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Fandom Mortal Kombat Roleplay


Master of Creation, Lord of Cosmic Storms, and Hug
Full Name:

Nickname, if any:



Age and/or Birthday:

Physical description:

Place of Birth:

Ethnic Background:

Where they live:

Who they live with, if applicable:

Current Occupation:


Romantic Partner(s), if any:


Other family(Parents, siblings, etc.):


Optional only if playing as a kanon character.

Fighting Style:



Faction, if any:
e.g., Lin Kuei, White Lotus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, etc.

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This is NOT my art. The artist of this amazing piece is actually Raikoh-illust, go check out the rest of their rad work! I will replace this image with art of my own once I get to drawing my character. But she looks pretty much just like this, so you get the idea.

[General Information]

Full Name: Adalin Rose Blue

Nicknames: Ada, Blue, or "Little One." (Last one is only used by Kuai.)

Gender: Female

Species: Cryomancer/Human

Age and Birthday: 26, December 23rd

Physical description: Tall with fair skin, Ada has blonde hair that she wares in a long braid, usually tied with a blue ribbon. Has almond-shaped bright blue eyes. She has a lean frame without much much muscle build.

Place of Birth: New York, USA

Ethnic Background: Chinese-American

Where they live: Currently residing in the Lin Kuei temple in northern China.

Who they live with: Sub-Zero, Frost, and countless Lin Kuei assassins.

Current Occupation: Training for the new Kombat tournament.

Other family: Great Grandmother Hua Xue, who was a member of the Lin Kuei. She left for America and was killed a few years later, leaving her husband to raise their two children alone.

Backstory: Lord Raiden was warned by the Elder Gods: There was a new round of Kombat approaching. Raiden heeded their warning and went out to seek new kombatants for the tournament to bolster Earthrelm's chances of defeating this new threat on the horizon; Kyran Kahn, the new Kanuhm of Outworld. Scouring the globe, Raiden discovered Adalin when she was 18, and took her to the Lin Kuei for training in martial arts and to have Kuai Liang help her master her cryomancer abilities. Due to her need to be in the tournament, Sub-Zero has chosen to train her personally instead of putting her under the guidance of Frost, who has never fought in Kombat, Ada has lived at the temple since Shao Kahn's defeat, but when the war with the Netherrelm had left Kuai dead, Smoke, his second-in-command, took over the Lin Kuei as well as Ada's training. Smoke gracefully stepped down from his grandmaster title to allow Kuai to retake his place as leader of the Lin Kuei, and so Ada's training continues.


{Reluctant Hero}

Adalin remains awe-stuck and displaced by Lord Raiden choosing her for Kombat, and her secret lineage of cryomancy has made her question what else her family has been hiding away. But she still accepts the task ahead of her, no matter how dangerous it might be. She feels a need to fight in order to help save the millions of lives within Earthrealm, and the weight she feels on her shoulders is enormous.


Ada always has to be doing something in order to soothe her restless mind and body. While in the temple, with no TV or phones or internet, she passes time by training. She's a natural kombatant and the need to hone her powers is in her very blood.


Ada tries to find the best in any situation, no matter how bleak. Every cloud has a silver lining and she is determined to find it. Armed with a "glass half full" mentality, Adalin does her best to remain postitive during the long years of training she will have to endure. She does not back down from the challenge of Kombat, instead she sees it as an opprotunity to better herself and make a difference in the world by giving her all to save it.


Fighting Style: Dragon fighting stance, focuses on speed over power and makes extensive use of her ice powers.

Powers: Cryomancy. Can create ice balls, weapons, and ice clones of herself with a mild amount of concentration.

Weapons: The traditional Kori Blade, and can also create and throw ice daggers.

Faction: Lin Kuei

[Matters of the Heart]

Sexuality: Straight

Romantic Partner: Kuai Liang

Children: N/A

Ninja Mime is also her favorite movie.
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Full Name: Kyran Kahn

Nickname, if any: Emperor, Kahn

Gender: Male

Species: Jehti (Human)

Age and/or Birthday: Unknown

Physical description: At an imposing 6'10", Kyran is a young but powerful leader built through years of training and sorcery augmenting his body. He has grey, slicked back hair that runs down the back of his neck. His left eye is greyed and looks blind while the right is red. He wears a full set of bone-like, black armour with a torn, purple cape draped down the back. His helm resembles that of a dragon.

