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Fandom Mortal Kombat Roleplay


Master of Creation, Lord of Cosmic Storms, and Hug
This rp is set during the time-frame of MKX but with an altered plotline and new characters and such.

Setting: Many years have passed since Shao Kahn's defeat by Earthrealm's champions. Raiden succeeded in defeating Shao Kahn when the latter attempted to merge the realms against the Elder Gods wishes. While many kombatants fell during the war, many were also saved and new kombatants rose to take their place in defense of Earthrealm. Years later, Shinnok, the fallen Elder God, attempted to invade Earthrealm himself with an army of Demons, Undead, and Necromancers alongside his main servant, Quan Chi. They were soon brought down by the combined might of Earthrealm and Outworld's forces lead by Kyran Kahn.

Kyran, Outworld's new Emperor, also wishes to expand the Empire but has agreed to abide by the Elder Gods' rules of Mortal Kombat. Ten tournaments will allow Outworld to merge Earthrealm with it, and this tournament marks the first under Kyran's rule. It will take place on what was once Shang Tsung's island, conducted by Kyran's chief Sorcerer and adviser, Tao. From across the realms, kombatants and warriors travel to this single island to engage in Mortal Kombat.

--- Rules ----

1. Pretty much an obvious one: No godmodding of any variety, including cheap shotting (killing off peoples characters without their permission), making your character invulnerable or unbeatable against others in the rp, taking control of other characters characters, etc.

2. Cursing is allowed, but let's be smart with it people. Even the shittiest, most profane motherfuckers don't fucking make a sentence consist mostly of cursing, dammit.

3. Romances are allowed but we when it starts to leave the PG-13 area have it fade to black.

4. To prove that you read this, you must like this post and put "Ninja Mime" somewhere in your character sheet.

5. Yes, we know that everyone wants to be the lover of a kanon character. And you have that right. But it comes on a first come, first served basis. If someone has already said that their OC has the hots for a certain kanon character, then you can't have your character be romantically involved with the character in question.
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Official Timeline of the Role Play


10 million hours in GIMP provided by myself

(At the start of the RP)

Kanon Characters currently alive:

Jade, Smoke, Kitana, Nightwolf, Raiden, Kenshi, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Sonya, Johnny, Ermac, Reptile, Mileena, Quan Chi, Goro, Sheeva, Rain, Tanya, Li Mei.

Kanon Characters currently Dead:

Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Baraka, Kano, Jax, Cyrax, Sektor, Noob, Stryker, Kabal, Sindel, Shang Tsun, Skarlet, Kotal, D'vorah, Erron Black, Ferra/Torr


Current Character and Player List

-In order of posting-

Click on a character name to be taken to the post with their character sheet in it. Click on any username to be taken to their profile.

Adalin Blue, and Mileena - Zexeos

Kyran Kahn, Tao, Jun, and Sub-Zero - Sadow-sama

Jarrod - AlwaysYours
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