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Multiple Settings ๐ŸŒ™Moonlight Characters ๐ŸŒ™


Perpetual Zen

Pneumonia Sucks
Roleplay Availability
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Each magical girl, like sailor moon, is based on a planet. If you want to get technical, there are many many *sweats* , however
always starting the season there was just the inner scouts to start and outer. I'm accepting a mish mash. Powers are generally
guided by greek/roman mythology but I'm being open minded to other powers. Although, they are powerful, they are also
very new at this. There may be much about their abilities they don't know and will grow over time. <3
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RESERVATION: ๐Ÿช moonโ˜„๏ธ healing ๐Ÿ“ petite 5 foot ๐Ÿ‘‘ June 30๐Ÿ”ฑ Cancer๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Straight๐Ÿง cake๐ŸŽž๏ธ legally blonde๐ŸŽต Pop Music๐Ÿ’— very loyal and affectionate
played by Perpetual Zen Perpetual Zen

Personality : energetic, curious, rebellious, moody, independent, impulsive, social, self-conscious, and idealistic
Rini is a kind and cheerful person. She loves eating food like candy! She's a growing girl!!

As for her friends, she will do anything for them and avoid hurting anyone. This includes sacrificing herself, which is easy for her. She is very trusting and believes that everyone has a good and kind side to them. This could be both a character strength and a character flaw; as you can guess, her naivety sometimes gets her into trouble. Rini believes in true love and always helping others, no matter what they may have done to her or others. She frequently crushes on people she considers attractive and fantasizes about various scenarios; some involve her getting married or being in romantic situations, while others show what she envisions would be an ideal life. However, her friends would eventually make her see that the idea was silly and that she should love herself first! Rini is known to need to improve at studying, always getting scores lower than 30 on her tests. How she managed to graduate is pure luck!

- she is the eldest being 17 turning 18
- two younger brothers
- Kenji 11
- Ikuko 2
-mothers name Sango 40
-father name Taro Tskino 48

* she has an average relationship with her family being a teenager about to become a young adult it has its challenges but they live together in mostly harmony *

Is that of a young teenager. She is often trying to find herself and that sometimes means idolizing others. Often like a lamb so a slaughter she still has to figure that out.
She loves sweets so that can be a problem. She adores sleep which sometimes is a problem. She is rarely active. How is she so tiny?! It must be that magical girl magic.


- healing
- camouflaged wand
- tiara and nimble of foot
-spikes in the heeds of her uniform
-there are more futuristic aspects as all scouts have to her uniform

#fadde3 speech
#e1d4ff thoughts

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RESERVATION: ๐Ÿช marsโ˜„๏ธ fire๐Ÿ“ five foot 2๐Ÿ‘‘ April 17๐Ÿ”ฑ Aries๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Bi-Sexual๐Ÿง Clementine's๐ŸŽž๏ธnone๐ŸŽต none๐Ÿ’— She's able to get mad at you
played by Perpetual Zen Perpetual Zen
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RESERVATION: ๐Ÿช plutoโ˜„๏ธTime Manipulation ๐Ÿ“6'1" and Slim๐Ÿ‘‘ Jan 11th๐Ÿ”ฑ Capricorn๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Hetrosexual๐ŸงMacarons๐ŸŽž๏ธ Lethal Weapon๐ŸŽต J-Pop, Fighter ๐Ÿ’— Giving Flowers, as a sign she actually likes you.
played by: Chibistaryuu
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RESERVATION : ๐Ÿช - Mercury!!โ˜„๏ธ - Superspeed!!๐Ÿ“ - 5' 7" , lithe and athletic๐Ÿ‘‘ - May 30thโ™Š - Gemini๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ - Give me Girlies!!๐Ÿง - Bubblegum Ice Cream!!๐ŸŽž๏ธ - Mad Max Fury Road๐ŸŽต - Heavy, Dark and Emo Danceable Synth/EBM!! Fave? Just press random on playlists lol๐Ÿ’— - Breaks out into song and dance! Lalalalalaaaaaa!! Yeah!!

The Chemical Mix...

"DJ" - Desiree-Jeanetta Chea-Soeur - 'The Aerial'


'Ms. Chaser', Facer, 'Ditsy'

She/Her โ—‹ 19yrs โ—‹ 5'7" โ—‹ 130lbs โ—‹ Black Hair โ—‹ Green Eyes โ—‹ Brown Skin โ—‹
Athletic build
Sailor Mercury!! โ—‹ Green Colour Scheme โ—‹ Superspeed โ—‹ Dancer/Performer โ—‹ #TheOnlyChaser

This is Ms. Chaser...

