Monster School RP

As you stand before the Monster School, you feel a sense of oppression and an ominous gloom as line upon line of older students march past you silly newcomers with vicious grins on their faces. The School stands before you, whether the dark clouds that fill the sky are an omen of good will or misfortune is hard to tell.

The School's appearance: Link

School Rules:

1.) School Uniforms must be worn at all times, unless given permission otherwise. (Uniform)

2.) Fighting is allowed but discouraged.

3.) Killing another student will be punished by Execution.

4.) Sneaking out of dorms will result in many harsh punishments.

5.) Teachers are to be respected, they are bigger and stronger than you.

Principal Alusru (THE Kraken): woman/cheergirltiff/Christina.jpg?o=154

Vice Principal Kaze (Minotaur): (Note: Ignore the blue cape, not part of his outfit.)

Secretary Katharine/Kat (Cat Woman): woman/Automatic_PWNage/Random Anime/woman-3.jpg?o=53 (Note: Just imagine physical cat attributes on her... All the cat woman pictures I tried to look for were too young.)

List of Classes

Human History



PE/Physical Defense


Chemistry (3rd Years and 4th Years)


Monster Biology (1st and 2nd years only)

Elective Classes





You may only choose up to two electives. Though you don't have to take two... Please form you're own schedule. You may create it to have others on it, but if I feel too many are taking the same schedule I will ask you to edit.


Isis stood in front of the school, frustration deep within her but she hid it well. She hated this school already, everything about it made her want to puke in annoyance. Closing her eyes, Isis's mind brought forth the image of the green lands of Greece and the sweet smell of the grape vines of her family's vineyard. She was so wrapped in her mental wanderings she did not notice if anyone approached her.
Jamie looked at the school with an awestruck face. Despite the atmosphere and quite rude older men and women, who were constantly shoving the kitsune girl, the school looked... well, nice. She felt her hair and new blue school manditory uniform ruffle a little as her grey kitsune ears slowly pushed her hair away and showed as bright as day. Her skirt raised and moved a little as her grey and white kitsune tail popped out, akwardly showing her undergarments as well. She quickly hid her undergarments, her tail still swaying. "Why can't we wear shorts.." she whispered to herself before finally walking into the school, holding her skirt down akwardly.
Odysseus stood in front of the school with a look as if he where about to throw up. "No matter how many year's I have been coming here this place still always smells bad the first day I'm back." After adjusting back to the smell of the school he started to walk around talking with old friends and catching up with them.

It wasn't long before he noticed his little sister wandering around. "Hey Icy! (his nickname for her i know it's lame >.>)" He throw almost all his weight on her shoulder. "So do you know what classes you have yet?" He said with a stupid grin on his face.
Isis turned her head and glared heatedly at her older brother... Such informality with her... It was idiotic. She ducked beneath his arm and put some distance between the two of them; brushing her self down as if she were getting rid of the dust on her uniform. "Don't do that... And no I don't. You of all people should know new students are given their classes by the principal in the main lobby of the school." Isis responded with a roll of her eyes.

A distant look came to her eyes as Isis instinctively thought of her home once more... She could still smell the lingering fragrance of the fields and that distinct old world feel her hometown village had. A flare of pain flickered through her, knowing she would not again see her home until after the school year. Such a shame... Greece is beautiful in the spring...
Odysseus looked at his sister with a stupid smile on his face that said; "oh yeah I guess you do have to go to the main lobby my bad!" His face went serious when he looked back at Isis again. "Hey Icy you should really......Learn to lighten up more!" he reached out to trying to grab and force a smile on his little sister's face.

"But I'm telling you thinking of home will only make the year go by longer...Soo put on a smile and make some friends!" he gave his sister a slap on the back.
The Kitsune possessed Jamie looked around. Where was she supposed to go for her classes again?

The main lobby!

When finally reaching the main lobby, she let her skirt go accidentally, her grey and white kitsune tail raising her skirt a little. People laughed. Chortled. Guffaw'd. And maybe a single growl escaped her lips in anger. One of the elder students hid behind her, slapping her butt. The kitsune girl with the motherly disposition quickly turned around, her body changing as she did so. Her skin became pale and snowy, soon growing out to fur. A snout emerged from her face, her eyes turning pure black as she finally entered her full Kitsune form. Several students backed away, but the one who slapped her butt still stood. A feral grin stretched his face. "Fighting is disliked here... but it isn't disallowed..... so take your best shot, fresh meat..."

