand to Garnet "I'm Clay..." he hoped that just something basic would be appropriate. He wanted to ask the young man so much more, but all he could really think of was Garnet's well being and getting him somewhere safe "Are you injured anywhere? Hurt?"

He hoped that smaller words, annunciated correctly and spelled out basically would help him get through to Garnet. They would definitely have to get over this language barrier, and fast -- Otherwise he would have to rely on another Mutant to help him communicate with Garnet for the interim - which was probably what he would have to do anyway. If the young man agreed to come with him.
"I'm Clay," Garnet repeated as he kept his connection alive. A weird name for a weird language. At least he knew that his mental connection worked, but he wondered why the man didn't respond. It's much easier than picking up someone's intentions. Pokemon could always communicate with him, but this world might not even have Pokemon. Weird creatures and a red-skinned humanoid might just be the beginning of the differences.

Still, the man was friendly and not a threat at the moment. So when the man extended his hand, Garnet took it and heaved himself to his feet. There was no pain, but he was really tired. But wow, he was so tall. Compared to Garnet's 5'9'', he was slightly taller.

When Garnet noticed that I'm Clay showed concern for him, he responded with, I'm okay. Where is this place? And really. He'd never been so glad that his chosen lab Pokemon during the experiments had been psychic. His teleportation and a mental connection has never been so useful or life saving until now.
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Clay quirked an eyebrow at Garnet when he repeated his sentence, but it wasn't unusual. He had worked with foreigners plenty of times to know that the English language was complicated and hard to grasp - Garnet wasn't going to be judged for that at all "Right... My name is Clay." he said, hoping that would clear up the confusion for Garnet, not wanting to be called 'I'm Clay' whenever they were together - should they remain this way for longer than now.

Clay stood with Garnet and dusted the dirt and grass off of jeans he was wearing. Garnet was definitely shorter than him, but not by much - just a few inches, it was rather cute, given that a lot of people he worked and lived with were taller than he was.

Clay was glad for the mental connection, even if he couldn't respond to Garnet but verbally. "This is Texas. United States of America." Clay said slowly, still wanting to keep a good flow of conversation with the foreign man. "Would you be okay coming with me? I would like to deliver you somewhere safe." And get help from another telepath to properly communicate - although that was left unsaid, like some things were meant to be.
Garnet frowned. So many words.. But he started to notice the little things, like how I'm Clay put a mental emphasis on Clay when he spoke again. It was like he wanted Garnet to notice this one word, so it was probably his name. This place was also probably called Texas, but he didn't know what United.. whatever that sentence was supposed to mean. He would figure out the specifics later. The man also probably wanted Garnet to know that it was safe to come with him him, seeing as how he seemed to put a certain gentle and safe feeling into the word safe.

For now, Garnet would follow this man. All he knew was that Clay wanted to move to a safe location, and that he wanted Garnet to go with him. Texas was not at all in Kanto, which already meant that he only had this person to rely on. If there were more people like that old lady around this place, he would rather take his chances going with the red-skinned man. He nodded and took a step forward, extending his hand in a show of his trust.

"Clay. Safe." It felt wrong to say it, but he felt weird if the man was the only one talking out loud.
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Clay nodded and smiled, he took Garnet's hand in his own and took a deep breath. He released it slowly and then started floating upwards into the air, taking Garnet along with him for the ride. They were only about a mile to a mile and a half away from the TMUL compound, so it wouldn't take too terribly long to get there... It would have been longer on foot, but Clay's ability to levitate was definitely going to come in handy - he just hoped he didn't scare Garnet too much.

Traversing the skies, Clay quickly got him and Garnet from the cow pastures, over the small density of trees and onto TMUL grounds within just a few minutes. He landed carefully and helped Garnet to his own feet. "This is where I live... and several friends." He pointed to the large mansion-styled home - it was a bit run down looking, windows boarded up, no glass in any of them... Weeds were growing high among the brick walls, ivy vines wrapping around the marble pillars of the front porch.

Clay kept a good hold on Garnet's hand as they went up the stairs and into the compound "SQUIRT!" he shouted, glancing around the building until a young - teenaged - boy came running up to him. "Squirt, this is Garnet. Garnet, Squirt." Clay said, pointing between the two as he introduced them. "I need to use your abilities, Squirt. Garnet here is from another dimension... or something... and knows little to no English."

