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Fantasy more gems!

Gyga began firing his mini gun first, saving the shot gun for close combat. While doing this, he had a purely evil smile on his face.
Once he started shooting Fin let out a super loud,super high pitched scream,the roof under them began to crack and the bullets flew off course. The cracking ended up under Gyga and with his weight it started to collapse.
Gyga showed off the fact that his legs had similar abilities to his arms by morphing them into pogo stick like legs and jumped over to Fin and fired his shot gun, point blank.
Quickly looking back to where Gyga had jumped his eyes widened in surprise when he brought up his shot gun and fired,his scarf flew to protect him and he quickly jumped but. But being a bit too late his left arm still got shot badly,he quickly backed away from Gyga clinging onto his left arm his face obviously showing the pain.
(This isn't even close to a fair fight.)

Gyga began firing the mini gun again until he could fire the shot gun again.
( xD says the one who can change his arms and legs into almost anything.it's not like I've harmed you once ether,nor can my dude even do that by himself unless by luck haha)

Fin wasn't prepared for him to start firing again,running out of his firing Fin tried not to get shot. But he didn't watch his footing,he stepped where Gyga had been before and the cracks broke and he fell through the roof landing on the next floor. He tried his best not to land on his hurt arm,but being such a short fall he wasn't able to catch himself with his wind so he ended up crashing through a table.
(I meant that it wasn't fair for Fin. He's doomed unless someone helps.)

Gyga jumped down and grabbed Fin by the neck. "Any last words?" He says while putting the shot gun to Fin's head.
( yea.....well.....hmmm.....I gotta think of something he can do....it is kinda terrible I made him with absolutely no attacking stragity and he needs to rely on someone else -.- who never seems to be there...but he's a sound and wind dude,there's not much full blown attacks ya can do with that O.o hmm.....think think think.....Oooo I got something~)

Fin grunted when Guga grabbed him by the neck and aimed the gun at him." Guess this is similar to what happen to Eliza.....huh....." He seemed really out of breath as he spoke just barely. Then he chuckled," Look at that....." He wasn't looking at Gyga anymore but past him. The broken wood were floating all around,their sharp points aimed straight at Gyga. Fin looked up at Gyga's gun." I wouldn't shoot now if I were you...." He had pressurized the air in the barrel of the gun,if he shot it wouldn't be Fin's head that would be exploding.
Gyga began to laugh. "I know you'll survive if I shoot, but I will to. When I gem is deactivated in a battle, the user is returned to human form without a scratch, they just can't use their gem for awhile. If I'm right, we'll both return to human from this, and I can only assume I'm the stronger human." While he said this he was smiling, definitely planning on shooting.

(Don't forget the second stage his gem has, it can be added now if you want.)
Just as Eliza was about to activate her gem, the tree like thing, known as Caricon as a normal guy, picked her up and ran. "Put me down please, I need to help my friends..."

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(I have no idea what to do with that yet....though now I've got a idea on what it can be~)

Fin stuck his tongue out at Gyga," and for some reason I have a feeling this isn't going to end good for you...I still wouldn't shoot...." He had a strange feeling now that he and his gem was in serious danger. But he felt like he was going to be okay,whether he shoots or not.
(Gees ya can make people be thee evilest I've ever seen xD )

The gun blew up in his face causing him to be blow back,however there was no word from Fin when the gun exploded.
Gyga was now human. He couldn't see very well because the explosion filled the entire place with smoke. "Now to end you and leave for awhile."
Through the smoke a body could be seen and it stood with no problem, it stood there for a moment and then seemed to walk toward Gyga with chanking with each step.

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There was a 'tink' when it hit the figure,the figure looked down at to where the knife fell and looked back up to Gyga. The smoke finally clearing and the figure stood right there,a white suit of armor with Fin's scarf around its neck." I told you before..."Fin's voice can from with in it." Not only was I counter attacks...." He bent down and grabbed Gyga by the neck,lifting him up from the ground." But defense as well...." His second stage was 'full on defense' in this form attacks are nearly impossible,though crushing things wouldn't be hard. He snatched Gyga's gem away," I don't think you'll be needing this anymore...."

(I'll see if I can work on what this looks like~)
A new voice calls out "drop the gem *****." The voice belongs to a monster that looks much more powerful then Gyga.
Fin turned to the monster,"and if I don't?" His grip on the gem tightened. If he broke it here and now Gyga wouldn't be able to cause any more trouble, but who was this?

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The ent was now in conflict, he simply did what he did best, fight. As he tried to get back to the city he was surrounded by monsters. "No time, activate your gem, we must be quick." He then face one of the monsters and balled up his fists. He then brought his hand down and crushed the monster like a pancake.
Eliza was able to active her Rose gem, two blades hanging from her hips and a bow and filled quiver hanged in her back. "Right behind you!" she said to the Ent as she went beside him, ready to fight. More monsters appeard. Once spotting them, arrows were shot, hitting them in the eyes and chest.

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Caricon then squashed an other monster as he realised that there was too many monsters. So he picked up the girl and smashed another monster running away, crushing monsters as he heading for town, arrows hitting his thick wooden skin. Once he got into the city he dropped the girl and headed to where the fight last was.
Fin noticed his armor wasn't strong enough to withstand this guy yet,but he had no intention of letting these brats continue their fun." No!" He jumped dragging Gyga with him,he left the building and with his wind quickly jumped from building to building away from the monster. Looking at Gyga's gem in his hand he looked to Gyga," why do you guys always have to be such pains....I wonder if I shatter it will this all stop..."
Eliza heard a loud bang. With her gem still activated, she attemted to help. "Get away from Fin!" And shot an arrow as it flee past the monsters face.

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