Monster School Sign Up~

Welcome to Monster School, an Academy made for Monsters and only monsters.

Creatures of all shapes and sizes are allowed to come. Though humans are... Encouraged to not come. Of course all monsters must follow the rules of our delightful school.

School Rules (These are rules the students must follow In RP):

1.) School Uniforms must be worn at all times, unless given permission otherwise. (Uniform)

2.) Fighting is allowed but discouraged.

3.) Killing another student will be punished by Execution.

4.) Sneaking out of dorms will result in many harsh punishments.

5.) Teachers are to be respected, they are bigger and stronger than you.

Rules for RPers:

1.) Please do not fight or be mean to others here in this RP.

2.) No killing off someone else's character without permission.

3.) I would prefer if you use correct grammar. No text talk like (Examples: Omg, u, I luv u!)

4.) Wait for character approval before RPing.

5.) And please give your characters believable weaknesses and flaws... Godmoding is mean q.q..





Creature: (What monster are they?)

Powers: (What is your monster capable of?)

Weaknesses: (Yes, you must have one, preferably several.)




Now Go wild! *howls*


Name: Jamie

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Creature: Kitsune

Powers: Kitsune are guardian entities and have few destructive abilities.

*Pyrokinesis - Jamie is capable of conjuring small sparks of fire at her weakest and at her strongest can conjure small fireballs the size of the fist of a baby.

*Henge - Can take on a human form and a kitsune form (a white fox with nine tails, each tail tipped with red.)

*Partial transformation - Can take on kitsune characteristics while in human form, or human characteristics while in kitsune form. These include fox ears and tail(s) in human form and ability to speak in human language (english) while in kitsune form.



*Jamie, due to the slight fire nature of her monster form, has the inability to swim, and truely hates water that isn't used for drinking or bathing.

*If she fights without a dignified reason, her powers seal for exactly 12 hours.

*Once a day, she must be near a lit flame. If not, her powers are drastically drained and she must stay in the form she is in at that time and her most powerful fire attack can only conjure a fire small enough to light a candle.

Jamie hates fighting without a reason, and will do almost anything in her power to stop fighting from happening. She is kind, sweet, and sometimes seems motherly.




Jamie was born into this world as a normal child, but was possessed by a Kitsune Yokai, granting her the powers of the kitsune spirit. Due to her powers, she was an outcast in some areas, but an accepted child in some due to the uniqueness of her abilities among simple children. As she grew, her knowledge of her powers increased. Though due to her abilities, her parents deserted her, leaving her in an orphanage at age 10, for someone else to care for the misfit girl.

Name: Odysseus O'Hara

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Creature: werewolf

Powers: super strength, speed and agility, werewolf form (not sure if that's really the type of "power" you mean xP)

Weaknesses: silver and becomes weak when there is a new moon.

Personality: Is kind and loyal to friends, He is easy going and likes to do stuff for fun not for competition or to win. When it comes to his little sister he is very protective, he tends to growl and snap at boys that aren't his or her friends who try to get close to her.


History: He has been going to the school for some time, so hasn't really seen much of his family because of dorm life...well he has seen one member of his family day after day, his little sister. He loves his sister very much and is protective of her, but some times he feels like she can be quite the handful. His mother and father really want him to keep an eye on his little sister and keep here out of trouble.
Name: Kim

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Creature: Dragon


- Flight

- Ability to Breathe Fire, but as she is young, the fire only reaches about 30cm away.

- Ability to Shoot Fireballs. They are about 7cm in diameter.


- Water and Ice

- Her fire power is limited. (For example, she can’t keep her fire breath going for longer than 5 minutes at most, and she can only use a maximum of 10 fireballs, at which point she has to wait an hour before she can use it/them again)

Personality: She’s short-tempered, aggressive, extremely competitive and greedy. She can get pretty possessive of things and sometimes people. She’s always itching for a fight.



She was born with the horns of a dragon and because of this, she was abandoned by her parents at an early age. She was put in an orphanage, and was eventually taken in by a foster family. While the family were kind to her, she always felt distant from them, and often wore hats to cover her horns. As she grew older, she began to grow a tail, and eventually, wings. Fearing she’d be completely rejected by the people around her, she ran away from the foster family and eventually found her way to the Monster School.
Name: Neasa Gagnon

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Creature: Cerberus

Powers: Her saliva is poisonous (more when she's in Cerberus form), and she can scream in human form loud enough to cause tinnitus, and rupture ear drums with just a partial shift bark.