Squirt rolled his eyes - like most teenagers would at being 'needed' by an adult "Yeah, sure... whatever you say Vamp... The study is available and quiet." Squirt said in a sarcastic teenaged-tone, just before he turned and headed in the direction of the study.

Garnet and Clay had no choice but to follow the teenager, as he was their only hope of rightful communication. Once in the study, Clay released Garnet's hand and sat down himself on one of the long leather couches. Squirt stood in a far off corner, a look of disinterest on his face as he read one of the books in the room - something he had likely read a dozen times or better. Clay took a deep breath and started channeling Squirt's abilities to use them as his own.

"Where are you from, Garnet? Not of this world, I assume?"
He guessed that he got the name correct this time since Clay grabbed his hand with no sign of exasperation. Clay's smile helped him relax slightly, but the feeling was short lived. As soon as the man started to floated upwards, he gripped the hand as hard as he could. The one thought that kept repeating was, Don't let go, Don't let go, Don't let go, as he screamed. It was like his first flying experience all over again.

By the time they landed, Garnet's red hair was rustled and his voice hoarse from the screaming. If he discounted the very real possibility that he might have fallen, Garnet thought it was awesome. He couldn't keep the crazy grin off of his face as his pants faded into a regular breathing pattern and he looked around. Clay didn't live here alone, was what Garnet gathered from his mental connection.

The building was a bit like a haunted mansion, but he didn't have much time to look as Clay led him by the hand into the house and up the stairs. He grew a more anxious with each step. This place looked like a good place for a Ghastly or maybe a Gengar to haunt. A bit creepy, if you asked him.

After a shout from Clay, a teenage boy came running towards them. Introductions were done faster than Garnet could even assess the boy. Squirt was his name, and that was the only he knew for sure. His hand stayed attatched to Clay's even as his eyes were glued to the new boy named Squirt.

He didn't know what the two were saying, but Garnet wasn't so sure he liked Squirt. Not an enemy, he classified, but not friendly. He knew the other thought the same of him even if he seemed to not care. After following the teenager into a room, he reluctantly let go of Clay's hand but stood standing. He stood close to Clay, and also faced the bookshelf so that he had at least had a side view of Squirt in the corner. Garnet may have reluctantly given his trust to Clay, but Squirt was not in the same position to gain a trustworthy review from Garnet. He only needed to one person to trust right now. It didn't seem Squirt was really reading that book either. Garnet was definitely not trusted.

His eyes narrowed in surprised at the mental communication, but he decided not to ask why Clay didn't just do this when they first met. Maybe it had to do with Squirt's presence. It didn't matter since they were doing it now anyway.

This place isn't anywhere I'm familiar with, to say the least. I'm from the Kanto Region. Heard of it?
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Clay shook his head and frowned slightly "I haven't heard of it... I'm sorry. Clay rubbed his neck and tried wracking his brain for any clue as to what the Kanto Region was, and where it was exactly. Nothing seemed to be clicking with him though. "Where is Kanto?" he asked.

Clay glanced around the study and settled on Squirt's disinterested facial expression, he wanted to laugh about the teenager's uncaring nature - when in reality Squirt was one of the more docile and helpful teenagers they had on premise. Clay then looked over at Garnet and bit his lip; it was so apparent that Garnet was not of their world, he wanted to help Garnet in everyway possible, but he just didn't know how yet...

Clay kept his focus on Garnet after his mild introspective of the two in the room. With Squirt here, he could venture further into Garnet's mind, explore the Kanto Region that Garnet continues questioning about and small snippets of Garnet's life. Flashes of memories from Garnet's life flashed through Clay's own mind, and at some points he felt like crying... Other's he just felt like getting up and hugging Garnet - the young man had endured so much in his short life, and it hurt Clay to see all of that. But, he kept a semi-professional mannerism about himself, and a neutral expression on his face as he looked at Garnet.
Garnet expected as much, but he ended up exhaling a sharp breath in exasperation.

