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Realistic or Modern Murder, they Roleplayed

Helen Masters

The younger woman kept glancing at the bickering socialites. She had a nervous air to her, and admitted as much in words--to which Helen smiled slightly. In some ways, the anxious young girl, so obviously out of place, reminded her of herself, ages ago. When she first met Mr. Masters . . .

"You have nothing to be nervous of, least of all this lot." Gesturing at the flashily attired men and women around them, she shook her head. In a lower voice, she added: "I'd wager half of them haven't the slightest idea how to iron their own shirt."

Indeed, they likely didn't. Her own husband hadn't, not until she showed him, giggling. Giggling! Now when had she last had a good giggle? She sighed ruefully. And hadn't he looked silly, holding the iron as if it might bite--which it had, come to think of it. Poor Rob had burned his thumb. He'd still had it in a bandage the day he left . . .

"Mr. Black?" she asked, called suddenly back to the present. "I must admit, I do not know him at all well. But, were I you, I'd do my best to keep my distance from him. His sort is not one to trifle with . . . Though I'm sure you know that much."

Helen stiffened as the brash young American briefly turned the crowd's attention on the pair. Pulling herself up to her full height, she turned her gaze forcibly back to the young woman before her. She had no desire to engage the rest of the party, or even give them room to suppose she wanted to.

I am too old for this nonsense . Oh Rob, if you were going to leave me at their mercy, you might have warned me your people were a pack of bloody hyenas.

But that's old hat now.

"I don't believe I've introduced myself yet," she sighed. "Or I have, and I'm losing my mind. Helen Masters. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss . . . ?"

@Smile @GhastlySquash

Jane Timothy


Practically, Jane still had an ear busy with the enlarging group of talkative guests until Helen encouraged her to not mind them. She truly didn’t mind that folk but what they revealed via their entertaining conversation had caught her attention. From their accent and mentions she learnt about their motherlands, the turf they supposed to belong to, and more than that; each of them was openly showing off their personality. That was something worth listening though and in addition, she heard something about Mr’ Black raising a poor girl to a luxurious lady on the same ferry as them. ‘So interesting!’She thought. By the way, the woman in front of her sounded as a fine companion. Jane’s smile became friendlier when she made a joke of ironing fancy clothes. “You might be so right! Probably there’re lots of experiences and crafts that just two of us know among all people invited.” She admitted. For a short moment Helen’s eyes looked a little dull as if having her mind somewhere else. That was a deep feeling in them which she liked. Immediately, the thoughtful lady returned to the foggy morning to answer her. "I must admit, I do not know him at all well. But, were I you, I'd do my best to keep my distance from him. His sort is not one to trifle with . . . Though I'm sure you know that much." She said. “I’m afraid I didn’t know the least. Well, honestly there are always rumors to hear around about wealthy and powerful people so I never took it seriously, but if you say so… it creeps me out to think that my aunt has such a black friend!” She replied and stopped talking as saw the American woman approaching them from corner of her eye. Unlike Helen who faced the new guest as hard as a marvel wall, she wore her polite smile to greet Monica. “Please excuse me, I might spoil your hot conversation, ma’am.” She answers kindly enough to not make the fiery flirty woman her enemy. “Why… my bad… I’m Jane Timothy. It’s really nice to meet you Mr. Masters.” She replied to Helen almost showing the brightness of her front teeth. With a glance in her eyes she could say this Monica was a disturbance for their conversation. Jane didn’t like to be pushed to mingle and talk for was revealing the slightest fact about herself. She looked at Monica and waited to see if she was going to introduce herself according to etiquette or would prefer to just leave them alone. There was another girl that she had brought up, inviting to join their chat, who looked nice and shy but in dept of her eyes Jane was able to see frozen darkness. She wondered if the reason for her shyness wasn’t being timid hiding something, just like herself.​


"Oh my" Cecilja laughed lightly, smiling at the man "I do apologize, I hadn't meant to imply anything of the sorts. Of course, you're far too handsome to be anything but an Englishman" she smiled playfully back at him. Cecilja was finding herself quite entertained and amused by this mans company, along with the others accompanied in the conversation. Especially Miss. Monica was quite an interesting character....she respected her self-confidence to be as...what should the word be....blunt, maybe? Either way, Monica was certainly a character to specific tastes, that not everyone would find themselves able to get along with. But Cecilja thought it was respectable, even if perhaps a tad ignorant.