Place of Birth: Krand, Outworld

Ethnic Background: Outworld

Where they live: Kahn-ze, Outworld

Who they live with, if applicable: Mileena, Rain, Tanya, Jun, Li Mei

Current Occupation: Emperor of Outworld

Sexuality: Straight

Romantic Partner(s), if any: Mileena

Children: None

Other family(Parents, siblings, etc.): Ninja Mime (none)

Personality: Ruthless and calculating, Kyran Kahn never acts without assessing a situation. He fears the wrath of the Elder Gods for their destruction of Shao Kahn and, thus, obeys their rules of Mortal Kombat. While he does marry Mileena to become Emperor, he has adopted a fondness and, arguably, a love for the half-Tarkatan. He has, like his predecessor, an insatiable desire to conquer other realms but his temper and eagerness to war are more controlled and subdued than that of Shao Kahn. Growing up a peasant, Kyran has an understanding of the lower workings of his realm and works hard to secure a balance in Outworld where everyone from the highest general to the lowest worker has a part to play in his regime. He does understand concepts of honour, mercy, glory, and fortunes which make him win allies in some parts of Earthrealm as well as the loyalty of some who would otherwise betray him. He trusts few but Mileena, Jun, and Li Mei for individual reasons; Mileena is his bride and they share affection for one another, Jun has worked for him for a long time and never betrayed him, and Li Mei keeps those in the upper echelons of Outworld from conspiring against him.

Backstory: Kyran grew up in the streets of Krand as a peasant, stealing bread and potatoes to survive. When caught, he was sentenced to the arena to die by Kombat rather than face execution as the city profited highly from the Kombat Arena. Kyran showed an aptitude for bloodshed, being quick and adept at wearing down his opponents before finishing them off. His victory in the arena earned him his life and a place in Shao Kahn's navy, where he witnessed a battle between Raiden and Shang Tsung on the sorcerer's personal Dreadnought overseas.

Many years of exemplary service earned Kyran the position of Naval Commander directly under the command of General Reiko. It was around this time that the Ninth consecutive Mortal Kombat tournament was held in Earthrealm to decide its fate. When news spread of Earthrealm's victory, Kyran was in the throne room when Shao Kahn nearly had Shang Tsung executed for his failure. He witnessed the second Mortal Kombat tournament in Outworld in the Koliseum, mentally noting his disapproval of Reiko placing wagers on the Kombatants and their victories for personal profit. It was also at this time that he met the mercenary Jun. When Shao Kahn was seemingly killed at the hands of Liu Kang, Kyran was surprised by the news and noticed that Reiko almost seemed pleased by it.

The Invasion of Earthrealm saw Kyran leading a Fleet of warships against the U.S. Navy, where Earthrealm's technological superiority became apparent to Kyran by how decimated his fleet was by the end of the battle. Reiko nearly had Kyran executed had it not been for the intervention of Kabal's escape. Kyran, eager to regain his honour in the eyes of Reiko and Shao Kahn, ventured into Earthrealm alongside many of his men and engaged Earthrealm's forces, though Kyran was narrowly defeated by Cyber Sub-Zero. His latest failure was of no concern to Reiko, however, as Shao Kahn had been killed by the Elder Gods after impatiently attempting to merge Outworld with Earthrealm. Outworld split into civil war over who should succeed the Emperor, with Reiko swiftly trying to take his place by Mileena. Kyran saw this chance and, with Jun's aid, framed Reiko for plotting to overthrow Mileena and killed him before her. Not long after, Kotal and his supporters attempted a similar coup but were swiftly brought down with the only casualty being Baraka and Kano.

Through marriage, Kyran has secured Kahnum of Outworld at Mileena's side and rules jointly with her as his Queen. Li Mei, Rain, and Tanya act as High Councilors while Jun is Kyran's personal mercenary, acting as a bodyguard, Captain of the Guard, and assassin. Kyran has met with Raiden and the Special Forces in neutral ground in Outworld and agreed to the Elder Gods' age old tradition of Mortal Kombat.

Fighting Style: While fast and acrobatic when he was younger, Kyran has adopted a slower but more brutal style of kombat ever since becoming Emperor. He now dons heavy boneplate while wielding a large battleaxe in one hand and a massive greatsword in the other which, like Shao Kahn's Wrath Hammer, he summons into his hands from his personal armory. When not using his weapons, he often relies on heavy punches and energy blasts to kill his enemies.