The Kanto region. He began to recite. The knowledge from the Orphanage was still engraved in his brain even after all these years. Home to many humans and Pokemon alike, a center for technological innovation, and an opportunity for trainers to participate in the regional competitions. It is east of its neighboring region Johto. Team Rocket based their operations in the Kanto and Johto regions, contributing to a large part of the black market and underground research of Pokemon.

He finished and closed his eyes. He wasn't ready to look at Clay, who might look at him with clueless eyes. Even though he'd never seen his old friends from the Orphanage, he made new ones. These past ten years were probably the happiest of his life. Now that it seemed like he wasn't in his region, it seemed like an entirely different world. He thought back to the unfamiliar Pokemon. Were those even Pokemon?

Just tell me already. Is this even my world?
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Clay shook his head slowly and frowned as he stood up and moved in front of Garnet This isn't Kanto... Or the world you are from. He didn't know any other way to explain it and he wished he could help Garnet better understand where he was and what was going on. Clay set his hand on Garnet's shoulder and squeezed lightly.

He waited until Garnet opened his eyes and looked at him, and Clay smiled softly I know this place may seem scary, and it's definitely different from where you're used too... But I promise, I will keep you safe, Garnet. I'll try - if you want - to help you figure out a way to get back to Kanto, but in the meantime... I hope you can trust me enough to help keep you safe and out of harm's way... Clay still wanted very much to hug the young man, but instead just kept a hand on his shoulder.

With a hand on Garnet's shoulder, the mental connection they shared seemed to grow stronger - fractured memories that Clay had seen from Garnet's past were more clear, more visible and easier to understand, clicking pieces into place that seemed disjointed at first. Garnet also would have a viewing window into Clay's past as well - all of the violence, destruction, death, that Clay had seen over the years of fighting off the Sentinel Hunters. Even the death of his own parents, which he witnessed himself...
It wasn't what he wanted to hear, but it was his reality. His head dropped slightly, the squeeze on his shoulder keeping him grounded to the present moment. They just stayed like that for a while until Garnet felt so awkward that he couldn't feel bad about his situation. When he lifted his head to look properly at Clay, he was rewarded with that gentle smile he saw during their first encounter. The words of encouragement almost seemed like a lie, a promise of protection he might not receive. Still, Clay had been gentle and kind in their interactions. He almost felt pitied.

Garnet made a decision in that moment, staring at Clay's red face, that he would put his complete trust in this man. He could feel their minds and memories intertwine, and that more than anything made him want to cry. So much death, but the suffering was not an unfamiliar subject to him. Garnet tried smirking, but it still looked like he wanted to cry.

So.Now that you've taken responsibility, I hope you're ready to lead the way. Dimension travellers like me can only Splash on land like these.

To an outsider, no words were exchanged. Just a series of looks and gestures, and a man who looked like he was about to cry for no apparent reason.
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Clay couldn't take the sadness in Garnet's eyes any longer. He broke the mental connection - but just for the time being - and wrapped Garnet up in his arms, hugging the younger man close to his chest and smoothing a hand down the back of his head and his spine slowly. Tears were riding down his own cheeks, they were an milky white color, as opposed to the normal clear liquid.

"I am so sorry, Garnet. So, so sorry..." he said quietly into Garnet's ear, having picked up a few key words and sentences from the mental connection they shared together. Clay may not be fluent in Kantonese, but he had a feeling that if he stayed connected with Garnet, and just stayed with Garnet in general, he would be learning a lot more; as would Garnet. "I promise, I will lead you, protect you, guide you... I am taking on that role."

Clay pulled back slowly, wiping at the milky tears on his red cheeks and smiled tearfully down at Garnet "I will get you through this difficult time." he promised quietly, his voice hoarse from showing so much emotion - it was very unlike him, but he now had a connection to Garnet that he had never had with anyone before, it was different for him, and he was certain that Garnet had been the friend he had been looking for - the one who could settle his inner turmoil.
Garnet flinched violently when Clay hugged him and stiffened at the touch. It seemed like he still felt highly uncomfortable with hugs, and it had been so long since someone tried hugging him. Professor said the same words Clay was whispering into his ear as she hugged him gently ten years ago. It didn't register to him that Clay was speaking out loud in Kantonese until he heard the promise again. When Clay pulled away and smiled, Garnet felt his body relax.

