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Realistic or Modern Murder, they Roleplayed- Closed

I'm so, so sorry for my long absence.

I was vacationing in Romania, then took a vacation-in-a-vacation at a friend's house.

I've just come back to the US yesterday.

Sorry again for the inconvenience. (' :| )
Novelsandchocolate said:
I'm so, so sorry for my long absence.
I was vacationing in Romania, then took a vacation-in-a-vacation at a friend's house.

I've just come back to the US yesterday.

Sorry again for the inconvenience. (' :| )
DIE! You filthy wealthy thing! (>A>)
I won't be able to until tomorrow at least, I work all day today (and have been for the past several days)
Bah, the alerts are acting up on me.

Anyways, I posted: I'll probably not going to have another chance to properly do so for a week, starting on monday, so yeah.

(>u>) Annette should probably recognize the meaning of the manor's name.

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