The fox spirit girl barked, sending out a fireball at the man. He smiled, knocking it away and hitting her with it. He then delivered a quick punch to her, sending her into several students. A yelp escaped as she was hit. Her body reformed to her human form, but with her kitsune ears and tail still intact and showing. She was holding her stomach, a single stream of tears falling down from her pain. And shame. She hated fighting, but she started one......

"Alright, who started this?" one elder student asked, looking at the man then at the doubled over Jamie. She looked up at the student. "He.... slapped my -"

"She totally started it."

She narrowed her eyes, only to have the elder student sigh. "Miss.... you're going to have to go to the principals office..."

What an excellent way to start school.
Taira getting off the bus last (as always) looks around sleepily The trip shoulda been longer she sighed continuing with the giant crowd of creatures "Guh, where did they say we needed to g~~" She stopped and looked at the school surprised at the size.

She looked for a few more second before realizing that the crowd was thinning Crap, can't... she moved a little quicker and moved back into the crowd barely noticing a fighting Already?? She moved along anyways stopping at a split hallway and waiting for the crowd to fully pass now

"Why do I always do that??" not realizing she spoke out loud a man walking by turns "Hey" grinning "Yes??" Her eyes going cautious silver seemingly shining now, the man tilting his head slightly "Is something wrong?? Freshmen... uhh woman are supposed to go to the main lobby" She looks at him for a second "Oh, thank you" She rushes off not knowing the direction but guessing the other freshmen are going the right way. Great almost started a fight myself sighing in anger at herself
Standing to one side of the stairs leading to the double entrance doors of the school, Neasa Gagnon stared intently at the map of the school, using it to hide the fact that she was blinking hard to hold back tears. The new situation was so uncomfortable to her, and there was no one to help her, and the upper classmen were only trying to intimidate her and the others. She hoped it could only go up from here but she had a sinking feeling in her stomach it wouldn't.

Biting her lip and swallowing hard to get control of herself, Neasa took a deep breath and mounted the first step, only to be knocked down by a large boy in a hurry, his rock like arm making her shoulder sting. Unintentionally she screeched in shock and all the students in the short vicinity around her clapped their hands over their ears, some falling to their knees in surprise and glaring at her as soon as they found the source of the unexpected, painful ringing in their ears.

Fresh tears sprang to Neasa's eyes and she covered her mouth. "I'm sorry..." she whispered helplessly, but none of them looked very forgiving...
Kim leaned against the wall of the main lobby, moodily swinging her tail from side to side beneath her skirt. A fight had broken out moments ago, and she only wished she'd been the one to start it.

A fight, she mused, would be the perfect way to make myself known to future rivals.

She watched the fox-eared girl out of the corner of her eye. Speaking of future rivals...

She didn't bother looking at the school map. Classrooms were unnecessary to someone who didn't plan on going to class, and she could beat the location of her dorm out of one of the older students.

Perhaps she would forget about a dorm altogether and set up a camp of sorts on the roof. "Sneaking out of dorms will result in many harsh punishments." She snorted, Sounds like a challenge to me.

Her wings were folded uncomfortably against her back. She wondered if cutting holes in the uniform would get her in trouble. On the other hand, she thought far enough ahead to wear shorts beneath her skirt, the very idea of any of these slimey gits getting a look at her panties made her lip curl. Scum.

An older girl sneered at her as she walked past. Kim bared her teeth at the girl viciously.

"You want to start something?"

The girl's eyes narrowed, but she said nothing and carried on walking.

Kim briefly considered going after her and pulling the hag back by her hair, but decided that she was probably a weak idiot anyway. If she was going to get in trouble, it would be for knocking out someone powerful, someone worth fighting. Not some blonde coward who still dotted her "i"s with hearts. She berated herself for noticing such a trivial thing.

Her eyes swept over the room. This place is a real freakshow.
Taira continued on finally arriving at the Main Lobby I should have jsut went through the front door... damn always gotta do that she cursed out loud getting some stares a couple inviting, a couple of pity, a few of dissapointment Pity The thought of someone pitying her pissed her off but she stopped herself from moving to them.

Wheres a good... there She looked around for a place to stand and went to on place 1 girl standing and a boy a small distance away. Taira moved in between them keeping the distance she could from both. Hate this place already!! sighing she leans against the wall and zones out waiting for something to happen.
After a stern talking to, Jamie was sent off back to the halls.

And back to the Main Lobby she went, focused on actually getting her schedule for her schoolyear instead of causing a riot by simply attacking someone when they spanked her buttocks. She found her way back to the lobby, crossing paths with the blonde that Kim encountered.