Powers: Teleportation, energy blasts, Dark Vision (Netherrealm eye technique allowing him to see Demonic essence not visible to ordinary eyes), tremendous strength, shapeshifting.

Weapons: Battleaxe, Greatsword

Faction, if any: Outworld

Full Name: Tao

Nickname, if any: None

Gender: Male

Species: Unknown

Age and/or Birthday: Unknown

Physical description: Tao is a suave and handsome man adorned in a dark red Trenchcoat that appears black unless in the light, with Ouroboros symbol on its back. He has short, dark hair and deep, green eyes that seem to mesmerize those who stare too deeply into them. He wears a signet ring on his left hand that acts as a symbol of authority on his island from the Emperor himself as well as a key to certain areas and items concealed on the island. It denotes him as an ambassador to Earthrealm from Outworld.

Place of Birth: Unknown

Ethnic Background: Outworld

Where they live: Tao's island (formerly Shang Tsung's)

Who they live with, if applicable: Outworld Kombatants, slaves

Current Occupation: Ambassador, sorcerer, Mortal Kombat host

Sexuality: Straight

Romantic Partner(s), if any: None

Children: None

Other family(Parents, siblings, etc.): None

Personality: As cold and ruthless as the Emperor himself, Tao shows a bit more whimsy and extravagance than his master. He has a taste for the finer things in Outworld and Earthrealm and isn't afraid to express it in fine decors, foods, and other things, often holding feasts in his main chamber. He is proud of the authority the Emperor has granted him and sees himself as ruler of his own domain in Earthrealm, which causes him to silently hope that Earthrealm never merges with Outworld so it may stay his own playground. He wields his sorcery with just as much pride and vanity, often becoming amused by others' awe and fear of his power. He fears the wrath of his Emperor, knowing how his old mentor, Shang Tsung, was killed in order to empower Queen Sindel by the late Emperor, Shao Kahn.

Backstory: Tao was a sorcerer working as an apprentice to Shang Tsung during the time of the last two Mortal Kombat tournaments and the Invasion of Earthrealm. He was present in the Throne Room when Shao Kahn used Shang Tsung to empower Sindel and has feared for his life, from both Kahns, ever since. He jumped at the opportunity to serve as Ambassador to Earthrealm and host for the Mortal Kombat tournaments to come, hoping to gain favour with the Emperor and Empress by serving dutifully.

Fighting Style: Shapeshifting, like with Shang Tsung before him, makes up the majority of Tao's fighting style. He will often demoralize opponents by shapeshifting into their loved ones during kombat or using the powers of powerful fighters to his advantage. Thus far he has secured the forms of: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Jun, and the other Kombatants entering into the tournament.

Powers: See above.

Weapons: None.

Faction, if any: Outworld

Other: Ninja Mime

Full Name: Jun

Nickname, if any: None

Gender: Female

Species: Kajyat (Feline humanoid)

Age and/or Birthday: Unknown

Physical description: A feline humanoid, Jun has the size of a human but resembles a cat. Her body is covered in tortoiseshell fur and her eyes are slitted and green, the top of his head tipped with a pair of feline ears. She wears a vest made of thick, brown leather with bullet straps around it along with a brown Trenchcoat with small leather pauldrons on the shoulders and brown pants with knee-high boots where she stores her knives. Similarly to Erron Black, she wears a thick brown mask over her mouth and nose. She keeps her crossbow and swords stored on her back with her pistols strapped to her sides.

Place of Birth: Kajya, Outworld

Ethnic Background: Outworld

Where they live: Kahn-ze, Outworld

Who they live with, if applicable: Kyran Kahn, Mileena, Rain, Tanya, Li Mei

Current Occupation: Mercenary

Sexuality: Bisexual

Romantic Partner(s), if any: None

Children: None

Other family(Parents, siblings, etc.): None

Personality: Jun possesses a very adaptive personality that she inherited from Erron Black; side with the strong. She is loyal to a fault to Kyran Kahn but her first duty is to herself. She accepts only exorbitant payments in return for her skilled services. When off-duty, she often spends her time hedonistically spending her money on weapons, ammunition, or some form of luxury. She views Erron Black in respect and seems to regret having to kill him, but as she views it, he sided with the wrong Emperor and she keeps her mind on the present.