Weaknesses: When she's in dog form she isn't very clever and she is easily distractable (three heads, one brain). Music lulls her to sleep

Personality: A sweet, earnest girl, not particularly quick witted, but she retains information well. She does have a temper, one of the ones that's very scary because no one ever expects it

Appearance: Waist length black hair, bright blue eyes, olive skin, broad shouldered and -hipped with exaggerated curves, short fingers

History: The third child, Neasa never felt she fit in with her family though she tried so hard to earn their love. She had no lack for material goods, but no one had any time for her. Based on conversations she had overheard with her father and a friend of his, she thinks she is the child of an affair, only no one wanted to tell her. Recently, when she turned fourteen and began to grow into her female shape she discovered what she thought was affection in the arms of her male classmates and other men, and it took her too long to realize she was being taken advantage of. Her grief at having the situation brutally explained to her thrust her into her Cerberus form for the first time. Foolishly she ran to her mother, looking for safety and unwittingly burned her with her acidic saliva. Her parents sent her to the school as soon as they found out about it. Neasa also has another secret and terrified about what to do with no one to help her.
Name: Taira Veryll

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Creature: Nymph (Hyzick Clan)


Nymph are naturally stronger and faster then humans, and as durable as humans and heal slightly faster. They have a natural resistance to "dark" magics and can use it themselves. The Hyzick Clan are a primary example for having the first type Blood Bending "magic" First type allows a nymph to control their own blood. Dark Elemental Magics which are more powerful.


Minor addiction to pants (Will drop anything minor/barely important to get a hold of some) Blood loss is a big factor when using it... also it's exposed to air. Senses are lessened slightly in the day. Dark Elemental Magics are less controlled. Bright things blind easier. Others distrust Nymph (When known)


Seemingly calm but can become psychotic and go over board when angered


Long maroon red hair (shoulder blade length) silver eyes slightly pointed ears. 5'6" slender


She was sent to the school to learn to control not just her powers but also her anger. Her parents (Who live in the human world) have always hidden her from humans and decided she should learn how to hide herself. Taira though calm can get very angry and will go over board with how she deals with thing, a week before being sent to school she got into a fight with a human and nearly hospitalized the man. Her parents won't allow her back home until she controls both her powers and anger... at least better.
Name: Isis O'Hara

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Creature: Werewolf

Powers: Super strength, speed and agility. The ability to change into a werewolf form.

Weaknesses: Silver and looses much of her strength during the New Moon.

Personality: Unlike her brother, Isis finds other people to be an annoying. She wishes she could have stayed with her parents and her brother back at their home in Greece. If you can look past her angry attitude, you'll find she's an intelligent woman who has a strong independent spirit. Who also sometimes takes out her anger on others.


History: Isis was born in Athens, Greece two years after her brother. She was named after the Egyptian goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility. Though she finds it rather annoying. Isis was known to get into fights at her other school; mainly because of her innate instinct to be the alpha. Because of this she is being sent to Monster School, where her parents expect her to learn how to behave herself...Especially with her bother's influence.

---------- Post added at 04:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

I approve all templates above. Except Oka who needs to edit x3 *pokes Oka*

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ----------

Oka is approved~
Name: D. Haliberd


Gender: Male

Creature: Ghost

Powers: For one thing, D can turn invisible and go through physical objects; he can also possess people and control their movements; he also is able to launch energy balls from his hands.

Weaknesses: If D turns invisible and/or phases through objects, he cannot attack at all. He also has a 1 minute limit to possessing people...if the person has very strong willpower, D will be rejected.

Personality: Care-free; loves to peek in girls' locker rooms on his spare time; sometimes tricks people just for kicks; can be a nice guy once you get to know him



History: For some reason, D. chose to attend this school because he thought it would be the perfect place to make his mark on society...and to see girls in their frilly undergarments. His parents, however, hope that the school will at least teach him how to behave properly! He chooses not to reveal his real name because of it's unnecessary length and weirdness.
Name: Tsalbar

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Creature: Nuit


Does not feel pain as the bodies he posseses aren't his in actuality. They are merely a shell for his true form. Has relatively high magical knowledge in the arts of Summoning and Void.

Void being a magical art that acts as a gateway between this world and another, called Fynros. He is able to move through gateways and also able to take anyone with him as long as there's some form of contact.

Summoning is the magical art of summoning netherworldly creatures, ranging from skeletons to monsters with special abilities like healing and such.


Needs to move to another host every 30 days

If not able to he will be dragged down to the netherworld.

Is susceptible to fire and not well suited for close-combat.


Calm, with a nature for exploring.


This is the body he took over a few days before joining the school. It's of an apprentice wizard of low class.



