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Fandom Mt. Olympus University | Lore//Rules//OOC

Yea I didn't mean to be rude to you as well. Sorry if it came off that way. Just want to make sure with the ppl in charge. Also my question was whether girl_on_fire girl_on_fire wanted the same relationship here, not necessarily demanding it should be same.
In the rules, she herself stated what I related to you, though perhaps her wording on it may be different. I would suggest you read them as she posted them in the beginning of this thread.
Whatever, person over there. I was just trying to answer a question. Since I have no understanding of what you mean, I suppose I am a fool.
Ya, I think we are just going to pretend, since this is a collage timeline and, well, I doubt Athena is Zeus's daughter, that only Zeus, Posedion, and Hades are related. Also, girl_on_fire girl_on_fire , waiting for you to post
Yep, because I would prefer if Girl on Fire respond before I post my next post. However, it is getting to the point where I am just going to do it anyway
Insidi Insidi MegMath13 MegMath13 , if Artemis and Persephone get close, would it be okay for Artemis to third wheel with Persephone and Hades occasionally? It would, of course, be on rare or special occasions only.

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