music, weed, and parties


alien sympathizer



NAME: Grayson Charles Rutherford

NICKNAME: Gray | Charlie

AGE: 18

BIRTHDAY: June 17th

GENDER: Cis Male

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

ROLE: The Music Addict

THEME: Wow - Beck




WEIGHT: 175 lbs

HAIR:  Dark brown and curly. It is usually kept shaved on the sides and no matter what his hair is always tidy.

EYES: Dark brown. Sometimes he'll wear blue contacts and pretend his eyes have always been that color.

CLOTHING STYLE: Gray has a flippant attitude towards most things in life, with his attire of the day being only one of them. He doesn't care about keeping up with the latest fashion trends or making sure to dress for the weather. Whatever he decides to throw on is his outfit of the day, which usually ends up being a basic t-shirt and some comfortable joggers. It is important to note, however, that Gray will never ever wear dirty clothing, and he keeps his drawers and closet well organized.

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: A sleeve tattoo on his left arm that follows onto the back of his left hand | A septum piercing



IMPATIENT: Gray hates surprises. In all honesty, he hates having to wait for anything for more than what he deems is an acceptable time frame to wait for something (typically completely unrealistic). If he is waiting for someone to do something, he will actually take control of whatever it is in order to get it done quickly and get it done the way he wants it done. He definitely has a "my way or the highway" mentality.

AIMLESS: Despite all his shit talking and the potential he demonstrates in the classroom, Gray doesn't actually have a plan for his future nor does his show any will to develop one. He seems perfectly content with living in his parents' basement for the rest of his life and isn't motivated to even begin applying to colleges.

OFFENSIVE: Due to his flippant attitude about everything, Gray doesn't bother having a filter and trying to be politically correct. He says things how he sees them (although he'll say that he says things as they are) and if it hurts someone's feelings he doesn't dare to apologize. In his opinion, people should be told things as is without having them sugarcoated to make them less offensive.

OVERCONFIDENT: Gray thinks that he always has the answers and that he's always right. Even when proven wrong, he'll go out of his way to find some tiny little inkling of what he said to be right and proceed to rub it in everyone's faces. He is very intolerant to the idea of being wrong, and can even become excessively aggressive when challenged.

VIOLENT: Gray is not a believer of talking things out. To him, fighting is always a logical solution even if he is obviously outnumbered. This doesn't just occur physically either, as he often gets into shouting matches with his parents and friends. At times, Gray can be very verbally abusive and it's safe to say that he doesn't care.


LOYAL: Although it takes a long time to make it onto Gray's friend list, once you make it you're there to stay. Gray will do absolutely anything to protect a friend and would never even think to betray them. He believes friendships are meant to last forever so if a friend betrays him they are as good as dead in his mind.

INTELLIGENT: Contrary to popular belief, Gray is actually pretty damn smart. The only reason that he isn't in the top fourth of his class is because he refuses to apply himself. He is one of those people who feels like school is dumb and that grades shouldn't determine how your life terms out.

ORGANIZED: This includes both his physical things and his mind. Gray despises messy people and strives to keep himself at the absolute opposite side of the spectrum. He always knows where everything in his room is, and rarely becomes flustered or tongue-tied. This is also useful when it comes to telling lies because he rarely gets lies mixed up.

BRAVE: To say Gray is not afraid of anything would be utter bullshit, however, he's never been one to back down from a challenge or turn away in the face of difficulty. This may be in part because of his overconfidence, but he believes every problem has a solution and hesitance will never find the answer.

RESILIENT: Gray has been knocked down an insane amount of times in his life but he's always been capable of bouncing back and doing so with an extraordinary amount of vigor. He doesn't like to fail so he always tries to redeem himself if it doesn't work out the first time.

QUIRKS: Bites the inside of his cheek when being caught in a lie | Talks over people | Laughs when nervous | Always has music playing in his earbuds

FEARS: Death | Irrelevancy | Losing someone important to him | The death of good music

TALENTS: Throws great parties | Fairly talented at the guitar (not so good at singing but he seems to think so) | Amazing liar



Grayson's parents never wanted him. At least that's what he'd say if anyone ever asked him about them. The truth of the matter was that Gray had no idea what his parents were like, or what predicaments led them to leave their small 3-year-old little boy at the doorstep of a random family in some town they were only passing through. He has always wanted to believe that he can remember small details about them, like their loving embraces or silly bedtime songs, but he remembers nothing and he harbors this with him like a bitter taste in his mouth that won't leave no matter how hard he tries. His adoptive parents were a lovely middle aged couple with lots of love and no children to give it to, so perhaps things worked out for the best. But Grayson was as stubborn then as he is now, and continuously punishes them for something that wasn't their fault, something they had absolutely no control over. They tried their hardest to raise Grayson as if they were their own, even giving him their last name, but he refused to acknowledge the fact that they were so nice to him. Maybe it was the stares they always received when they went into public, with him having dark skin and his parents being as white as porcelain, there was always enough to gossip about.


When Gray started school, his parents worried immensely that he would be bullied. Children can be vicious towards those who are different from them. Some days Gray would even run home with tears streaming down his face and multiple scratches on his arms, talking about how some kid's group of friends decided to corner him after school and beat him up. Of course, he was lying. Grayson was never bullied, not even on the very first day. He was the bully, and when teasing the other kids wasn't enough to fill the pit inside of him, he turned to trying to get them in trouble for his own amusement. Luckily for the other kids, these shenanigans only worked for a little before the teachers began to catch on to what was going on. When Gray was finally confronted about it, though, he feigned some tears, was let off with only a warning, and sent home with a grin on his face. He did actually stop the bullying a few years later on his twelfth birthday when no one wanted to come to his birthday party and he figured he should start being nicer to some people.


All the while, an intense anger was eating away at his insides each day and Gray was desperate to find a solution that would at least slow the growth before he turned into nothing but his own raw anger. Around the same time he quit bullying, he discovered the magic of music and drugs and how music had healing powers that were even stronger when coupled with a blunt or two. Instantly he was hooked. It astonished him how some songs seemed to speak to him and have the same ache that he dealt with in his day to day life. He scavenged for music everywhere, hungrily gobbling up each new song like he was a starving man. He eventually bonded with people over weed and music and developed a tight group of friends who were practically inseparable. When they entered high school, they didn't break up and go their separate ways like many people did. In fact, they grew stronger and closer. They knew of people and people knew of them. They were popular, but not in the same way as Tyler and those other kids. They were known as the people to go to if you wanted a kick ass party with kick ass music. The parties started off low-key, but as more people heard about it Gray decided they needed a list people who were actually allowed to attend. Up until this last party, Tyler and his posse were always on the ban list because he felt that they'd totally kill the vibe. However, Gray was attempting to throw the party of the year so he decided to invite everyone... Obviously, that turned out to be a mistake.


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