Monster Island


Junior Member
Storyline: The islands are uncharted and for good reason no human that ever made it here left alive. The Pirate ship Wave Chaser finally found them while outrunning the imperial fleet. The ship anchored and a search party left for shore. days went by and the crew of pirates, brigands thieves, warrior, witches and the like were restless awaiting the return. Finally at long last they returned bloody and having lost almost all of their numbers. The good news was the stories were true there was treasure here enought to fill a hundred ships. But the bad news was that there were monsters flesh eating monsters on the island. You name it they lived here any mythical beast and creature you could think of Harpies, lychans, dragons, vampires, centaurs, and much more all guarded treasure and lived throughout the islands. whats more is the scouting party found a cave system that connected the islands underwater so they could get to each one without useing longboats. Unfortunately after the mixed news everybody mutinyed now it's up to you and your group. Do you turn tail and head home?.......Do you go for treasure and glory?.........Or can you even survive at all?

Rules: no god modding, be respectful to others, you may rp as a crew member or as a monster if you like try to limit you're charries to three. You may kill off a charrie to make a new one or give permission for someone else to kill him or her.

charrie sheets should look like this.



Pet: (if any)



below is my example and my charrie

Name: Captain James Van Otto

Age 27

Gender: MaleView attachment 9240

Job: Ships Captain

Pet: lizzy the parrot


Captain Van Otto is the brash hot head captian of the wave chaser. He had spent all of his life on the sea's and now he had his own ship. Unfortunately he did not know how to pick a loyal crew since as soon as everyone knew there was plenty of gold on the Island there was mutiny. He knew what little time he had he needed to get the man loyal to him together and take the ship back. Not having much magic he mostly relies on his sword and flintlock pistol but he can use magic to make the sword levitate which earned him his nickname "spirit sword" by his rivals.

Powers: minor levitation magic
Yo, bro. Where is the storyline and info, cuz I checked in the storyline/info section, and it wasn't there, and it isn't on this page, so....
thats strange i had one on her i guess i gotta retype it

thats strange i had one on here i guess i gotta retype it
Name: Sasha "Catnip" Wuthers

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Pet: Young wolf pup named Kreao

Personality/Bio: Always loyal to the Captain James. She didn't break off from him, she kind of refused to. She sticks to his side like a lost puppy, but isn't nearly that weak. As for her past, she doesn't know that much about it. She was found as a small child by James, who wasn't the captain at that time, taken in by the captain at the time, and raised a pirate. She is an elf, thus the ears, but she wouldn't know or care one way or the other.

Powers: adept at magic and swordfighting, considered a prodigy from a young age. One problem. She doesn't like to fight unless she needs to.


Name:Dirt Collen




Personality/Bio: Dirt's been with James for a couple years now,he was found as a stowaway on James' ship and was a pain to catch. He was used to ships and knew how to move around them well,but he was caught and as 'punishment' he was to work as a crew member. Dirt was very against this but he had to stay and his place was in the crow's nest and he was the hang man,since he was so well with working with the ropes and a great sniper. He usually never talks about his past before that but he used to be in another crew,one he loved dearly.And he's often caught talking about two people in particular,a man named Skull who he's said to be his brother but simply is the one he cared for most on the ship and was the captain's right hand man.And then there was Captain Death,he'd always point out how much better she was then Captain James.But they are both dead now to Dirt as is the rest of there crew,he can't remember what really happened but he is the only known surviver.Dirt hardly ever listens since he had made a promise to Death and Skull that they were the only one's he'd ever listen to,so he's stubborn and tends to cause trouble. But he's sweet when you actually get to know him and he's protective over his good friends.

Powers: Nightmares,able to bring them to life.


Name:Skull Lock




Personality/Bio:Known as Dead to Dirt,he actually survived and knows Dirt is too. Though he lost him and is now trying to find him once again,he stumbled upon the Monster Island just before James' crew did and has found it rather annoying. But that never stopped him from looking so neither will this.

