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Realistic or Modern Muse Academy : School for Idols

Well, I guess I'm too late then... ^-^" As you know Djinn, I'm new to Kpop, and I've only listened to Apink... ^-^"
Djinn I know it says that only one person can use songs from a specific group but can I use songs from Apink too? ^-^" They're the only ones I listen to...
GirlyTurtle said:
Djinn I know it says that only one person can use songs from a specific group but can I use songs from Apink too? ^-^" They're the only ones I listen to...
Ask the person who claimed it
GirlyTurtle said:
Um, do you mind if I use Apink too? I'm new to Kpop and they're the only ones I like so far...
Sure, but just choose a few songs then. Just not the wave.

Also I'm going to have my cs up tomorrow!
JessieCarrie said:
Sure, but just choose a few songs then. Just not the wave.
Also I'm going to have my cs up tomorrow!
Oh, not The Wave? Okay... that one was my favorite but I can work with the other songs...
JessieCarrie said:
Ok thanks. Just give me a list and I won't use those.

Mr. Chu




Good Morning Baby

I Don't Know


Secret Garden

U You

And as for The Wave, would you be willing to have our two characters duet it, or is that too much? Also, I used The Wave for Nari's Theme Song, would I have to change it?
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GirlyTurtle said:
Mr. Chu




Good Morning Baby

I Don't Know


Secret Garden

U You

And as for The Wave, would you be willing to have our two characters duet it, or is that too much? Also, I used The Wave for Nari's Theme Song, would I have to change it?
Yes you should change it.
GirlyTurtle said:
Mr. Chu




Good Morning Baby

I Don't Know


Secret Garden

U You

And as for The Wave, would you be willing to have our two characters duet it, or is that too much? Also, I used The Wave for Nari's Theme Song, would I have to change it?
Yeah you should and maybe cut it down to three songs? Cause I did claim it and there's a lot of songs on that list that I would like to use..

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