As another young woman had joined there conversation, at the sound of her accented voice, Cecilja stiffened a bit. Of course, it wasn't accents that bothered her - she was very well aware that she had her own strong Polish accent to others. But it was the type of accent that bothered her, and unsettled her nerves. German. Of course, Cecilja wouldn't mistake that accent for the life of her. After all, a lot of her life had very well depended on recognizing the accent, and tongue of German fellows and ladies alike. Just hearing the accent brought back nightmarish memories to haunt her head. Of course, she minded her manners - after all, this girl must be far to young to have had any sort of partake in the Hitler Regime when he was still in rule before he had committed suicide. Putting on a polite smile to the younger girl, she nodded to her "It's lovely to meet you, Miss. Gutermuth. I'm Cecilja Chmiel. Pleasure to make you're acquaintance" she said with a small smile.

@Sunbather @JustSmile
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/blackampwhite-fancy-girl-model-pretty-vintage-Favim.com-42337.jpg.43fae01d1a8bca904f64d6fef769a173.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64198" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/blackampwhite-fancy-girl-model-pretty-vintage-Favim.com-42337.jpg.43fae01d1a8bca904f64d6fef769a173.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Annette smiled, as the gentleman who the two women were talking to. "Awe, dont make me blush." she laughed "Im surprised ever since the Holocaust many people still fear anyone German, but I appreciate that you giving the German another chance!" She smile brightly, curtsying showing respect for the man. "Well it was my Grandmothers name. She was one of the sweetest! So maybe that is true!" She laughed "Yes I agree, all these people are truly enchanting!" She was still smiling, but now her smile wasnt forced, now she was truly smiling enjoying her time.​


"What a beautiful name!" She smiled, but saw the alarm in her eyes. Well she had a right to be somewhat alarmed, but she began to relax, or at least Annette thought she relaxed. "I was born in Berlin, but only lived there for 5 years, then I traveled alot." She laughed a bit. "Where are you from? If you dont mind me asking?" She was jealous all these women were beautiful, and elegant. Compared to Annette she would be a clumsy little girl. She guessed that what happens when you are the youngest.


She noticed her stiff actions, she was nervous, she was at least being polite. Being German lots of people, avoid her, and other Germans. She was able to tell from actions, and eyes if they were nervous or scared. She was alittle upset, but the holocaust happened, and effected many people, including herself. "It is very nice to meet you, Miss. Chmiel!" She flashed a friendly smile. She hoped maybe to change a couple of peoples view of Germans. "I love your accent! You are Polish arent you? One of my closest friends is Polish!"




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Before leaving to catch up with the other girl tinkering with the watch, Monica merely smiled. "Originally born and raised in Maryland, but nowadays you'll find me in New York. Greatest city in the planet if you ever get a chance to see it. You can find all the countries of the world in it. It's like a big melting pot." She didn't bother to note that the parts of the world were just that...parts. Segments. Mostly because Monica herself didn't much care for that. For her, the color of your skin never mattered as much as the money you had. Sure, there's the jealous bloke that'll use that excuse to get back at you, but in truth, there's a hidden form of respect. Jealousy almost.

@spiderlegs @Smile

Skipping ahead, Monica smiled as the two women overheard her little comment. Apparently fruits did have ears and these two were inclined on using them rather than not. And even as the other fruit tried to stare her down, Monica simply stared right back, trying to see if she could get the old fruit to explode.

"Cromwell, but please just call me Monica."

She looked at the two women, clearly seeing the displeasure on their faces. Well to hell with them then. They clearly weren't willing to mingle but then again they shouldn't have come to this party then. "Couldn't help but notice you two were by yourselves and I just wanted to see how you were holding up. This is a party after all, and since we're not getting any nearer, maybe we can gossip for a bit, yes? You guys local here or from some other European country?"

Turning to Jane, she could see the woman was waiting for her like some teacher waits upon a student to answer. A bit prissy, if she didn't say so herself.

The still grinning Dean brought his hands towards his heart, as Cecilja complimened his look, his face theatrically reenacting an expression of utmost flattering. "Oh, my poor heart, it will explode, that is for sure. Such flattery coming from a woman like you, how's a single man supposed to make it through that, I ask you." He smiled, charmingly, as he made a joking curtsy for the flawless Cecilja, expressing his gratitude. As the young German girl spoke up again, his attention got pulled towards her face, almost in sync with Cecilja, who now seemed to take an interest in Monica.