Backstory: Not much is known about Jun's life before her service to Kyran. She watched the second Mortal Kombat tournament in the Koliseum and betted on an Earthrealm victory against Reiko which Kyran, a Naval Commander at the time, frowned on. She was hired by Reiko along with Erron Black and several other mercenaries to aid in Outworld's Invasion of Earthrealm and, despite the many victories, the war ended in failure when Shao Kahn was killed by the Elder Gods. At some point in time, she taught Erron Black how to swordfight in return for teaching her how to gunfight, making the pair a lethal duo of guns-for-hire. She ultimately sided with Mileena and, by extension, Kyran Kahn during the civil war in Outworld and killed Erron Black, who had sided with Kotal. She now serves as Captain of the Guard and personal assassin to Emperor Kyran Kahn.

Fighting Style: Jun fights using swords and firearms, mixing and matching them as needed. She relies heavily on speed and reflex to win battles and has very precise aim thanks to her keen Kajyat senses and sight.

Powers: None

Weapons: Dual swords, a hunting rifle, dual pistols, twin daggers, throwing knives

Faction, if any: Outworld
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Full Name: Jarrod

Gender: Male

Species: Edenian

Age and/or Birthday: 6000(appearing 17)



W:174 lbs.

Hasn't decided on a battle-costume yet. Anything but Ninja Mime.

Place of Birth: Outworld

Ethnic Background: Edenian

Where they live: Earthrealm

Who they live with, if applicable: Cassie Cage

Current Occupation: Special Forces; Enforcing Peace and the rulings of the Reiko Accord--or what remains of it.


Romantic Partner(s), if any: None at current moment.

Children: N/A

Other family(Parents, siblings, etc.): The Cage Family


While the king had only one daughter, he had many a son. And it was his pride of his own bloodline that caused the fall of Edenia. When the King was slain, Jarrod was his youngest child. Knowing that the last male heir would be hunted by the likes of lions, Raiden stepped in and removed the young boy from the equation--and wiped any memory of the court from his mind. Now, nearly 6000 years later, the care of the young prince has been bestowed to the Cage Family of Earthrealm. Raiden knew he would be taken care of as one of their own.


Jarrod is a smooth talker and very calm in all of his endevors. When he isn't fighting he is in meditation, preparing for his next mission. There are moments when he has fun with his adoptive sister. They tend to be opposite sides of the same koin--Where she is blunt and abrasive with her harsh comments, he is subtle and swift.

Fighting Style:


(I'd go into detail with variations, but I'll just hold off on that.)

Powers: Light Manipulation

Weapons: Naginata, Kusarigama, Katana

Faction, if any:
Special Forces
AlwaysYours said:
Full Name: Jarrod


Age and/or Birthday:
6000(appearing 17)


W:174 lbs.

Hasn't decided on a battle-costume yet. Anything but Ninja Mime.

Place of Birth:

Ethnic Background: Edenian

Where they live: Earthrealm

Who they live with, if applicable: Cassie Cage

Current Occupation: Special Forces; Enforcing Peace and the rulings of the Reiko Accord--or what remains of it.


Romantic Partner(s), if any: None at current moment.

Children: N/A

Other family(Parents, siblings, etc.): The Cage Family


While the king had only one daughter, he had many a son. And it was his pride of his own bloodline that caused the fall of Edenia. When the King was slain, Jarrod was his youngest child. Knowing that the last male heir would be hunted by the likes of lions, Raiden stepped in and removed the young boy from the equation--and wiped any memory of the court from his mind. Now, nearly 6000 years later, the care of the young prince has been bestowed to the Cage Family of Earthrealm. Raiden knew he would be taken care of as one of their own.


Jarrod is a smooth talker and very calm in all of his endevors. When he isn't fighting he is in meditation, preparing for his next mission. There are moments when he has fun with his adoptive sister. They tend to be opposite sides of the same koin--Where she is blunt and abrasive with her harsh comments, he is subtle and swift.

Fighting Style:


(I'd go into detail with variations, but I'll just hold off on that.)

Powers: Light Manipulation

Weapons: Naginata, Kusarigama, Katana

Faction, if any: Special Forces

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