Ha! Look at us, crying for a person we just met. He was definitely going to regret this later.

"Yeah, hello?" An annoyed voice interrupted. It was Squirt, who was leaning against the bookshelf with a closed book in his hand. His arms were crossed, and his face still looked extremely disinterested as he looked at the two men. "You guys can continue this later. Right time, right place. Heard of it?" He sighed in exasperation, feeling out of place in this kind of atmosphere. He looked at Clay. "We're having lunch soon, so come down to the dining hall when you guys are ready. Figure out what's going with this guy and update us later, will you? I'm leaving."

And with that, Squirt stalked out of the room, and the door clicked shut. Garnet was surprised that the door didn't slam shut after hearing Squirt's tone. Teenagers. It was probably didn't change across dimensions.
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Days seemed to go by quickly between Garnet, Clay, and the entirety of The Mutant Underground League.

Before they really knew it, three months had already gone by - in that time, Clay and Garnet had started spending a lot of time together; it was actually an inevitable - but not bad - situation that they were placed in. Since Garnet did not have a power that was active all of the time, Garnet made for the perfect roommate for Clay, who had not since been able to keep a roommate until Garnet came along. It was a relief to the other leaders of TMUL, as they didn't have to find or clear a space for Garnet, and they also finally had someone who seemed to know how to block out Clay's inability to syphon other's powers to use as his own.

Alongside being roommates, Clay and Garnet seemed to keep their mental connection fluid, albeit they could not communicate without another telepath - at least for those first few weeks - in the room with them, mostly they relied on Squirt for that task, though. Now, three months into it, and the dynamic duo were finally starting to have actual conversations. Clay now knew more Kantonese, while at the same time Garnet also knew more English - it was definitely strange listening to them talk, as they often times spoke in both languages in the same sentences. Especially if a word they didn't know came up and they had to use their own language to try and describe it, hoping that the other would know what they were saying.

Today was a new day for Garnet and Clay, though. They were going to start on Power-Syphoning lessons so that, one day, whenever Clay did have to use Garnet's Mutant Power, it would not overwhelm him and kill him - it had almost happened once in his past, and it was a very difficult time for Clay when it did happen. The person who he had tried syphoning powers from, did eventually die and it was a heartbreaking time for Clay, as they were the best of friends. So, syphoning powers and using them for his own, if they were powerful - which Garnet's were - scared him a lot. He didn't want to die, and he certainly didn't want Garnet to die... This would be a slow, long, arduous process.

Clay sat in his bed and stared at Garnet as the young man slept, he knew how to wake up the younger man, but he was not quite mentally prepared to wake him just yet. It wouldn't be another hour, of simply just staring and thinking, before Clay got up from his bed and went over to Garnet, "Clock in, Garnet." he said quietly, shaking the younger man's shoulder. It was only just shy of six AM - a little later than when Clay was used to getting his act in order, but he really did need that hour of silent contemplation in order to prepare himself for their first syphoning session today - and along with it, a brief history lesson between the duo.
"Clock in, Garnet."

Garnet opened his eyes a few seconds later and sat up. His eyes were unfocused, but he got out of bed and made his bed as if he were fully awake. By the time the bed was made, he was coherent and realized something. Scientists didn't call him Garnet. He groaned.

"We agreed not say until important," he grumbled and raised his hand to cover a yawn. He looked at the time - not even six in the morning. Clay could have let him rest a little more before their first power syphoning lesson. He couldn't sleep until two! He huffed but resigned himself to being tired for the rest of the day.

"Okay. Whatever. Explain sy-phon-ing lesson. Then we start, yes?"
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Clay sat down Indian-style on the bed across from Garnet, his hands clasped in his lap and his eyes focused on his hands. "I'd like to speak with you first... Before we do our syphoning lessons." Clay said quietly. This would likely be the hardest part of the day, for not only him but Garnet as well. It was not that Clay couldn't do it, talk about personal information, but he was unsure of what Garnet knew. And because of the mental connection, Clay knew everything - maybe too much, more than Garnet even knew.