"Well, you know what they say, my dear. The blush of a beautiful woman is the biggest achievement a man can hold." He smiled warmly, before chuckling a little. "At least they SHOULD say so. Until it settles in, I will use it adamantly. It has to start somewhere, afterall." Dean now put on a slightly less light-hearted face as he nodded knowingly.. "Ah, yes, yes... The war... It's a hard thing to look past, that is for sure. I can't blame anyone for feeling suspicious. But... I mean, look at you. Such a young, innocent person. It should be more than clear to anyone half a brain that it's just circumstance. And a lovely voice like yours would make the most harsh language sound like sonic silk. And... even those who lack even half a brain will surely recognize that an evil person would not be gifted with such an angelic appearance." Dean most certainly turned up the charm today, as she looked around, happilly, observing the little groups that had built.

The butler peered into the distance, his wrinkled grey eyes trying to catch a hold of the location of the ship. Maybe they were playing tricks on him, those eyes. Maybe the ferry was really that far away. Foolish captain. Foolish Nelson, for having not managed to convince Black to bring more of his household to the coast. The butler decided that he hated the grainy, murky sand, which sunk beneath his feet and left him uncomfortable.

He also had acquired a specialized dislike for guests, but these days he had acquired a specialized dislike for almost everything. The man fiddled with his gloves. Then he proceeded to clean his hat. Then he brushed off specks of dust from his coat. The pulled at his beard. Then he waited in the gloom, as the sun began to set.

This was madness. Little less than half an hour had passed since he had cought sight of the ferry. What game was the captain playing? Or perhaps it had been his employer's idea. Introducing the guests, right off the bat... The more he thought about it, the more the butler came to terms with the idea.

That did not mean he was any less impatient, however. The old man looked on again into the distance, grumpily noticing the setting sun. Wait, was the ferry really that close?
As the boat finally hit the shore, Dean sighed, a bit relieved that he'd finally have solid ground under his feet again. "Oh golly, seems we've finally gotten one step closer to getting a nice, hot drink in our bellies, mh?." His voice was light-hearted and cheery, his face carried a gentle smirk. He quickly got off the ferry and approached the butler, whom he instantly analyzed and judged to be one of Mr. Black's servants. "Good day, my good sir! Trust me, I've never been so happy to see someone come and pick me up. It's quite the weather for such a trip. Personally, I like my clothes a little less soaked but... ah, what can you do, am I right? Morrison's the name. Dean Morrison." He spoke rather quickly and highly energetic, but he had a hearty attitude to his behavior, greeting the butler rather genuine.

He then stepped back a bit towards the boat and grinned at the man who he had chatted with earlier.
"I bet you'd perform a circus suited flip if you weren't so green around the nose, huh? Cheer up, pal, we're on land again, the holy, holy ground." A quick wink followed, completed by his recognizable smirk that showed the wrinkles around his mouth. He then extended his hand with a little, proper bow and faced towards Ceilja and Monica. "If you'd do me the honor, I'd be delighted to walk with you, ladies." He held up his hand like a classic gentlemen trying to aid them in stepping off the land.

As the man charismatically expressed his gratitude, Cecilja couldn't help but smile at the display of appreciation "Oh dear me, I feel I should be the one overwhelmed by your flattery" she said lightly with a small smile. This man certainly was charming, and charismatic as well. He was clearly experienced when it came to conversing not only with women, but of people he was unfamiliar with, and easily sociable man, he was. She found his outgoing and charming charisma attractive though, and was delighted to have met the man.

As the conversation turned towards the younger German woman who had joined their conversation, Cecilja spoke to her with apprehension, getting a bitter and fearful feeling simply knowing a german was beside her. It wasn't that she was necessarily stereotyping all Germans - she wasn't that sort. She was logical, and was aware that this woman was more than young enough to have hardly a connection at all to the war. She offered a small smile when the girl clearly tried to warm her up to her, and she nodded lightly "I am, thank you" she spoke lightly when the girl complimented her accent and ethnicity. She raised an eyebrow in curiosity at her mention of a polish friend "Really? How coincidental" she said with a small smile. Though the girl was young enough to not be involved in the war, usually parents of either side would keep their children separate from those conflicting with their side - such as a German girl befriending a Polish girl. After all, it was only a few short years ago the war had officially ended.

