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Fantasy more gems!

Fin sighed,getting up from where he was he went out and looked around being stuck with now two gems,one not working.
~Present day~

Eliza decided to stay out of the forest for the rest of the day. Seeing how she spent some time there, she deactivated her gem and went for a walk. With two homes destroyed, she headed to one that was and is now fixed, the house where she loved someone, the house owned by Leroy.

Once their, she looked around. "Guess when people dissappears, nothing changes..." she whispered to herself. "That is true little sis." A soft tone came from the den. "Hey, what brings you here sis? how is life as the Queen of Hell?" "Fine. It seems another threat has arrived. But I need to know, how are the Hell gems? Do you have them now?" Eliza searched her body. "I did... They must be at the tree house..." "Elizabeth, you must get them, with Hell powers, no one could be stopped, the world would end." "I know that Sis, Ill go get them now."

Eliza ran outside towards the mansion and to the tree house where the box stayed untouched. Feeling tired she layed on the pillows and fell asleep with the box in her hands. Her dream from before contrinued from where it ended, but this time, something had changed. Instead of being as a soul floated around, watching the story play out, Eliza was now the Princess.

~Dream;Perspective of Elizabeth as Cassiathea~

"Princess Cassiathea, my girl, please stay away." The king replied to her once more before sending her off to bed. "If I want to know what had happened, I shall find out myself." She said to herself. Walkin down towards the dundeons, Cassie made her way passed the young guards -With charm as her bargening chip- and to his cell, deep withing the dungeon.

"How is it that a little princesd such as yourself be here in an icky, smelly and creepy dungeon?" asked the prisoner. Cassie replied, "Tell me, why did you come into my fathers castle?" "Business, Little one." "Do not call me little." "My dear," He continues as he reaches his arms out towards her and rubs it against her cheek, "I shall call you what I wish..." Cassie blushing and shaking, "What business?" He replies as Cassie walks backwards towards the other wall, "You are much more beautiful thatn the rumors say... And my business, To kill you, Cassithea..." He then wiggles to look for a second and walks up to her. Cassie against the wall, he places one arm above her head and another gently across her cheek. They standbtheir in silence as a guard walks down, quickly going back into his cell, she walked to her chambers and went to bed.

~Dream; Eliza has herself~

Eliza's soul was sorta zapped put of the princesses body. "What is happening?" With full control, she went to find the king. He was walking down the corridor as she stood and began to speak. "My lord, please listen, you daughter spoke to the prisoner..." The king continued walking, right through Eliza, she shivered.

After her weird experience, she went downstairs to the prisoner. "Who is there!?!?" Asked the prisoner who flirted with the princess. "You can hear me?" Eliza asked. "Of course... Show yourself girl." He demanded. Walking into the light, Eliza saw the prisoner. "But no on is able to see nor her me?.?." She spoke in a confused voice. "Whats your name missy?" He asked. "Elizabeth... and you?" "My name is Vyth, Edger Vythiem. Elizabeth, what in devils name are you wearing?" "Um, casual clothing, from the 20th century? What year am I at!" "From the future? Its 1619, you need some new clothing." He tosses a pouch of coins. "On your way now..."

After finding a dress, she paid a visit with Edger. "Here." She through back his pouch of money. "Much better cutie." Replied Edger. "Now, what are you? Witch, Seer, Time traveller ir Gem keeper?" "How do you know about gems?" Eliza asked. "I am one cutie..." They spoke fod a few more minutes. Eliza went up to the castle floors.

Still partly confused, Eliza walked towards the king to attept to speak. "My lord?" She askes after fining a proper dresd to wear for the era. "Yes? to whom may my you be?" "I am..." Pausing, Eliza decides to create a name for herself, "Elizabeth Rosein, Princess of a new kingsom that is in need of alliences." She bows. "What brings a princess to my castle so late in the evening?" Asked the king. "I had arrived a bit before dawn, but became lost finding my way fro the mountains." "Then you must be tired, please, We will surely enjoy havin you as a guest. A guard will show you to your chambers for the night. Shall we continue this tommorrow in court?" "Yes my lord." Bowing again, she walks to her chambers and falls asleep.

~Present day~

Unknown of what had happebed, Eliza fell into a deep sleep with no other dreams till she awoken the next morning...

((Sorry, been busy with summer AP homework. Not sure when I will be able to come online again. So I left this like 10 or 11 paragraph response on what happens with Eliza. Just you what to find out why this is happening. -It all leads back to the Hell gems...- Ps, You may expect long posts coming up since I do not have a laptop anymore a only my phone... and 104 AP Chemistry questions and a book with essay for AP English. Cant wait to read what happens next with Gyga and the others!

Love, RoseArrow!))

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Once the door was open Folter saw everyone and bolted from the house. "Okay, so someone broke into Leroy's. Sorry for calling you guys for nothing. " Lucas said as he walked in. 
(Awesome post. Thanks for telling us.)
With the Hell gems safe, Eliza walked back to Leroy's home. Partly asleep, she came to the front door, that was now open with everyone gathered inside. "What happened? Why is everyone here?" Eliza wondered. The only person not there, her sister.

For a quick moment, thoughts zoomed through her mind. Why me? Why do I get to have weird dreams? How did I change clothing? Looking at a window, her reflection shown a wavey, updo thats perfect for a princess and an elegant, but simple dress. A small silver tiarra sat gently on her head.

"What is everyone looking at now?" Gribbing onto the box of gems, she walked through the door and placed them in a secret place with an enchanment to hide them. Once joining everyone again, she waited for someone to speak, either her or another.

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Lucas was in another room on the computer, checking it's history and finding out what Folter was doing before going to tell Eliza hi.
((Sorry everyone! This isn't really a post in the RP... I am on my final exams at school until june 17 and I will not be able to reply until then. I am really sorry about that...))
In the forest a tree-man was running, fast. He had to get to where he was going. Jumping up the tree boy grabbed a branch and swung tree from tree. He had to get there. After 30 minutes of running, jumping and swinging the now tired tree-boy arrived where he was. A cave, and inside that cave was a great monster. So the boy (named Caricon) walked into the cave, still not knowing the great powers lying in wait.

(And to you 1for3
Folter found the ancient ruins Caricon was at just recently. "Hey, anyone here?" He called out, not sure what to expect.
"I came last night since both my homes are destroyed..." Pausing for a deep breath, "Leroy gave me a key before. My sister was here as well..."

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Lucas smiled. "Okay, well I'm almost done repairing here. I've been basically living here while I waited for Leroy to return."
"Oh, have you heard from him yet? Leroy, what do you know about dreams?" Eliza asked quietly.

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"Okay. Hey, listen. Twice Ive been having these dreams that feel real...An when i woke up from one thise morning, I had this outfit on. Same one from the dream. What do you know about dreams?"

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"I have visions, and they sometimes show something as it happens. I'm not sure about having a dream and waking up differentially. Try the computer, it might have something. " Lucas said.

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