• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern Murder Mystery


1. Do not harm a character without asking the owner of the character for permission.

2. Respect all other participants. Failure to do so will result in termination.

3. Only two characters are allowed per participant.

4. Do not make your characters perfect. I want to see flaws and quirks.

5. Relationships are fantastic in the RP, I encourage them, but if things get steamy please fade to black.

6. Follow all of my rules.

7. Do not tell anyone, participant or character wise, that you are the murderer, or the RP will be restarted and you will not be participating.

Thank you, darlings!

1. I am the only one of the Vanderguilts and I do apologize but that is taken.

2. I said ten friends but keep in mind, your character can be from a different school. The main is Riverview and that's where the first ten participants/characters will be from and then you can just make up a school name.

3. The game has rules, just like the RP, and if your character fails to follow them they will be terminated.

4. I will message the person with whom will be taking on the task of murderer and failure to do so will result in termination.
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