Deciding that the topic was too dark a memory to dwell on, as he brought up terrible flashbacks of her childhood, she moved on, noticing the horizon and ever approaching shore "My, look it must only be a few short minutes now until we dock. The trip certainly seemed to dwell on forever, but now that you can see the dock, its as though the ship is moving faster than ever, equally ready to get off of the sea" she joked lightly, smiling as they were docked within minutes and as they were getting off there was an older man - surely one of Mr. Blacks, there to greet and accompany them.

She averted her gaze from the older man to Dean speaking to her and Monica, holding out an offering hand and she smiled lightly "I'd be more than pleased to accompany you, Mr. Morrison" she said, taking his hand as she held up her dress enough so she didn't step and trip on it coming off of the boat and it's uneasy stairs to lead off. Reaching the wooden dock, she dropped the hem of her dress and moved her hand that had been holding his outstretched one to help her off the boat, moving it to his upper arm "You're quiet the gentleman, Mr. Morrison" she smiled charmingly "It's a wonder a man like you hasn't been married off yet" she joked with a light, airy laugh "But then again, perhaps you're not the type of man for marriage?" she inquired in a light teasing tone.

@Sunbather @JustSmile

Jane Timothy

Finally Monica managed to extend Jane’s smile to a slight laughter by her odd persistence. “It’s you’re kindness Miss Cromwell! Surely it’s going to be a memorable party but it’ll be held at night.” She said. People were really melting down, getting along well. They could be a happy innocent folk going on a trip together but she doubted if this innocence could last long, especially about the guy in hat, and also didn’t expect the party to be held as happily as they wished. “By the way… I’m British…” She added to assure the curious guests that nothing was interesting about her. In fact, she didn’t need to be worried about how to spend her time in the ferry as the grey and azure sky had shifted color to scarlet, purple and deep dark blue with the golden orb of sun hiding behind the isle they were to dock beside. “Seems that we’re finally there. Mrs. Masters. Please excuse me for a moment; I’ve left my bag down…” Apologizing Helen, she left her and climbed down the stairs with quick steps. Jane grabbed her hand bag from the chair she had been sitting on at the beginning of the voyage hurried back to return to the deck faster but a sudden shake caused by the ferry stopping by the small pier shook her off balance so she was forced to let go of what held in her hand to hold onto a chair and a pole to keep her body on her feet. Unfortunately the bag was unbuckled as soon as hitting the floor and her objects rolled on the flooring aimlessly. Angrily, she picked them up quickly and rushed up stairs. When Jane rejoined the group of guests leaving the boat, her face was as calm and indifferent as when she was getting on board. Just if she knew that she had left behind a small vial of perfume in the ferry, maybe she would lose her icy calmness. If anyone found and smelled that little evil bottle, might become a victim to a heart attack. That poison was a souvenir from far east that she had brought for Mr. Black.

Jane stepped down the damped staircase behind the small crowd. The gathered on the water side one by one as the talkative man was having a small talk with a man in uniform who was supposed to be sent by the host to greet them. She also approached Nelson. “Good night, I’m Jane Timothy. May I ask if our luggages are going to be carried right now? We’ve arrived later than expected so I assume I’m going to need mine as soon as possible.” She demanded politely. From where she was standing Black’s mansion was larger than what she had comprehended while on the ferry and more details of it could be seen which not only hadn’t added up to its beauty but also had given the whole scene a creepy look. Its walls still looked grey leaving a dark silhouette against the fiery colors of sunset. The deeper the sun sank the deeper shadows crawled and figures orienting the house were harder to see. Instead, dull lights started to sheen trough tall and narrow windows. Jane could swear that inside the house was much warmer, prettier and comfier than its façade. Although, she had no idea about how the owner of the whole set was going to greet them.

Dean's face carried a slightly crooked smirk, though it seemed to be mostly out of tiredness or something similar. He made sure to hold the woman's hand rather gently and gladly offered up his arm for her to take it. As they started to walk, he had a thougtful smile on his face, now eyeing the impressive house they approached, before looking back at Cecijla.