He signed up for this school in search of friends and fellow outcasts. As you can imagine, Tsalbar does not make friends easily considering he has to keep his true persona secret and change body every 30 days. So he came here in the hopes of finding fellow explorers.
Name: Jimmy Monday

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Creature: Steal golem

Powers: Pretty much eposible to destroy

Weaknesses: Insane weakness to water (Yes, Ranmyakki I toke this idea, becasue it is epic)

Personality: Jimmy is on the more rusty side of life. Jimmy has a kind heart...type...thing, and is very caring but when in battle is he is a rutless killer, with no car in the world what happeneds to him, he doesn't even care if he is attacking his familly or friends.


Monster Appearance:

Human Appearance:

History: Jimmy is a mass murder in the human world, not because he wants to, but because of he has always been picked on. Jimmy had only a Father to look after him, but his father was a drug addic. So jimmy mostly spent time out side in the city. He had only one friend, but jimmy killed her by an acident in a street fight. ever since that jimmy has stayed away for any human. Jimmy had found a school for monsers around the age of 13 and dicided to save up his money to go and now is the day he starts his fisrt ever school year.
Name: Cain Wynn II.

Age: Unknown - Apears 16.

Gender: Male.

Creature: Ice Demon.

Powers: He can create crystals and ice at will, from his body the ground or the air. He has advanced sences : hearing, sight, balance ect. He also had two forms (excluding his human form), a Ashmarian Wolf and his True Demonic form. (

Weaknesses: Heat, his body being much colder than a human has grown weak to hot tempratures, causing him to faint or take a reation to the sun or heat. He can also be harmed just like a normal human, in that form unless he protects himself.

Personality: Cain has the habit of acting like he is better than everyone else and is quite cocky. Also claiming himself as somewhat good with the ladies. Since he has never been in social situations, he sometimes remains quiet and could be seen as cold, but in reality he is just trying to find out how to fit in. He doesn't get annoyed easily and likes to keep himself relaxed instead of going round the bend at the littlest things.


History: Cain has lived underground somewhere near Finland most of his life, learning the way of the demon from his father, when he was 10 he discovered he could become human (something his father could never do) and ran down to the nearest town, where he was oddly accepted by the children despite his pale skin and blue hair. He then learned of the school and begged his father to let him go, which he agreed to.
Name: Sven

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Creature: Were-pyre

Powers: -Flight

-Super Strength

-Super Speed

-Faster Healing

-Sometimes able to control a victim

Weaknesses: -Silver



-Must need blood

-Weakness on a new moon

Personality: Loyal, hard to be friend, honest, kind, sweet, caring, cautious


History: Out-casted at the age of 7 from his mother for not knowing how to posses the gift of an Alpha Werewolf, Sven was left alone to survive. He had endured vagarious training conducted by himself to be able to control his power. Living as a thief he never had a lot of friends, but the ones he did have he was loyal to. But one night a vampire came and slaughtered his beloved friends leaving him in a frenzy chasing after him. During the battle he was bitten by the vampire but wasn't enough to kill him. He lost sight in one eye due to an attack by the vampire slicing his eye.Sven gripped the vampire's neck in his jaws crushing. Which now leaves him coming to the Monster School in search of friends and someone to help him for what he has become.
Seans characters Strengths and weaknesses


Really strong

When at top speed really fast

Doesn't tire out

Near invincible



When wet, the wet part will NOT move (Fingers wouldnt bend, leg wouldnt bend etc)

Anything made of pure magic and the same material as it (Steel and Steel, iron and iron etc) can damage it (Otherwise no)

Slow to accelerate

Electicity slows them down
Name: Kouhai Tsuyoshi

Age: 16

Gender: Male.......

Creature: Oni-Yokai

Powers: Ridiculous Strength, Invulnerability to Fire, Can seal his real self, Can summon his Kanabo (his weapon)

Weaknesses: Soybeans (Soybean products like Tofu count), Sake (Not really a weakness, but he gets REALLY drunk, REALLY easily), Anything holy (magic, objects, e.c.t.), isn't a huge fan of water, but it's not lethal.

Personality: Somewhat arrogant, simple-minded, but a very nice guy in reality. He'd never admit it, of course. He like to fight, but isn't stupidly violent.


His sealed state:

His real form:

His weapon (a Kanabo):

History: Lived in Japan for a while, heard about special school from a youkai he was fighting, decided to go to find strong people to fight.
Name: Shizuna Maga

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Creature: Succubus

Powers: She can fly when in demon form and usually feeds on the life energy of men when given the opportunity. She can control wind and use it to defend and attack.