Powers: Very strong

Dirt on right,Skull on Left,Death is in the middle(Dead)


Name:Shadow Hark



Pet: -

Personality/Bio: Shadow has always lived on the Island but never really cared about what went on there. He'd usually just watch and maybe scare people but never really did any harm because he saw it as pointless. He doesn't talk much and doesn't stay in the same shape for long,so you never know if it's him or not.

Powers:shape shifter

Monster on left

(Is this okay?)
Name: Raleigh Knox

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Pet: (if any) n/a

Job: Navigator

Image Profile: 5'11 and a buck eighty-five in weight, Raleigh stands with a slightly thinned build to him. Well nourished and active, yet not as frequent as when he was younger so not as cut. Warm, amber tanned skin wraps his body, eyes dark brown surrounded by subtle but sturdy rimmed glasses. Dark onyx coarse hair when loose hangs down to just under his collarbone. In everyday scenarios it is tied up neatly with a pencil. Tattoos include a seventeenth century compass on his right back hand, and a line from Revelations over his upper back. He is clothed in light cloth shirt and black trousers bloused in hard leather boots laced with hemp laces. In his boot sheaths a mid-sized steel knife, half serrated which he uses for survival. Round his chest diagonally, he wears a small brown satchel that carries a compass and his journal and pen. On excursions he also takes a bag for more supplies which is carried on his back. Ready for him to take and run at a moments notice.

Personality/Bio: Quiet, not as social by measurement of the finer circles, but sharp as a tack in logic and tactical analysis. As a youth, he lived under his mother's care while is father sailed off under many an excursion voyage. One day they received a letter, no more father. Raleigh spent his time reading about wars and adventures, great captains and leaders. He often dreamed about becoming one someday but dreams die with age. In adolescence he moved from books to applying the knowledge in his head to practical measures. He settled on honing his skillset to navigation, becoming highly adaptive in finding locations, reading maps, remembering routes and shortcuts to a T, etc. It was under Captain James that he earned his first real job putting his skillset to careerful applications and working as the ships navigator. When the mutiny occurred, Raleigh stayed loyal to the captain. Not out of true loyalty, but because he saw no stability or chance of survival with the mutineers.

Powers: Unnaturally keen senses; sees and hears for miles ahead which has helped him to plan routes. Makes him ideal for scouting.

(Would it be alright to write out the character image description? Can't find a pic that really suits what I'm going for.)
well the first link was to the storyline section i edited the link and now it's to the rp section
Hey can I join?

Name: Bliss Carlito

Gender: Female

Pet: (if any): Black Kitten named Tobias (Toby for Short). Bliss found him as a stow-away on the ship and nursed him back to healthy.

Personality/Bio: Bliss grew up in a Nomadic Gypsy Colony with her mother who was the local medicine woman. When Bliss entered her late teens, she decided to leave her colony and travel on her own to expand on the skills she learned. She joined Captain James’s crew and agreed to be the ship’s healer in exchange for seeing exciting new places and having a lab on the ship to work in. That ship and lab has become her home and she sees no reason to give that up now. Captain James has always been good to Bliss so she stays loyal to him, plus money never was a big draw for her.

Powers: Alchemist, knife-fighting, and minor hand-to-hand combat


View attachment 9289
go ahead either you have gone with and mutinied taking crew members with you or use your own charries im not worried about that i actually encourage it
Name: "Bishop 'Deadeye Rackham' Walker...full name, don't wear it out."

Gender: "Unless I've got me anatomy wrong, I'm a male."


Pet: "He isn't really mine, in possession, but Butch is just as good as mine as he is Scout's."