~Looks โ€‹
DJ is an athletic girl that loves to show off her tight bod. She is toned, strong and regards peak physical fitness and fine musculature high on her priorities. She is slinky and posey with her movements showing off her best feminine features. Big green eyes always accented by dark makeup and falsies when out on a premiere. There always seems to be a glint or shine in her eye whenever she enjoys herself or is being playful. She has that award winning smile and expensive shiny, white teeth so she constantly flashes her signature grin, followed by a wink and nod.

She is quite flashy with her fit; super showy and definitely a style all her own. It ranges from bright colours with wild flashing accessories or leathery, sexy with much skin revealed. She does love her black and green colours scheme fo'sho! The flashier and glowier the better! A
nd of course, she will always be showing off her trendy cat ears, tail and her Rocketboard.


Ears, tongue, navel and hood pierced. Ink done on back, arms, legs, ankles and feet. Scars all across her body, but massive one on right forearm she covers with tattoos.


โ—‹ | Motorcycle - Ths is her prized possession. She call him 'Purrge'
โ—‹ | Giant Phone - Cuz yeah, how else you keep up with your socials?
โ—‹ | Rocketboard and Glowing Accessories - The girl is up to the latest trends and right now its the 'Neko Rocketboarder' look.
โ—‹ | Robo AI Assistant - Need a reminder, an alarm, a portable light show and speaker, or just someone to talk to? Well, despite the bad ideas and suggestions she is still thankful for and loves the robo kitty. She calls her 'Cali'



+ | Chatty, Playful and Witty
+ | Considerate, Team-Player, Family-Oriented
+ | Driven, Quick Learner, and Hard-working
+ | Daring, Acrobatic, Playful

- | Soft hearted, easily taken in by fans and charity cases
- | No concept of monetary value, Vain,Over-protective
- | Perfectionist, Impulsive, Can't slow down
- | Daring, Daydreamy, In the Closet

โ—‹ | Finish studies so she can concentrate full-time on her performer career
โ—‹ | Make new friends here in Neo-Tokyo and maybe fall in love
โ—‹ | Travel to outer space and be the first person to touch a Space Whale! #YesTheyDoExist

Family and Lifestyle:
โ—‹ | Brother - Malachite, 14 / Mother - Stephania, 48. They are back home in Canada while DJ studies abroad for the Outer Space School Program.
โ—‹ | Great relationship with mother and brother. Mother broke her back as a single mother and only source of income. DJ is sooooop thankful and appreciative for her mom cuz despite all the hardships still she managed to always be there as a key player to help DJ with her ascension to stardom. Over protective of her little brother and misses him dearly buuuuuuttttt... living in a mansion with a pool and all the toys and pets he wants isn't so bad. Having a rich, successful sister has its benefits lol.
โ—‹ | DJ is used to the life of luxury, glitz and glamour. She spends her money just like drinking water which is concerning. Oh but she remember when she was poor and her family shared a room with another family when she was still a kid so she gunna live it up. She spends it all cuz she know it won't last forever.



