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Realistic or Modern Murder, they Roleplayed- Closed

I can post once I get back home in a few hours, but I'd really like to move into the mansion and, like, play the plot, heh. :P
Well, I'm back and went straight inside. Sorry for sudden disappearance. Jane just disappears out of your sights again until all of your are ready for a real party~
>_> I'm continuously missing alerts from this thread. Huh.

So, uh, I'll be back from my vacations in a few days, and will make a post that will hopefully quicken the plot by ushering everyone into the mansion.
Well, I'm now back from my vacations.

How many people are still interested in this? Should I write the post, or...?
I'm still here and interested. I was trying to wait for a few more people to post before I go again.
Same here, I do hope we can still do this. I guess so long as we have enough people and provided our killer is even still present, then we should continue this.
Only 3?

Can we invite more people after the murdering is done? It's not like I know anyone but when the preparation is done more excitement will flow in and more players will e interested. I think it's because of school season that our mates don't show up.
So I assume this RP has gone quiet for some time now...and well...leaving a mystery unsolved would not be-fit an RP done so well.

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