"I would like to know about your past... Everything you know about it. I want to hear it from you personally... I know that I saw it, but I would like to hear it from you." Clay requested quietly, looking solemnly at Garnet "What is your first memory that you remember?"
He frowned, wondering if he understood correctly. Tell Clay everything he knows about his past? He may have resolved to put his trust in Clay, but there are things that he wanted to stay in the dark recesses of his mind. Because of their mental connection, their lives were laid bare in front of the other. He saw things Clay probably no longer remembers. Garnet was sure that Clay saw things that he no longer remembered about himself too. He doesn't want to remember. Things were silent for a little while.

Clay better have a good reason for this heart-to-heart session. He didn't want to hear about Clay's past, but Clay's slumped posture told Garnet that it probably wasn't easy for Clay to ask this of him. The beginnings of a scowl made its way onto his as he abruptly sat down on his bed.

"Yes. Well. First memory is scientist. From time of kid," he hesitated, "needles into my arm." He became conscious of the lines and freckle-like dots on his body, scars from his experiments.

"I was Subject 234. Many subjects came and go, but mostly just me and eight kids. Scientists experimented with us to create perfect human-Pokemon mix. We had no names, so picked names for each other from book. My name is Garnet because my hair. We were not to yell, scream, cry, or run. Kids went away when they acted like children. They, hmm, disappeared, and we never saw them again. We played with talking each other quietly.

"When I was eleven years old, scientists were caught. The children were free, and special children were tested. There were nine. Ruby, Rose, Coral, Peridot, Sapphire, Jade, and Jasper freed because they had no great... mutations. Only appearance mutation, but no powers like Pokemon. Crystal and I must stayed for five more years for testing. We both have psychic powers, so they helped us control powers. It hurts me to use levitation and teleport because scientists put, eh, necklace to hurt me."

He grimaced and rested his arms on his arms, loosely intertwining his fingers together.

"A shock collar would shock me if I tried to escape using teleport. I'm traumatised by it because I was stupid and tried to escape using teleport many times. At first, I had no control over teleport so they not cared. I always used teleport inside my assigned room. One day, I used it knowingly and appeared in the lab... I was so stubborn. Levitate is so weak, it's hardly worth mentioning.

"Anyway. Next ten years were happy. Professor was gentle and nice, and my friends stayed around the village. I learned many things about Pokemon, had school, and got the best Pokemon. His name is... His name was Bubbles. Bubbles was taked by Team Rocket last year..."

Garnet sighed long and hard before continuing. He had to get to the part he crossed dimensions.

"I... I went to main base of Team Rocket to try find information about Bubbles. They found me, and I ran into empty room. Big, glowing machine filled the room. Looked.. abandoned. I hided behind machine, but something weird happened when I touched machine. Strong pulse, gold light, and pain.

"So I came here. I woke up on the couch. Old woman holded weapon, but later called friends. I don't like teleport, but I used it because I was afraid. She speaked weird language. She - She had every intention to drive me away or hurt me because she was scared too.

"I used teleport to far away place. Then I met Clay. Clay taked to me mansion. Three months learning English. Learned history of x-gene mutants on Earth. Earth is not Kanto. The End," he finished.

Wow, he almost got emotional a few times throughout his story but it was finally over. He continued to stare at the ground, wondering just what the purpose of all this was.
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Clay nodded slowly, of course he knew all of this - it was written in Garnet's memories. He just wanted to see how far back Garnet's physical memories went, and apparently it was not very far... It made Clay a little upset and he had to turn his head down a little to hide a few milky white tears that leaked out. Clay took a deep breath, surreptitiously wiping away the tears that had tracked down his red cheeks. When he was sure that he wasn't going to show Garnet just how affected he was by hearing the physical woes that the younger man had gone through, he looked back up at Garnet.

"I know it is painful to relieve these thoughts, Garnet... and that you haven't spoken in great length about all that you went through - you know you don't have to do that... We already know everything the other has been through..." Clay said quietly, not able to disguise the roughness of his voice but perhaps Garnet would think it was because he was just tired or not quite awake yet.

