MUST READ Rules and Guidelines

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Dope as F*ck
The Rules of the RP

  1. No god-modding.
  2. No Mary Sue's.
  3. No disrespecting other role-players.
  4. No auto-hits or killing of other's characters.
  5. No one-line responses.
  6. Have Fun :] 


How This Works... (This may make me seem uptight)

Your character will either be a student or a faculty member, the character's personality will place the character into one of the three Military Branches. The character's rank will be determined by you, but anything past E-6 (Staff Sergeant/Petty Officer First Class) or O-1 (Second Lieutenant/Ensign) needs to come up with me or one of my GMs, who I have deputized. You will be expected to cooperate with and respect your fellow Role-Players. I would love for all of you to come up with creative backstories and stay true to the character's personality. For example, I do not expect for a soft spoken character to be loud or obnoxious. I will go over each character-sheet carefully and I will privately tell you if anything conflicts with anything, as not to embarrass you in anyway.

I expect for the rules of this website to be upheld and I would greatly appreciate keeping characters from being overpowered, for the sake of a good story and a better experience. Your character will have strengths and weakness, keep these in mind when they are to be applied. Also I don't expect too much writing from anybody, but I don't tolerate few-line responses that well. Please keep your posts at a minimum of one paragraph, there is no maximum.

Character descriptions are much appreciated if you do not have a picture, but you may not use an anime picture as your face-claim. I will accept other drawings as long as they meet a cyberpunk or futuristic theme. The plot of the story and such will be revealed with the RP, as will names of enemies and the overall villain. I know that this may inconvenience some people, but I encourage venturing out of comfort-zones and I will love for people to join me in this role-play. Some things I may think of along the way, like weapons and planet names, but I promise that the entirety of the story and what it entails is safe to play. I will also assign any important missions, otherwise do as you please with your time.


Creative Liberties!

Special weapons and gadgets are allowed to be used, but please have its origins make sense. Characters related to your characters are your property. Cyborgs are allowed, but in this universe I've manifested, they are extremely experimental and are susceptible to EMPs and other technology impairing devices. Romances are fine by me, dramatic romances would be amazing to watch unfold to be honest. Drama between characters is completely fine as long as it doesn't end in killing another role-player's character without consent. Color schemes are yours. I have taken the time to come up with pictures of suits used by common soldiers, if you want something special or unique, don't go for it, I do love individuality, but unless you're of high authority or have any other reason like that, then it is expected your uniform matches everyone else in the military. Names of people you meet are yours to decide, so are minor places. Scientists are allowed to create the more complex things since their job is too create. What this means is, if there was an infantry soldier and they had made some sort of weapon, I would like for them to explain how they would've made it. Character development is all yours, just don't rush it. (Just a tip from Lil Ol' Me)
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