"Ah, please, Dean is perfectly fine, no need for such formalities. Though this may be the common fool in me talking, struggling with such an exotic name as yours. I will admit, Cecijla sounds delightful, so I'd be hell-bend on hearing and saying it as much as possible, haha." His words were peachy and a little over the top, though he came across as genuine. Dean simply had a knack for this behavior, this sort of small-talk. Sociable and charming were so much more fun, so much more desirable than the distant coldness a lot of people expressed in so many situations. He then laughed at Cecijla's remark about marriage.. "What a sharp eye, my, my." he praised her, lifting his ring-less hand to his eye. "I wouldn't say that, no. Though I appreciate the comment very, very much, especially coming from a beautiful, charismatic woman such as yourself. But, it's true, at least for now. It seems I've been rather unlucky when it came to romance so far. I certainly look forward to the special love that will change that, if I'm ever lucky enough to find her. Then again... I'm fortunate enough to converse with you right now, right after this cold, wet boat ride, so that's proof of how quickly luck can swing by, isn't it?"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/blackampwhite-fancy-girl-model-pretty-vintage-Favim.com-42337.jpg.66f2b79d3d05922adf047fda2bc4ab39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/blackampwhite-fancy-girl-model-pretty-vintage-Favim.com-42337.jpg.66f2b79d3d05922adf047fda2bc4ab39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Annette smiled as the pretty polish girl attempt to make herself a little more comfortable. She seemed to be a bit confused by her friend. She knew her friend from her childhood. When she was moving with her mother, she moved to Poland. There she met a girl, the girl was polish, and her parents seemed to be not afraid of her or her parents, which was very very surprising due to the times they were in. After the war, and her mother remarried they decided to pay the Polish family back, in anyway they decided. They decided they wanted to move to Germany. This was very odd, since most people would not have the guts, to go to the place were they weren't allowed only years before, but they did. She then grew up with the Polish girl she was a 1 year younger, but still one of her closest friends. The Polish family was harassed by some people, but after realizing they were friends of her step-father they began to fit in. She saw the glow of the mansion coming up.

She nodded to Dean smiling. "Yes I would love to have your company off the boat." She smiled, the took a step on the land. It was a huge, beautiful Mansion. Her mansion was big, just not this big. She smiled in wonder, and happiness. It was perfect, it was a perfect timing to discuss business with Mr.Black





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@Sunbather @ChibiMonkey


Monica simply shrugged the uptight lady's comments before heading over to the main group. She needed something to drink and sure enough, the bar was empty. Not even a keg of root beer to calm her nerves. That was the problem with Europeans these days. Nothing to give and nothing to get.

That was when she saw Dean holding out his hand for her. It was a rather kind gesture and one that Monica certainly enjoyed seeing. She was ready to take off this silly coat and show off her true fashion. Perhaps even inspire the Europeans with this statement.

Taking a gloved hand and wrapping it around Dean's, Monica smiled broadly. "Honey, with that attitude, I couldn't leave a gentleman like you hanging.

Monica noticed how well, however, Dean was mingling with the other lady. Rather cute how people got along these days. Smiling to herself, she decided to leave them to it as she continued down towards the man known as Nelson.

"I got a bunch of bags in my trunk. I want it all out and in my room before I powder my nose and could you be a dear and make it snappy. I know you guys are practically Europeans, but I've been cramped up in a ferry with no drinks and no service for the last who knows how long and I could really use a drink, some entertainment, and a proper service."

She looked at the other guests, smiling broadly. "I hope you guys are ready for a party. Believe me, if Mr. Black is one thing, it's completely old-fashioned. Would rather waltz and talk about politics then have some real fun."

The butler sucessfully resisted the urge to frown irritably as a few of the guests passed him by without so much of a word. The ones who did speak annoyed him even more, but in the end that was all part of the job. Perhaps Nelson had been away from proper society too long to no longer know how to not become vaguely irritated at being talked. Yes, it was all part of the job. Who in some ways was not so conventional as it seemed, but Nelson looked the part.

"Mr. Morrisson, welcome to the island. I am dreadfully sorry about the unnecessarily long journey in the ferry. I shall see to it that the captain of the embarcation is spoken to." In more ways than one, the respectable old man thought vindictively. Bugger the guests, he had been waiting in the rain for hours. "In the meantime, gentlemen and ladies, the Manor is just right up ahead. "

To the stoic, english young lady who politely asked about her luggage, the butler smiled, also politely, while making a mental note about her eagerness to retrieve it. "Yes, Miss Timothy, two of the servant boys will be carrying the luggage to the manor in a short while." He said reassuringly. What Nelson did not comment on, however, was the small fact of the said servant boys searching through the luggages for anything out of the ordinary.

Finally, he replied to the other american young woman, her shrill voice and words striking a carefully ignored nerve. The old man smiled again as politely as he could. "We are Europeans, Miss Cromwell. I'm sure foreign matters are a complicated subject for the citizens of a country so far away from the Old Continent, but Britain is as european as she can be. There are refreshments in the entrance hall, Miss Cromwell. I chose the wine myself." His eyes twinkled before turning to the manor that they were approaching.