"Do you not remember anything of your parents?" he asked quietly and bit down on his lip, he had to look away again, but he quickly re-established eye contact. He had to get through this, explain to Garnet why they were able to connect the way they were - he was certain, 99.9% certain, that Garnet had no idea he too was an X-Mutant, but because of the kidnapping, he was never on record as one... since Mutants genetic abilities don't start showing up until puberty - in most cases, some are younger, but it's rare.
"Parents?" Oh, yeah. He forgot about them. It had been ten years since he discovered they were alive and kicking in the Johto region.

"I remember. Professor only got their names from the base computer. They do not want me, and I do not want them," he conceded. His voice was steeled. He had come to this conclusion a long time ago, and he wasn't saddened by it in the least. Garnet wondered why Clay suddenly looked hesitant. Like he wanted to say something but won't.
Clay sighed miserably, pulling his feet up onto the edge of his bed and wrapping his arms around his legs - he really didn't want to have to be the one to break this news to Garnet, but it seemed like he had no other choice. He didn't know if Garnet wanted to know, but Clay felt like he needed to know - it was vital information about Garnet's past that the young man knew nothing about, and Clay felt - albeit reluctantly - like it was his job to tell Garnet. He did promise to tell him everything that he could, and this was part of that 'everything'.

He paused for a few seconds, needing a moment to recollect his thoughts and just take a few breaths "The parents that you know about in Johto Region... They aren't your real parent's." he said quietly, not taking his eyes off of the tips of his toes as he wiggled them back and forth "You were orphaned as an infant, here, in the United States... And kidnapped from the orphanage, by your Johto parents, as a toddler... and then sold by them."

Clay felt bad even just saying it, but he still felt - despite how heart breaking, and devastating the news might be to Garnet - that the knowledge needed to be out there, to be exposed... So Garnet would know that he was born with x-mutant genes "You were born... like me... but they added all those extra powers onto you in Kanto."
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They aren't your real parents...

...orphaned...here in the United States...

...sold by them...

You were born... like me...
Born like Clay?

His eyes unfocused, not really sure what to make of what he was told. His parents, who gave him up to the orphanage, were not his real parents. His real parents might as well have been X-Mutant who died. According to his forgotten memories, he was apparently from Earth. He could have had a life without experiments, maybe even parents who loved him. No, he immediately told himself. He was already from an orphanage in this world, and he knew that orphanages didn't always put kids with good parents.

Being from earth didn't matter. It doesn't matter. Kanto was him home. He lived for 21 years in Kanto, and he had his friends from the Orphanage there. He had unfinished business in Kanto... He couldn't stay here forever even if he was originally from here. If Clay found a way home, Garnet would take it. Garnet recovered from his shock.

"Thanks for telling me," his voice sounded flat. "Let's... move to the lesson now. Unless there's something else you want to tell me?"
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Clay shook his head. Deep down he knew that Garnet likely would not react the way that Clay himself would have reacted, given the news that was just spoken. It wasn't in Garnet's nature; nor did he care - about his parents, either set, and that was fine with Clay. Clay stood up from his bed and went over to his wardrobe closet "Sure, make sure you put on that uniform I gave you... I don't foresee any injuries happening, but should they... That suit will heal you right up."

Clay grabbed his own suit and the boots that matched and quickly changed into them. It would be a long and arduous process today. They both knew that for Clay to take control of Garnet's physical invulnerability power, they would have to do it slowly. Almost limb-by-limb. It could take them days before Clay would be able to have full-body coverage of Garnet's ability.

Once they were both dressed and ready in their healing suits, they went down to the war training room. Which was basically just like a gigantic padded cell in the basement. The walls, floors, ceilings, everything was made out of an absorbent and soft material that could take the impact of a body, should a person be thrown across the room. Clay didn't see that happening, but he wasn't going to take any chances - not with Garnet.

"Alright, so first we will just start off with the basics of connecting mentally again. This way we can slowly establish our inner mutant powers, get them on the same wave length..." Clay closed his eyes, and wiggled his entire body, loosening himself up for the lesson - although, it really wasn't much of a lesson, it really was training; just training for Clay specifically, so if one day he needed to use Garnet's ability, it would not kill him. Garnet would feel the mental connection also start taking hold of him, slowly bonding their two powers and amplifying them "Don't activate your power until you feel the connection completely... I don't want any mishaps."

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