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Modest Acres Unbound [Stillsurrounded & Tzun]


Lord of the Dreadfort






Name: Tzun Lajn

Age: 23

Looks: Tall, pale man, with a longer hair of dark blond color. Face sharp as a weaver's needle, with gentle blue eyes and a slender body. A mouth slightly askew and cheeks sunken, but with a mischievous smile.

Bio: Tzun lived a very simple, unhindered and unadventurous life. He adopted the homestead after years of learning how to till and sow a field, as well as keep livestock and live a modest means on the farm. After his parents had passed and his brothers all went to war, Tzun remained in the stead, watching over the grain as it grew along side him.

Misc: is quite a know-it-all personality, but fun loving and free spirited. Quite sensitive and easily tempered, one small move can alter his entire day, and has a very stubborn mindset.

(I figure we can start as I walk to your homestead, hoping to inquire about my murdered sheep)
Tzun passed his fields of grain and rice. Just beyond lie the body of the sheep that had been slaughtered no more than a few hours ago. He went to go investigate the body, now that it had been moved from the others. Behind the wooden fence, everything, save for the corpse, was moving. The livestock bustled in their pens, making all ruckus that they could, seeming as though to tell one another to make more noise than needed. The wind picked up, and with the dancing breeze, the stalks swayed with it in an eternal tango. But the body fouled the area, reeking of malign force. Innards ravaged by teeth, crimson fur matted, staining the dirt below. A face caves in under pressure of some great blow. Tzun knelt to the body, surveying it slightly. He had done so several times since it was discovered. However, he had not needed look over it again. As this was not the first of the onslaught. There had been several before this one, which was the mercurial subject. What caused such singular destruction? How had he not heard such bumps in the night? These are all questions he wanted to inquire with the neighbor of his, not a name he knew well, nor a face he could remember. A stranger he had lived by and no more.

After quite some walking, dirk tucked away in his padded clothing, he let his hand fall upon a heavy wooden door, not seeing anyone inside through the lone window beside the door's leeward hinges. He eagerly awaited an answer, as he had several wonders as to what was so fervently trying to destroy his well being.
Name: Silas Emory

Age: 22

Looks: Average height with skin lightly tanned from working outside. His hair is a very dark brown, almost seeming black. He has a square jaw with deep brown eyes. His nose is fairly wide and his cheeks are covered in freckles. His eyes are warm with an inner fire.

Bio: His family had been plagued by an awful sickness when he was younger. He didn't catch it but his older brother did and it killed him. His father focused on teaching him to work the fields but Silas always had a secret desire to do something more. He was the third son in his family and his oldest brother would sometimes teach him basic archery techniques which he was eager to experience. His older brother is currently fighting at war.

Misc: He is very friendly and calm but has an inner fire which he refrains from showing. He tries to keep peace and takes everything with a grain of salt.

(sounds good. Is there going to be magic in this world or no?)
(I'm pretty tired and it's getting late. If you wanna leave a response, I'll go ahead and respond in the morning. Gnight. :) )
(I'd say yes, but definitely not something that can be utilized without years of costly training and practice. But perhaps some outside forces can grant one-off abilities for use, such as scrolls or tomes or what have you.)
Silas was just sitting down to a relaxed dinner with the worry of murdered livestock hanging over his head when a knock startled him from his thoughts. He jumped with the immediate thought of threat. An enormous beast came to mind. Adrenaline was pumping through his veins but he forced an even breath. Even though his imagination sprinted to the thought of battle and three headed monsters he knew in the back of his mind that it was most likely one of his neighbors. Monsters don't generally knock. He brushed a hand lazily through his hair and lit a candle. He found that only keeping light around himself saved money on candles and left him feeling much safer.

He opened the door with hidden caution. He didn't want to seem unfriendly or inhospitable but he was still full of nervous energy about what he would find outside of his home. When he saw another human he let his guard drop a little. He smiled invitingly as he subtly looked him up and down.

"Hello neighbor, what brings you here?" He inquired in a friendly and curious tone.
Tzun was somewhat apprehensions and awkward as to his response. The man seemed quite aloof for the atrocities that had been caused. Perhaps he was not visited by the same horrors? Many thoughts fled to his mind before he realized where he was and what he was doing. Back to a reality that he could not so easily control.

He parted his lips to speak, but without speech he purrs over the man's face and body, studying him. It was a practice that he was not familiar with and proceeded like a deer treads through a forest of wolves.

"Hello..." He mumbled, but started himself again a little more ferocious than planned. "Are you free to speak?" He jutted out his hand just as awkwardly as he spoke. "My name is Tzun, by the way. Lajn family, just a few acres down."

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