The manor loomed over them like a stone giant, the innumerous windows its eyes and the large, finely carved oaken main door its mouth. Made of granite, years before their generation, the residence of Mr. Black was old and vaguely brooding, an effect that grew in efficacy as the sun gradually set. Exceptionally well tended plants of numerous species adorned the garden that surrounded Heimlich Manor, and a stone pathway led to the giant's mouth. A vine climbed one of the walls, and trees that swayed in the sea breeze dotted the garden here and there.

"This island was owned by the Mapledore family- a name you perhaps recognize, my lady- until the second year of the War." The butler nodded in Helen Master's direction. The Mapledores were found to be conspiring with the nazi forces, revealing tidbits of information through their varied sources, and in the end most of their members were hanged for treason. "My employer acquired the island afterwards, and rebuilt the manor. He kept the name, though. Heimlich Manor. Shall we go inside?"

Frost seemed relieved when the ferry came to a stop near the island. She was eager to get inside, and to become warm again, yet she waited for most of the more talkative people to disembark first. She didn't want to get caught in their conversations, and so avoided it all together, carefully tucking the broken watch into her pocket again. She vowed to fix it later, she needed something to calm her anyway. Waiting yet another moment, Frost sighed, glancing around at the island, before she carefully moved off the ferry with the others, giving a small, shy smile to the butler as her feet met land. It felt good to be on the ground again, she wasn't too fond of boats or water.

Attentively she listened, both to the questions of the other guests, and to the replies made by the man she had assumed to be a butler. Who else would wait outside for a ferry? Shaking her head to herself, she rolled her eyes slightly at one of the womans words about her luggage, and 'proper service'. She shook her head. Frost had no care for her luggage at the moment, she just wanted to get inside to get warm.

Stepping off the boat and taking Dean's arm as they spoke, she smiled a bit in amusement at his response to her comment about marriage. She raised a curious eyebrow when he mentioned how he'd seem to be rather unlucky when it came to the affairs of romance "Is that so? Do forgive me if I have a hard time believing that, Dean" she spoke as he'd now gone and ridden them of the typical formalities. She laughed lightly though in amusement to his statement of her name, and she smiled "I do appreciate the attempt, though I had introduced myself as such, knowing it can be a hard name for some company to pronounce. I do not mind at all, and in fact would prefer the use of my first name. Especially since you seem so taken with it" she laughed lightly with a smile before she turned her attention to Monica who had once again joined them in their conversation, though as quickly as she'd come, she disappeared once more.

She wondered why, and smiled "What's the matter Miss Monica dear? You seemed delighted to walk with us moments ago? Is it that you're too good for our presence?" she teased lightly. The way she joked about it shown in her voice that she only meant it humorously, and not rudely or sarcastic towards the stiff and stuck up women. Cecilja actually enjoyed Monica and her persona, so her words came across more as friendly jaunter than rude sarcasm.

As they all had finally gotten off of the ship, Cecilja smiled to Nelson when he was done greeting everyone who had initially spoken up to him first, most complaining or mentioning the need of their bags. "It's good to see you Nelson, it's been quite some time. I'd like to hope you didn't have to wait too long for our arrival, but it seems you did unfortunately. My apologies, even if there was nothing we could have done about the untimely arrival" she said with a small smile "You'd think the host of the party himself could greet us upon our arrival, don't you think?" she said with a teasing manor. She didn't overly hate Mr. Black though, like a lot of people here, so she was only joking and didn't mind all that much. She had been pretty friendly with the host of honor, and often joked about him in a friendly manner.

@Sunbather @GhastlySquash
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Dean listened carefully as Cecilja spoke, though they were shortly interrupted by Miss Cromwell, which caused him to turn his head and look after the girl, rather amused at her 'all-over-the-place' attitude. He then turned his attention back to the beautiful woman next to him. "She's quite the hasty girl, isn't she? Heh... Mhm, I take that as a compliment, if anything, Cecilja. It's not that I'm... a, how do I say that... shunned, maybe? Well, I'm not exactly lacking the opportunities, I suppose I just haven't met anyone who connect on a level that sparks love, if you allow me the cheesiness. But, who knows. I am a firm believer in love on first sight, so... I like to remain positive." H