"Scary... scary person..... scary..." she kept mumbling to herself as she passed Jamie. "Who?" she asked the blonde girl, earning a yelp. "S... sorry.... I thought you were that person... they scared me in the lobby.... they were mean...." she said before running away quickly. Jamie sighed a little. The school had tons of bullies apparently. And the fact all of them were mythical creatures of lore or simple monsters was an extra fright.
Taira looked over at the girl to her left then to the boy to her right and without realizing speaks out loud again sighing first "looks like there's gonna be shit loads a people around..." She sighs again then sits down on the floor waiting.

She looks up at the ceiling then back down to see someone staring at her from in the crowd but can't tell who. She looks towards another person walking into the room her tail pocking out ever so slightly. Wasn't she the one in that fight?? "Whatever" sighing again I just wanna go home cursing out loud again
Kim watched as a group of upperclassmen formed a circle around the seemingly timid girl. She rolled her eyes. If you can't handle the heat, stay away from the flame.

She continued watching, but soon grew irritated.

Pathetic bastards, ganging up on a girl for no reason. And as a group too! That really...

She uncrossed her arms.


She pushed off the wall.


Kimi's hands curled into fists as she crossed the floor and punched one of the girl's assailants hard across the face.

The rest of the group turned to look at her in surprise, which soon turned to anger. Kimi stood beside the girl, refusing to look her in the eye.

"Oi," she muttered, "You gonna stand up for yourself or am I gonna have to beat down every one of these idiots myself?"
Taira looks to her left again the girl now moving over to another girl who was surrounded by a group "Now this is what I like!!" Standing up moving over with an irritated look seeing her deck a guy Taira does the same but with her left hand... 2 for ONE!! leading the punch just right to send him into another guy she smirks as the shock turned to anger.

"Well" following the girl who has a tail that Taira just noticed 2 with tails?? "Whose next" standing near the 2 girls "I agree, do something" snapping her right hands index finger and thumb with a black spark of fire appearing then disappearing.

She looked around counting out the guys. "Cuz' I'm pissed the .... off now!!" her eye colour turning from a silver to a hazel green snapping her fingers again with more black sparks this time.
Panic choked Neasa when they closed in on her but she covered her head, holding tightly to the buzzing confusion that was filling her ears, that led to death and she couldn't kill them, she couldn't! Not again, no more no more

They were yelling at her...women...girls...she peeked through her little fingers at the two females who had come to her defense. " don't!" She voice cracked and she swallowed with difficulty, trying to speak louder. "Please, don't, it's my fault!" If someone began to bleed, Neasa was afraid what would happen. "Please, please, don''s fine..."
Tsalbar was leaning against a wall with arms crossed, his staff standing upright next to him and his uniform clothing already a bit worn out due to wearing it on one of his otherworldly expeditions. " Stupid stupid stupid ... why did I have to use the school's uniform for my travelling. "

Eyeing the catfight near him he started to get anxious, he came here for friends ... not for this. But it was at that exact moment that he suddenly found himself surrounded by 3 so-called bullies. They couldn't have been upperclassmen 'cause they were all wearing the same uniform as him but Tsalbar imagined they wanted to pick on someone ....weak.... to gain some respect for themselves.

" Oi, are you a monster or a petty little wizard ? We don't take kindly to your folk around here mate. "

Without waiting for a reply he transformed his righthand into a scaled claw, grip firmly around Tsalbar's arm and swung him across the hall in a broad motion.

Tsalbar spoke the incantation-word softly between his lips before a black pentagram appeared on the wall, with which he was about to collide, and a black portal opened where the pentagram was before.

It didn't take a second, after Tsalbar went through the gateway closed but a new one appeared on the ceiling, Tsalbar came flying out of there and landed on his feet, on the exact same spot he was standing before he was thrown. White ooze was slowly making its way out of Tsalbar's arm due to the heavy grip of the claw from the bully before he was thrown but it didn't seem to pain or even annoy Tsalbar in the slightest. He was just standing there, looking at the supposed bully with a look of pleasure in his eyes.

" So .... you were saying ... I was a wizard right? Well, you're wrong... and you'll soon find out just how wrong you were... wait for me, in 26 days I'll be knocking at your door. "

He said with a malicious tone in his voice, with his eyes widened and his mouth contorted in a grim he was going insane.

The bully and his goons quickly ran off after that small display, after which Tsalbar sighed and let himself slide on the floor, against the wall in a crosslegged position.

" Annoying wanna-be bullies, he muttered. "
::Jimmy was walking down the bus stairs when he heard yelling, he sighed and started to walk towards the yelling when he got close he say a guy sitting down and in the distance some people running away. Jimmy walked up to the guy.::

"What happened here?"