Personality/Bio: Deadeye is a former captain and pirate of the ship, 'The Scarlett Tempest'. He's spent several of his youth years out on sea with his family, his crew. Introduced to the pirate life at an early start, Bishop immediately fell in love with the lifestyle and kept at it until his retirement years. Deadeye made quite the name for himself during his glory raiding times, infamous for nearly everything pirate-ly possible. Years later, he settled down near the merchant piers of New Rowland, a wharfing station in the slum islands of Buskovi. (Didn't know if we were allowed to come up with our own settings.) with a young fisher-gal by the name of Stevanya. He practically took her in as his own, after her father had died of illness, and raised her to grow into the rugged life she lives today. It was Bishop's idea to go after the treasure hidden in that island and decided to round up his own crew from his home-port and several other locations through fellow pirates. Stevanya refused to be left back at the New Rowland Pier and there was nothing Deadeye could do to change her mind, eventually letting her tag along. Quite the drunkard he is, Bishop's never seen a sober day in his life. The only thing keeping him from complete insanity is his ship...and Stevie...maybe even Butch...maybe.

Powers: Enhanced Reflexes.


Name: "The name's Stevanya Mercer. Bishop likes t'call me either 'Mercer' or 'Scout'. If you'd like to keep yer health in the goods, I suggest you keep to 'Stevie' or 'Rook'."

Gender: 'By m'mentality, you'd think I's some brute, but no. This here's a a way."

Appearance (Couldn't find a picture): “I stand at about a good 5’6 and a light 122 at weight, Bishop s’always buggin’ me ‘bout puttin’ up s’m weight; what does it look like m’doin? By the way I eat, I’m s’prised I’ve yet to reach his heft. M’build isn’t nearly as apparent as most girls since I p’fer to wear much looser-cut clothing, barely ever showing m’curves…whatever I have n’ways. Hair’s up to th’tip of my shoulder blades, color is a pretty dark red color, pro’bly s’dark as the Sea o’Blood after sunset and s’wavy as tropic vines. N’me eyes are a reflection of m’father’s…or so I’m told. They’s about the only thing I like ‘bout myself, s’dark as a green emerald. Bishop says they fool people t’thinking m’smart by the vibrant pierce. I say he needs t’stop with the whiskey.”-She’s usually found wearing a loose, longsleeved peasant shirt with a black travelers vest over it. Black harem pants, held up by a black belt sheathing her sword, tucked beneath her brown leather boots that stop just barely over her ankle.

Pet: " 'Course I got me a companion. Butch's his name, never leave home without 'im." (German Shepard: 3 years old)

Personality/Bio: Stevanya's far from the nicest person around and, in fact, can be awfully sarcastic. Though pretty clever and quick to jump at things, she's not exactly what you'd call 'book smart'. All she's ever known was the sea, Butch, and the people back at her harbor who she likes to think of as family. Stevie's never really had a family and usually thinks of them as useless hold-backs, but she'll settle for what she has. Yes, Stevanya can be a bit apathetic and reserved, but she has her reasons. The girl rarely ever talks about her past and Bishop is about the only one who's gotten it out of her, after plenty of buggin' and whatnot. He kinda figured she wasn't from the westland islands since she had somewhat of a convict-inflicted lazy accent like the brutes back in the eastlands carried. Stevie doesn't really seem like it, but she can be compassionate and helpful sometimes(though those moments are rare). While very indecisive, Stevie's known to be the kind to react at impulse, always trusting her gut...even though it's what gets her into trouble most of the time. Back home, she was never taught discipline, that's why she acts in the rowdy manner she does today. Her gumption, pride and stubbornness is what makes her a tough competitor in almost everything. That being aside from her strong suits; she might be young and small, but don't underestimate her. She can fight like a merciless warrior...thanks to Bishop of course. Overall, she's still a kid at heart so her playfulness is just who she is.

Powers: "Don't mean t'brag, but m'pretty awesome at hand-to-hand combat. Swordsplay's somethin' I can handle nicely, so's circumventin' trouble. Because I wasn't very...well liked back home, I learned t'run and climb pretty quickly, almost unhumanly, but s'nothin' too insuperable. Oh yeah, I also mastered mimicry."

(Do I need to change anything?)

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