As Cecilja spoke to Nelson about their baggage, he turned his attention to the young German girl who seemed to have come out of her shell a little bit now. Pleasently surprised, he extended his hand once more to aid her as well, though she seemed to be doing just fine, as she already stepped of the boat rather confidently. "Ah, Miss Gutermuth, what a wonderful surprise. I had a feeling we'd get along just fine, my dear. Forgive me if I'm being nosey, I've been told I behave like a blabbermouth sometimes, but what intentions does a delicate, young woman such as yourself have with a... what should we call him... Uhh... personality, like Mister Black? He seems a little too unpleasant for someone like you." His gentle smile showed signs of concern as they turned towards Cecilja who was talking to the employee who had waited for them.


Monica's eyes widened at the mention of wine. Such a classy drink and a small comfort she enjoyed when she could.

"Ooo do you have pinot noir, maybe a nice port or chardonnay, though I always was a riesling girl. Love dessert wine! But that doesn't mean I would say no to a cabernet sauvigon! I mean wine! Oh my my what year do you guys have? Oh I just love Italians, but I always felt those Frenchies up north were working on a unique wine called eiswein!"

She turned back to the group, smiling broadly. "I don't know what Nelson chose, but everyone knows that a butler only chooses the best!"

She was of course assuming this man was a butler, but so far he hadn't disagreed with her. And of course, now she was praising him just because he mentioned a libation she herself had a soft spot
The butler nodded in the direction of Cecilja, having met her a few times before. " Miss Chmiel, always a pleasure. Don't worry about me, miss, a few drops of rain won't hurt this old man." He declared gruffly but vaguely warmly. No, they won't harm him, but they'll bloody give him a pneumonia if he doesn't step inside quick, is what is. The butler thought darkly, noticing that she took the arm of the man who had first descended from the ferry. And they were talking about love, too! Hah. Well, would you look at that.

Nelson decided to pointedly ignore the said man's remarks about his employer, giving him a aside glance, his bristling eyebrows forrowing. Then the american woman spoke, leaving the old butler mildly taken aback. Nelson sniffed, but it was clear he had liked the words of praise. "As a matter of fact, Miss Cromwell, we have quite the variety. My personal favourite is a rather excellent port vintage of 1921, from Douro."
Monica's grin only grew wider. "A vintage! Oh my..." Monica's mouth was salivating at the thought of a vintage port. The sweetest of sweets. A wine with history and one that had been so sought after during the wars. She smiled broadly at Nelson. "I dare say we should be drinking buddies, along with those two lovebirds over there."

@Sunbather @ChibiMonkey

She pointed at the couple. "Well come on you two slowpokes. Just kiss already! We all need a little romance, don't we?" If there was one thing Monica did not understand, it was personal space. Truth be told, she felt like a school girl again. And as she had done before, she was already pairing the pairs that would make great fits. Of course, she considered her german friend and the other quiet girl along with Miss Principal over there.

"You other ladies, however, can join me on a dangerous and might I say patriotic duty to look for more drinks to add to the fray. Good wine of course, should be the first and foremost."

She turned back to the manor, or should she say castle. The thing was almost as big as her own childhood home in Maryland, and that was saying something. Then again, Europe was all about making the most of what little land you had. Back in America, land was open and free, well at least some of it was. Monica remembered a time when she looked out her window and thought she was the only person in the whole wide world.

Of course, nowadays living in New York taught her otherwise. But it was good to see they had wine as she ascended the steps and into the manor.


Nodding her head in agreement with the man beside her whom she'd become so friendly with, she looked in Monica's direction as he noted her sporadic behavior "Quite. Though I must admit it is entertaining" she commented with a smile "Such a lively character, that's for sure. Not many woman are as strong-tongued as her" she chuckled lightly, not sure if it came off as a compliment or insult in this time of age.

After their interesting conversation of romance and lovers, Cecilja hadn't taken long to notice it was Nelson there to accompany and greet them, and had brought up small talk with the older man whom she respected for his ever polite and quiet persona. She smiled a bit and nodded to him "No, perhaps you're too strong a man for some simple rain to harm. But be careful of your health will you? I hate to be the one to tell you this but you're not the youngest fellow here anymore" she offered in the most polite way she could "But really, It is good to see you again. It's been some time" she said with a genuine smile.