::Jimmy neck was starting to hurt from looking down from his 6 11" height and dicided to sit down::
" Nothing much, bunch of show-offs tried to bully the wrong guy I suppose. "

I'm Tsalbar, nice to meet you. He said with a grin to the tall kid who decided to sit next to Tsalbar.

" What kind of monster are ya? If you don't mind me asking ? "

Tsalbar enlisted in the school for this reason, to learn how to socialize and make friends. Even IF they would never recognize him after a month. Although maybe in this school he doesn't have to keep his true nature a secret.
Kim turned her head to look at the girl cowering beside her.

"You think I'm doing this for you?" she snapped, "Don't be so arrogant, I do what I want and I don't give a damn what happens to you! If you're not gonna fight, get your quivering ass outta here!"

She spared a glance at the other girl, who seemed as ready for a battle as she was. At least someone's got their act together.

Kim turned to the angry crowd. "Alright, scumbags, I'd say we've got about five minutes before the boss o' this place gets a hold of us. If you're scared of the punishment, I suggest you hightail it out of here, 'cause I'm willing to take any kind of torture if it means I can beat you snivelling losers into the dirt!"

Some of the group fidgeted a bit, and started to back away. The group thinned until there were only about five opponents left.

Well, this just got a whole less fun...
Taira's fingers were snapping quicker and quicker as time passed which to her seemed like an eternity "Why would you be afraid of a fight" Her voice resembling nothing like her from minutes ago. the pace quickening even more the spark almost staying constantly lit. Her eyes now easy to tell being a different colour.

A few of the people backed a step seeing her, then smirked and stepped in closer then before. All Taira did to scare them more was smirk herself and say "THIS, is gonna be fun" her eyes no longer showing any calmness... instead they had a murderous look to them. Suddenly in a calm voice and rather eerily cute voice "come on, I'd love to see what you could do" she snapped her fingers again having an entire flame cover her hand for a second then stopped completely as the group thinned down to 5 only.

"Pathetic!!" A bunch of guys afraid of 3 girls!!" She looked back at the one losing it behind her. What's wrong with her. Looking back at the group of 5 her smirk turned into a simple smile and suddenly not consciousness was present in her eyes. It was as if looking into ones own soul... She was definitely not herself now...
The aggression of the other girls was chasing off most of her would-be-bullies, but it was instigating the creature within her. She wanted to show them how powerful she was, place her paws on their chests and hold them down, jaws snapping by their throats, taunting...


Without conscious thought, she kicked at the knees of the angry red headed girl. Her teeth grew sharp and her shape began to blur. A growl reverberated in her chest and bones.
Taira fell turning around landing on her back becoming fully conscious again... the darkness inside her disappearing for now "what??" she looked at the once scared girl "What the hell" She was about to get pissed but then noticed what she was about to do and sat up panting. no, not here, never here!! she hunched over her knees coughed up blood that turned black and disappeared. NO!! She stood up trying to stop herself from shaking then looked at the others with the about to snap look making 2 more back away.

"I won't let this happen" she said silently to herself only the 2 other girls could hear her. She turned to the other girl and slapped her, "Get a hold of yourself!! It's over there's no more fighting!!" She said while grabbing her and shaking her.
*Sven took a deep breath through his nose smelling all the different species. The scents brought him a feeling of what was the word.."Home." That was it. HE started to walk opening the gates holding a suitcase of what he had. He walked to his dorm not speaking a word to anyone just yet so that he could prevent bad terms. He put his stuff away looking outside the window at the birds. He smiled, it brought him peace to see other species working together to help survival. He sat on the bed laying back closing his eyes remembering the past.*

*It is at night and blood is all around a dark room. The air is thick with a vampire scent.*

Sven. "Wha...WHAT THE!?."

Vampire. "Hehe, they were so delicious I couldn't help myself.."


*Sven charged at the vampire punching, clawing kicking anything to stop her. She just blocked everything slashing his eye.*

Sven. *Holding his eye* "Gahh! I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT!"

*He charged more aggressive, more smooth, more quickly. He was doing fine until the vampire got a hold of him and bit into his neck. He realized it was his only chance and bit her neck crushing it. He stabbed her in the heart running away..*

*He arose from the bed only to be looking out the window at the birds wondering what was going to happen here..*
Neasa snapped at the wrist of the girl who swung at her, face elongating into a vicious snout, cute round nose growing large and black, nostrils flared and inhaling the scent of blood. "There's always time...for feeding..." she rumbled through her mouthful of deadly canines, voice deeper and echoing like it had not before. She shifted forward onto her haunches and shadows began to hover over her shoulders.

(OoC: if her saliva gets you, it'll burn)

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