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Realistic or Modern Muse Academy : School for Idols

JessieCarrie said:
Yeah you should and maybe cut it down to three songs? Cause I did claim it and there's a lot of songs on that list that I would like to use..
Oh okay, can I have it at 4 to compromise?

No No No



Mr. Chu

I would have kept it at 3, but I couldn't choose between LUV and Mr. Chu for my 3rd, and I love No No No and Remember too much to keep it out ^-^"
@JessieCarrie Oh and are there any Apink songs u don't plan on using? I'm just wondering so I see how many options I have. Are there also any songs you're willing to duet for?
@JessieCarrie I was wondering if you were gonna use I Don't Know, cuz if you're not, can I? I know you reserved Apink, but I'm still trying to find non-Apink songs that I like. If there are any Apink songs that you don't plan on using, can I use those? Thanks!
It's fine, you did reserve it after all. Do you know of any songs that you weren't planning on using? Sorry, I'm just trying to expand my song list. ^_^ "
@JessieCarrie Um, do you mind if I can have Good Morning Baby? Sorry if you were gonna use it. If I can have it, I won't ask for any more songs that you might be using. ^-^"

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