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Fantasy more gems!

"Thanks Lucas. You are the best!" Eliza gets up and walks towards the computer. She begins her search with dreams applying to real life, Why dreams feel so real, and the prisoners name -Edger Vytheim-. A few moments pulled up his history.

"Lucas? This Edger Vytheim, he was in the dream and the first person to see me. He said he his a Gem Keeper... This is getting weirder." Worry was in her voice as she circled around the room. "Im dreaming about history that i never learned about!"

((Okay Ill try as much as I can to be online!))

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~Present Day~

"Okay, Or if something bad happens." Eliza continued to google about the year 1619 for a few hours and once again, fell asleep. The dream began again as the kingdoms sunrise passed.

~Dream; 1619 of Castle Neal~

"Good morning Ms. Rosein, I will be you maid during your stay." A gentle voice came from a young maiden with a smile upon her face. "What is your name?" "Molly, milady. Ive laid out a dress for you to wear and the King requests your presents in cout." "Alright thank you Molly. Please, take the day off." "But, that is part of work, I mustnt leave." The Maid, Molly, then left towards the bathroom for a few moments. Elizabeth hears water splashin until Molly returned. "Warm water for a bathe. Take your time Ms. Rosein." And left the room once more. about 15 minuetes, she left the bathe and began to get dressed for the day when a voice came from behind her.

"Lookie here, the cutie is back. Got any news about the future?" Asked the voice. Eliza turned around, "Edger, what brings you to my chambers?" "You know, you dont have to play games with me. Now tell me this, whats your gem power cutie?" Elizabeth wondered why he wanted to know and decided to answer truthfully. "Ill tell you if you tell me yours? I have the Rose and Blood gems." Edger steps forwards, "Two gems, any in the upper levels?" "Yes, stage two of the Rose. Now tell me yours?" He laughs and grins, "My power, I have the gem of Angels." "Why is such a creeped like you have a Holy gem?" He steps forwards and pina Elizabeth down on the bed. "Just to let you know, Im not such a bad guy. Now listen up, I need a favor, get close to the princess and leave me updated. Your reward, Ill give you my gem..."

~Present day~

Elizabeth begins to talk in her sleep, the turns into yells and screams. When awakened by her own screams, she went to a notepad and began to write everything down. Look at her outfit, it had changed again and wrote that down in the margins. "Hope I didnt wake Lucas up..." and went to check up on him. "Lucas you awake? Just seeing how you are doing. Im going to make something to eat, When you are hungry, just come to the kitchen."

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Lucas "okay. I just dreamed about a old man fighting Tyler, and winning. I doubt it was a real vision."
"Yeah?" Lucas said while thinking of his dream. It reminded him of another vision he had a few months. It was a skeleton looking almost exactly like Gyga taking him out with ease.
"So, for the year I was out of town, I was searching for the Gems of Heaven." Pausing to spray a pan with oil. "While you were asleep, I fell asleep as well and the dream continued. The man, Edger, claims he has one o the Heaven gems, The gem of Angels. He wants me to get close to the princess but I do not know why he does. What do you think I should do?"

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"Just go with his plan until you think it's gone to far." Lucas said while still thinking of his visions.
"I guess i gotta do whatever gets the Heaven Gems safe, Right?" Eliza puts two pieces of bread, cheese and another slice on the heated pan. "How are your visions coming?"

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"Like I said when you came in, I saw a old man beat Tyler up. At first I doubted it was a vision, but I saw a skeleton beat me like it was nothing in a vision a few months ago, which came true." Lucas was still thinking about them, wondering if the old man was possibly Garc.
Finishing up some lunch, Elixa took 2 plates down. "Here you go, One grilled cheese." She sat down and began to eat.

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"Thanks." Lucas said as he began eating. "My weirdest vision yet was probably just a dream or a videogame. I'm not sure, but I posted it online."
"They sent a lot of forces yesterday, so they are probably recovering." Lucas said. "Luckily I have the second form of my gem, so we are prepared, I think."
"Hopefully. Well I better go. Gotta go fulix up the resturarnt. See you later." Eliza Finished eating and cleaning up and headed out the door. "You know where to find me if anything happens. Okay?" and disappeared jnto the daylight. ((I gtg. See you later.))

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(well I am trying to figure out how to make a post. Maybe find a small plane just sitting there, and flying at the South Pole).
Tom carefully picked a coat from the empty store. As he walked out tugging on his fur coat he heard something. Quickly he turned around activating his gem. And watched a little cat run away. He was getting too paranoid, he then headed back to the airport unaware that what he was really hearing was a giant monster tracking his every step.

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