Weaknesses: She's not very strong physically due to most of her fighting is done at a distance. She is said to be an insomniac because she tends to stay up most of the night, being mainly a nocturnal race. This makes her seem spacey and rather unobservant during the day light hours. She's also rather protective of her tail as it's a sensitive area for her. She is absolutely and 100% addicted to coffee. (don't mess with her in the morning until she's had at least one cup xD )

Personality: Generally she comes off as spacey and rather uncaring. But once you actually get to know her or are around her and a friend of hers, she's quite kind. When she's bored she can get very flirtacious and toy with a guy she thinks might be fun. She doesn't talk to many girls because she views them as overdramatic and bossy most of the time. Although she doesn't hate other females, it can sometimes seem that way. She has one truely close friend at this school and can subconciously seem very possesive of him.

Appearance: (in the process of drawing these (especially the demon form since most succubi are *cough* less clothed) but...)

Demon form: Tall and slender with long silver colored hair and pale golden eyes. She has two horns that curve backward and behind her pointed ears (like ram horns). She has black bat wings and a long devil-like tail. She also has a tattoo over her right eye.

Human form: Not so different from her demon form except minus the horns, wings, tail, and tattoo. Her ears are also rounded like a humans and she's slightly shorter than her demon alter ego.

History: Shizuna is originally from Italy but came to this school to get away from her family. She tires of the usual expectations of her race and wants a change of pace in life. She is often ridiculed as not being a true succubus (she referes to herself as a "Free Spirit") because she only "feeds" when it is necessary and has no inherent interest in finding a mate and bearing his children at this time. For now she is content to "play" with others when it amuses her and hopes one day to travel around to see new places.
Name: Alexandra "Alex" Lockehart


Gender: Female

Deity; Princess of Darkness; Dark Sorceress


Dark Arts: (Magic listed by most powerful)

  • Life
  • Death
  • Elemental
    - Air
    - Water
    - Earth
    - Fire
  • Ethereal
    - Illusions
    - Space/Time
  • Bestial Form
    - Raven
    - Wolf
    - Feline


  • She is still learning to use magic, so most of it she only has a basic grasp on.
  • During daylight hours, she has nearly no power and in direct sunshine her powers are completely null and void. Only during night does she regain them. She is a princess of darkness after all.


Being that she is fairly upset still that her mother, Morrigan; Queen of Darkness, sent her to this boarding school. It may take her awhile to open up to anyone. She may be cold, uncaring, scared even. She may say rude things, show no interest or ignore you. But once she gets over it, someone may find her to be caring, calculated and a fun person overall to be with and around. She is no leader, and but would freely offer her opinion to someone.



She has dark eyes and dark hair with a fine tan. She wears the blue uniform on the reference listed. She stands about 5' 4" Tall with long legs, slender body and ideal medium sized breasts that appeal perfectly to her stature. The only clothing she wears outside of school is a tan sports tank top with jeans and sneakers. When in school, she always wheres her uniform, her hair up in a sort of bun, ends sticking up form the top. When on special occasions she actually lets her hair down, it is just past her shoulders, thick and wavy. Gently hangs in her face, not enough to disrupt her view, but enough to make her cuter than she already is.


Alex's Mother sent her off to boarding school. She is unsure why, but her mother had specific reasons. Alex had just awakened her dormant Dark Powers. She needed to learn to control them, and her mother would not be a good teacher. Alex was heir to the dark throne, and in order for her to properly do this, she needed to be in a positive environment.

Not everything a queen of darkness does is bad. They have tremendous power but without being able to control it they cannot complete their duties. They govern life and death. Deciding who should live and who should die. And in between they can control the the elements, teleport and bend reality. While all this seems extreme, they require this to complete their job.

However, being a warrior of the dark. Their powers only manifest during the dark. During the daytime they are as mortal as a human, the only difference is they tend to have a little more durability than those weak fleshlings.

Hopefully Once she makes some friends, she can learn to make her powers great and become a great dark princess.
Name: Roth

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Creature: Gremlin (The creatures that "supposedly" hid in the planes during the great war, causing random mechanical problems.)


-Can change inorganic substances into explosives

-Is incredible at tinkering with machinery


-Is only about as strong as a human, though still quite resilient

-"Suffers" from insanity and split personalities.

Personality: Generally straightforward and honest, though occasionally will be quite conniving and untrustworthy due to his alternate personality. (It is fairly easy for anyone that gets to know him to tell when which personality is acting.)


History: Being a gremlin, Roth was raised to cause trouble, and give in to his urges as they always made the funniest things happen. With no education to speak of, and almost no self control, parents sent him off to the monster school to possibly teach him something, and if not, he'd at least come back with some funny stories.

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