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Multiple Settings Murder 101 AG (Game End)

Sombra Arcana

Wandering Vault Hunter
AG Basics

*recommended for new players

What is an Assassin Game (AG)?

- It is a game, in which a General Manager (GM or sometimes called "Host") creates a series of roles for players to step into and complete a goal. This is a very basic, bare-bones definition of the game.

Ok, thats cool. Now, mind being a bit more helpful?

- Sure, generally an AG involves two sides: The Assassins and the villagers. The Assassins are a small group of players who typically have a goal of killing the villagers. The villagers are a group of large players who typically have a goal of killing off the Assassins. Since no one knows who is who for sure, they have to try their best to figure it out with a combination of logic and abilities. Now, I can tell you in my game if the number of players reach a decent amount, there will be extra factions with goals unknown to you - So not everything will be black and white.

Anyway, for this game and most other games, we will be using a day system. This means that players have 24 hours, from the start of the in-game "day", to do whatever they want to for the entire day, then I will create a neat little post to tell you all about it.

So, where does this all happen? I don't think I can shout at my computer screen to talk to the other people… or can I?

- Sorry, but I won't be that easy. Plus, if you shout at them, they will shout back. Anyway, we will have this thread called the Discussion thread where players can talk about anything related to the game. From suspicious people (DON'T ACCEPT FREE CANDY FROM STRANGERS) to the events of the following day. The Discussion thread is also where I will post any information I have to give you, like updates and the Daily Post (that I mentioned before). Plus, as you will read later on, I use a system that only lets you use your special abilities if you post a certain amount each day, so I recommend checking this thread out and posting, cause it will make both you and me happy!

Ah, I think I'm getting it now. But I heard people yelling about this thing called a lynch. Whats up with that?

- Don't mind them, they are just upset that you awesome new people get to talk with me and they don't. Anyway, that lynch thing is kind of a big deal! Each day, you can lynch a player by voting for them. You can see my lynching rules later on, but for now thats all you really need to know.

Sweet, anything else I should know?

- Well, I recommend reading the rest of my rules and asking me any questions you have about them, so I can inform you before the game starts - but always feel free to ask me questions during the course of the game. If I can't answer you, I'll just tell you that - no harm in asking. I will recommend you ask me questions via Private Messaging, so I can see your question right away.

- Turn on Private Messaging. I can't give you a role if you don't have it on. If I can't send you a role when the game starts, its a pain for both you and me!

- Information is a big deal in these games. Don't just go running around telling every stranger everything about your role - They could be your enemy!

- Make sure you are active. Not only does becoming inactive really hurt your chances to win the game, active players dislike inactive players and might even go out of their way to kill you for being inactive! Being active doesn't require much, just post a few times in the discussion thread, vote, and use your abilities.

- Its a game. Enjoy yourself and try your best.


1. Adhere to RPNation Rules.

2. This is a PM game so communication outside the DT is allowed.

3. Beware of lies.

4. Keep spam to minimum.

5. The dead do not talk.

6. There is no posting requirement.

7. Everyone is required to vote everyday.

8. Typeshots and screenshots of rolesheets are not allowed.

9. I can change several rules if the setting asks for it.

10. GM's word is law.




- Eliminate the Murderer


Bounty Hunters

- Survive until game end



- Eliminate all Bystanders

Map Layout


Standby: awarded to the best bystander throughout the game.


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Player List


[*]@yumiyukifan1 - Hotel - Bystander]

[@theManCalledSting - Juliet - Murderer][/s]

[@DreamBeat - November - Bystander (ramen lover)]

[@TsukikoMoon- Bravo- Armed Bystander]

[@Lord Zanicus - Papa - Murderer (Bounty Hunter)]

[@Le Nebula -Echo - Armed Bystander ]

@Assailant -Charlie - Bounty Hunter ]

[@arialc-Sierra - Bounty Hunter ]

Codename - Gun Parts - Location

-Echo- 0/0 Kitchen

-Charlie- 0/0 Kitchen

-Sierra- 0/0 Living Quarters

-November- 1/2 Testing Facility

-Juliet- 1/2 Testing Facility

-Bravo- 2/2 Gym

-Whiskey- 0/0 Gym

-Hotel- 0/0 Testing Facility

-Papa- 2/2 Gym

-Golf- 0/0 Living Quarters

Game End!
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Oh, jeez this sounds cool. I wanna join! >w<

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I dunno if you guys are into this kind of stuff, but I figured I might as well try.
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