She had from then on vaguely listened to the conversation regarding wine between Monica and Nelson. She was half spacing out to herself, listening to the conversation of wines between Monica and Nelson, and then the conversation regarding Mr. Black, between Dean and the young German lady now beside them as well. However she was soon enough snapped out of her thoughts by Monica's voice and tone, and her eyes widened a bit "Oh dear me" she laughed airily at the women's vulgar remark between herself and Dean "It seems someone in this party is ready for some action" she laughed, finding Monica's words amusing if anything. "Although I must agree some wine sounds lovely right about now. A perfect thing to warm a cold body up" she said as they had approached the manor and were entering it now.

@Sunbather @GhastlySquash
“Thanks, that’d be so convenient!” Jane spoke to Nelson her last words before leaving the group to shelter inside the now dark building with many bright eyes gazing out into the spreading darkness. With quick steps she walked the paved pass to arrive at the mansion sooner as the longer the passengers delayed by the deck the more shamelessly they spoke. Being sure about having no desire to witness two random strangers kissing, she hurried away with no hesitation, yet her pace fell as crossing through amazing fragrance of flowers and plants decorating manor’s surroundings. Taking slow steps while looking around at charms of nature, Jane was surprised that how she had missed that beautiful scene under the shadow of the manor. “What have I been expecting? He’s supposed to be a highly attractive person after all… of course everything about him must be as noble as his bank account!” She thought and let herself enjoy the luxury of a rich man’s personal island. Actually, what had amazed her wasn’t the little garden around the house but that she had allowed her imagination run wild about Mr. Black and illustrate him as a person with no delicate emotions, therefore she didn’t expect anything pleasant from that man, and now the lady was about to realize how wrong she had been and nothing about the man’s heart could be read from his face. Although, she hadn’t met that face yet.

Stepping inside, she praised the nice, captivating design of the house like any other woman would do. The heavy wooden door reminded her of old mansions of eastern Europe. She remembered a time that their house had a thick oak door with warm carvings. Her finger tips touched the wood swiftly which felt as warm as the tree itself. She had just entered the entrance hall, being greeted by a fancy room; it’s floor covered by a large Persian carpet and a crystal chandelier hanging down its ceiling, fragments of its light shining upon smooth surface of furniture, when heard a girl squiring around wine bottles behind her. With a sigh, she increased her pace to avoid people who probably were going to waste themselves even before the main event was started. From her point of view, someone who could run her tongue brashly while sober would turn to an abomination when drunk. Thus, instead of joining the jolly group of alcohol lovers, she looked for a maid or servant to lead her to her room.

A shower was the most pleasant activity for Jane to do after trip. The smell of sea that had stuck in her hair wasn’t likable at all. It didn’t take her more than a quarter to take a brief shower and come out of bath in bath robes that the generous host had left for them, yet her suitcases were in her room as she returned. Quickly, Jane unpacked her dresses and accessories. Especially, she placed her cosmetics carefully in drawers. For a girl like her who wore a little make up and always very lightly, possessing so many Indian, Chinese, French, Italian and African elaborated boxes and bottles of cosmetics and perfumes was odd. She also had brought three sets of outfit for night and two sets for day. Jane sled into a long carbon blue silk gown with lacy sleeves, gathered her braid in a bun behind with a ribbon made of the same fabric as her dress then wore a set of silver and sapphire jewelry to reach the same level of aristocracy as other guests. Finally she went down to the main hall to face others with a fresh look and a nice smile.

"I'm hungry enough to eat a whole roast, Nelson." Monica wrapped a gloved hand around the butler. If this was her sober, few could imagine what she'd look like drunk. "You know Nelson, I should warn you that the rumors about American drinkers are all true. My Daddy use to know a Pat Garrison, great bootlegger, but use to be the son of a son of a son whose daddy was a slave master. Well, disregarding all that, Pat there inherited that great great great grandaddy's knack for nihilism and alcohol and he began brewing bootleg out of his shed. Eventually, he caught everyone's attention. It was the best bootleg whiskey in the town."

"Anyway," She continued, "My Daddy decided to test Pat in an old bet and well, he ended up dragging Pat out of the barn and into a couch. But Pat would owe him the favor two years later when my Daddy nearly fell off the Empire State Building cause he was so drunk."

She paused, as if wondering where the moral of the story went. Then, as if a lightbulb popped in her head, she smiled and continued. "And so the moral...I say the moral of the story, Nelly Nelson, is that you always need a drinking buddy. Everyone else in this ship seems ready to hit the hay, but the night is still young and we need a good drink or two. Maybe three."

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