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Fantasy Monsters & Humans (Closed)

Apbuggy said:
But srsly, I think we should make an epic ending for this chapter, mix some action and romance, and borderline hentai shit, and we get a story!
(Like in a comedy show, everytime they almost do it, someone interrupts xD )
I like to think this is what writers for shows do.

Especially for kids shows. That's where the innuendo and subliminal messages come from. xD
xXLittleLokiXx said:
I like to think this is what writers for shows do.
Especially for kids shows. That's where the innuendo and subliminal messages come from. xD
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]that moment when you learn that this song is about child abuse.

You thinks its only child abuse, the parent fucking kills that kid
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
"I wouldn't have missed the train." Kuro sighed. "did you forget I have control over the elements and all their forms? it means I could do the same things as Zetherian.... but that way is boring."
Rei chuckled as Kuma had told her a story of when Rei was younger. "I shouldn't be laughing at myself... but how did you let me climb into tree?"

Kuma shrugged through the circle. "you were and still are a handful. I'm sure your already doing so to someone... or sec if ally two people."

"I'm not being a handful to Jay or Nia!... am i?" a dark cloud of depression started to form over her head.

"no, no! I didn't mean it like that... meant in a goid way!" Kuma scrambled to make Rei not depressed.

Good god, Rei's emotions are balanced on a string
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Good god, Rei's emotions are balanced on a string

only when Jay and/or Nia is involved/mentioned. :)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]only when Jay and/or Nia is involved/mentioned. :)

Fuuuuuuuuck... I need to be super careful now, but then again Nia is anything but careful so.

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[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Fuuuuuuuuck... I need to be super careful now, but then again Nia is anything but careful so.

insert Lenny face
Rei's emotions with Jay and Nia is like stepping in an area filled with landmines. One false move and your dead, burned, missing a leg, or lost your hearing.
JayJin said:
Rei's emotions with Jay and Nia is like stepping in an area filled with landmines. One false move and your dead, burned, missing a leg, or lost your hearing.
see? you do get it. xD
I'm making a second character aswell just have to add last minute touches. Fair warning: he's going to be introverted, edgy, a total I'm uncultured, he has the same emotional capacity as a block of wood, and will probably try to steal your shit. Unless you guys (somehow) turn him to the light...

Im also okay with him dying. I've got another less edgy character as backup.
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Guys while Zetherian does enjoy company it would be nice to pay mind this is his private property lol. Also while I did fail to mention it their is a magical barrier up around the estate to keep out intruders. Otherwise his enemies could just sneak in to the estate with ought any resistance lol. Well aside from the various magical beast, trained elven guards and other magical booby traps. Also it's rude for people to go into another person's home with ought introducing themselves to the owner let alone actually get invited in.

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