โ—‹ | DJ and her brother Malachite are adopted children of mixed SE Asian, Caucasian and Latina. Only family she has her hard working single mom and younger bro. Mom worked all the time and still managed to raise two amazing kids. Mom only calls her by full name when she in trouble. Lil' bro calls her 'Ditzy' and she calls him 'Malware'
โ—‹ | Groomed and trained to be a gymnast at a young age with hopes of making the active roster competining in the Olympic Games one day. But that changed as soon as she received starring a part in a NeuroFlix streaming series. Not great acting but acrobatics and dancing turned heads.
โ—‹ | Rise to stardom came in the form of being touted as a child action star and signed on to several productions. The action blockbuster Devil Ride, was her breakout hit. By now the Chea-Soeurs had a new house and at age 11, DJ had bought her mom a new car too.
โ—‹ | Then puberty took over and the adorableness was lost for a too soon developed and lanky young teen. Her star fell and just did endorsements, commercials and promos.
โ—‹ | She continued to join dance troupes and maintain her presence on all socials as 'Ms. Chaser' (#theOnlyChaser). Then she returned to gymnastics and climbing as a passion.
โ—‹ | ToBeYou vids and shorts showing her progress and training went viral. DJ performed elabourate climbs, Rocketboard tricks and aerial stunts recorded from first person POV. Those viral vids exploded and she got noticed again (helped that she was charismatic too.) .
โ—‹ | Talent noticed and her agent got her signed on by the entertainment giant Armada Inc. And she made it into the popular North American, Circle of the Sun aerial performing troupe, The Angellics. Inspired by DJs vlogs and vids, their multiple POV live performances cams became the next big thing.
โ—‹ | Then the SIM Sensory Tech blew wide open by now and for a hefty, hefty price, VVVIP Clients could 'Jack in' and feel and see what the performers saw and felt during performances.
โ—‹ | DJ's popularity skyrocketed and her star rose once more as she became the 'Face' of the Angellics so friends in the troupe nick'd her 'Facer'. She upgraded her cosmetic implants and started a trend with youngsters copying her style; the Neko Rocketboarder.
โ—‹ | But then disaster struck and she broke her arm. And so now she has put her career on hold and gone back to highschool to finish it. One of her friends told her about an opportunity to study in outer space and she paid the hefty fee and signed up. Those Japanese lessons were actually not a waste of time afterall!
โ—‹ | So yes, she is the new kid in school and a bit of a weirdo outcast due to her not fitting into the culture, but she is learning. And it is kinda a welcome relief to not be recognized in Japan and mobbed by paparazzi or maniacal fans.

~Pendant and Powers: Sailor Mercury!!โ€‹


Superspeed: runs as fast as the legendary mythological messenger.
โ—‹ | All-Terrain - she can run on almost any surface including water. And up the sides of buildings too.
โ—‹ | "Mercury! Sonic... Wave!!!" - she can suppress the sonic boom shockwave she creates with her speed. But when she doesn't it becomes an explosive weapon she can actually aim at enemies.
โ—‹ | "Mercury! Sonic... BOMB!!" - this is her accumulted sailor Scout power. She generates enough speed by dancing, collects the sonic booms then launches it like a missile. It explodes on impact with a huge shockwave.

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RESERVATION: ๐Ÿช Jupiter โ˜„๏ธ Weather Manipulation ๐Ÿ“ 4'11" | Petite and Slender ๐Ÿ‘‘ February 26th ๐Ÿ”ฑ Pisces ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Pansexual๐Ÿง Eclairs๐ŸŽž๏ธ Anything from Studio Ghibli ๐ŸŽต Pop, K-Pop, J-Pop,
๐Ÿ’— Physical Touch and likes to do things/give gifts to those she cares about
played by SavannahSmiles
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These are just regular filler characters. Classmates you can interact with or even create a plot with.​
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๐Ÿ“ 5 foot | Petite and Slender ๐Ÿ‘‘ September 29 ๐Ÿ”ฑ Libra ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Bi Sexual๐Ÿง Caramel ๐ŸŽž๏ธ - Anything Action Based ๐ŸŽต Synth Dub Step
๐Ÿ’— He glares at you more probably dresses or smells nice in your presence or at least is aware of it
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๐Ÿ“ 5'4 foot | Fit and angular๐Ÿ‘‘ December 21 ๐Ÿ”ฑ Sagittarius ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Heterosexual๐Ÿง Funnel Cake ๐ŸŽž๏ธ - Too many to think of ๐ŸŽต Alternative
๐Ÿ’— He is just always there
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๐Ÿ“ 6 foot | Slender but Fit ๐Ÿ‘‘November 11 ๐Ÿ”ฑ Scorpio ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Still figuring that out ๐Ÿง Baclava ๐ŸŽž๏ธ - Too many to think of ๐ŸŽต Alternative
๐Ÿ’— He will do everything he can to avoid you
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๐Ÿ“ 6 foot | Slender but Fit ๐Ÿ‘‘September 5๐Ÿ”ฑ Virgo ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Still figuring that out ๐Ÿง Ramen ๐ŸŽž๏ธ - Too many to think of ๐ŸŽต Musicals
๐Ÿ’— He is attentive with facts about you
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๐Ÿ“ 5'2" | Average ๐Ÿ‘‘April 18 ๐Ÿ”ฑ Aries ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Still figuring that out ๐Ÿง cheesecake ๐ŸŽž๏ธ - Too many to think of ๐ŸŽต Classical
๐Ÿ’— He will constantly try to debate you uhghugh
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The main baddie is Queen Metallia and her manipulated Queen Beryl intent on destroying EVERYTHING.
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