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Fantasy more gems!

The monster was a green giant. Tall and slender, and with 4 arms. As Tom activated his first stage of his gem the monster was still 6 feet taller than him. But the monster didn't move like it was big and bulky like it was, it moved fast and silent. This was going to be one hell of a fight.

(was that good enough?)
((Where in the gods hell am I... Oh! I am back from my exams! Summer starts now for me! I will be able to post!))
Seeing that he couldn't beat the monster by size, Tom activated his second stage of his gem and jumped up at the monster, pulling out a sword he stabbed the monster in the gut. He then lost his balance and grabbed on the sword in his small tree form, trying not to fall off the giant.
The monster tried throwing him off. 
(Lucas is there. Maybe he could tell them about his vision.) 
(Sorry. I will when I get back.) 
(Zanesville Ohio. I'm going to my mom's and she has no internet, plus my data is off.)
Eliza made her way to the restruant and starred at the mess. The whole front of it was destroyed, showing all elements priceless books and nicknacks on shelves and cases. "I better change into something more comfy." She began to climb up the stairs, made from fallen bricks of the wall, and put on shorts, tank and a plaid shirt. "Lets do this..." She began to take all bricks inside into a pile outside. As a few hours passed, she noticed something in one of the walls. Making her way to it, she realized something important. "A gem in the wall? I better tell Lucas and the others." She gathered the gem and headed back to Leroys house. Running all the way, she enter the house out of breath. "Lucas!" She paused for a breath, "Hey Para!"
Caricon held tight on to the monsters belly as he slung him around. This was wasting time, if he didn't fly now he would have to wait months for the perfect moment. So he in his awesome human sized ent form, jumped of the monster and sped away to the plane.

On the plane

The boy now fullying transformed into a human again quickly filled up the plane and started the warm up sequence. Over the whirling engines he could hear the monsters giant footsteps, "Phmm. Phmm. Phmm. Phmm. Phm. Cresh, phmm." It was going to be close if at all.
The monster continued to run, as quickly as it could, trying to catch the plane. It was beginning to worry it wouldn't arrive in time to stop it, but it caught the plane last second. (Sorry it's short again, I'm trying to reply quickly.)

Lucas looked away from Para over to Eliza. "Yeah, what do you need?" (Same as I said above.)
(fine, I didn't need anymore, and I didn't exactly give you much)

"D***," Caricon said jumping out of the plane and turning into a large Ent, smashing his fist together. He wasn't going to allow the monster to damage the little biplane. he then roared and charged the monster.
The monsterwaited for Caricon to get close before kicking him. The monster smiled, assuming it was winning because of one blow.
Caricon fell back and caught himself, before putting all his force into his fist. Then with his giant ent strength jumped up and swinging his fist right into the monsters chest, a blow that could tobble a steel skyscraper. The ent then pulled back his fist and waited for the monster to get up.
(See you then.)

The monster began to attack blindly, wanting to finish before it was to late and HE came.
Seeing the monster was scrambling the ent silently turned back into a human and slid away to the plane. As he closed the door on the plane he heard a loud crash, that motivated him to start the plane and quickly move the small biplane into the air, hopefully there was no flying monsters.
The monster noticed the plane was flying away just before falling down in pain, dying slowly of a extremely painful poison that also paralyzed.
Eliza reveals a glowing gem. "While cleaning up the mess, This gem was hidden in a wall. I have no idea why it was there." She looked confused at the gem and held it out to Lucas.
"Interesting." Lucas looks at the gem for awhile. "Hopefully we can figure out how it got there."

(I started chapter three of the gems of power. Just felt like letting you know everybody.)
"I agree. Maybe the buildings history could help?" Eliza suggested. "Now how are we going to keep it safe?"

(Coolio!!!! So, I was thinking, for Chapter 3, I'll make a new character. Elizabeth will die soon...just to let you guys know...wish this starts again.)
Fin had walked around looking for any of the people he was searching for,though he doubted he'd find any of them just walking around he couldn't do much else till he figured out what was wrong with his gem.

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