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Commission Music requests/collabs!


caked in resin and vile to behold
Hey! I like making music, but sometimes I lack inspiration for tunes and stuff. So I thought: hey! What if someone else has a good music idea but doesn't have either the patience or technical skills to make their idea a reality?
So I decided to post here. If you have any suggestions or requests, feel free to hit me with them! I'm SliceThePi#2695 on Discord (you can PM me for my Skype- with all the security problems that Skype has, I don't wanna give it out publicly.)

I also do collabs! If you play music, I'd love to work with you on a song! You don't need to know how to use the software; I can deal with that side of it. For example, my friend Charlie and I regularly work on songs together- I put the notes in for the most part and he makes suggestions and helps me decide between different tunes.

My SoundCloud username is The Taciphobic. Here are a few songs that I've made, if you want a feel for my style(s):
Bump! Also, if anyone with or without an ear for music wants to give me some advice on a track I'm currently working on, that would be greatly appreciated!
I prefer to use LMMS, but I also have a REAPER license and I sometimes use MuseScore.
I make my own synth patches, I generally prefer not to use the default ones because a) it's less "legit" and b) I prefer to have synths that fit the song.
I prefer to use LMMS, but I also have a REAPER license and I sometimes use MuseScore.

I make my own synth patches, I generally prefer not to use the default ones because a) it's less "legit" and b) I prefer to have synths that fit the song.

Well, I craft 100% of my music on my phone — mostly on Caustic 3, because 7 fair dollars went into that. I've produced exactly one song, and many other unfinished ones; I've yet to create a Soundcloud account.
Well, I craft 100% of my music on my phone — mostly on Caustic 3, because 7 fair dollars went into that. I've produced exactly one song, and many other unfinished ones; I've yet to create a Soundcloud account.
LMMS is free, and it works on all 3 major OSes
To throw my two cents in: On my phone (iPhone 6S), I use an app called Auxy. It's pretty good for getting synth-y and electronic beats, but I'm also looking to make a more classic music sound. I downloaded Garageband to see how it does, and have yet to test it.

By the way: I checked out your music, and it all sounds pretty nice. It sounds like you have an ear for music.
Hi there! I've been wanting to make some songs, i'd love to collab with you! By your examples, it does seem we play two very different genres though :/ I play Guitar and Ukulele with more acoustic sounds and i'm wanting to make some LoFi/Indie/Noise Pop type album. (I make album art without music, rip me xc) But i know synth or piano is really kinda necessary in those genres too. (Example below shows what I want to play and how synth and piano is really useful in it)

Well if you're still interested, let me know! I also do 8bit covers but thats not really collaborate..
I downloaded Garageband to see how it does, and have yet to test it.

By the way: I checked out your music, and it all sounds pretty nice. It sounds like you have an ear for music.
Thanks! I would like to recommend LMMS if you want to work on the PC.

Well if you're still interested, let me know! I also do 8bit covers but thats not really collaborate..

Yeah! I've never made anything quite like that, but I'd totally be willing to step out of my comfort zone and learn something. Add me on Discord? Edit: If you haven't already, I mean. I do recognize your username but I can't remember if I ever added you
Yeah! I've never made anything quite like that, but I'd totally be willing to step out of my comfort zone and learn something. Add me on Discord? Edit: If you haven't already, I mean. I do recognize your username but I can't remember if I ever added you
Yeah I kinda float around discord at times, i'll add you ^-^

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