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Fantasy Modern Day Summoners Lore

[import]9010974[/import] [class=values] --tabStyle: row wrap; --contentStyle: column nowrap; --tab-txt-align: center; --tab-txt-color: Coral; --bg-color: DarkSlateGrey; --fontFamily: 'tahoma'; --fontSize: 13px; --tab-hover-color: Chocolate; --tab-hover-bg: Gainsboro; --tab-select-color: Chocolate; --tab-select-bg: Cornsilk; [/class] [div class="tabContainer values"] [div class=tabHolder] [div class="tab selected"][div class=tabID]1Tab[/div]Plot[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]2Tab[/div]Summoner info[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]3Tab[/div]Summons info[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]4Tab[/div]Other info[/div] [div class=tab][div class=tabID]5Tab[/div]World Info[/div] [/div] [div class=tabContentHolder] [div class="tabContent 1"]
During the medival times people made up tales of witches and wizards who could control elements and summon spirits. While most of the tales were fake their was some truth. Someone had accidently summoned a creature a few centuries ago and the government quickly found out, the rest is history. Soon summoning became a part of everyday life, of course there were still people who couldn't summon due to the lack of magic in there family. Though they were nicknamed 'the disliked' since people believed the reason they couldn't summon was because the creatures disliked the summoners.
You live in New Hele, a city that was built on an island connected to the mainland by two large bridges. This city is different than most because it has fully integrated Summoners' abilities into life. People are allowed to have their summons out at all times, fights are allowed to occur as long as they are on/in designated fighting areas. As long as your summons have something on that shows they are your summon they can follow and assist you with anything. However Summons are not considered people, they can face death if left unattended for too long since they could be considered strays(Summons that have run away or have no summoner that still walk on earth). Either way, New Hele has many opportunities for summoners of all ages! with it currently reaching the end of summer, school is coming for students. Job opportunities are beginning to open as well due to the students heading off and so much more!
[/div] [div class="tabContent 2"] The human race are all summoners(Even the ones who cannot) since they all have magic, everyone simply has verying levels of it. Magic is leved from 1 -10
1-2 are people who are nicknamed 'The Disliked' do not have enough magic to summon anything unless they do a self-preservation summon(When in a life or death situation it happens involuntarily)
3-4 these people are Below Average with magic, they can summon, but they only have 1-2 summons since they can't summon more than 1 at once they usually only have 1. It also takes all day before they can swap out their summon after summoning.
5-6 These people are Average with their magic amount. They have 2-3 summons and only need a few hours in between summoning and can summon two at once.
7-8 are above average with magic, they vary between 2-4 summons and only need an hour or two between switching summons.
9-10 these are the people with strongest control over their magic and can swap out their summons with only a few minutes in between. These Summoners usually have 4-6 though it can vary a lot.
[/div] [div class="tabContent 3"] Summons have their own world where they live in, though humans know nothing about it since summons don't talk about it. Before they are summoned they live in their world normally, which is unknown what that means exactly, and are simply pulled into our world. They have lives before us, and they still do, it's just now they won't be able to focus on that as much. Also being able to speak any language is not a given, some creatures can only speak telepathically to their summoner because they can't speak the language. They remember like we do as well, so if they've had any summoners before you(Depending on how old they are) They will remember that too. What makes summoners vary is that they have bright glowing eyes and a small circle tattoo on their neck.
most summonses need to eat, sleeping is something they can do infrequently. Some Summons don't need either, the older ones anyway. Eating is always an option, just not something they would need to do [/div] [div class="tabContent 4"] N/A [/div] [div class="tabContent 5"]

Hele's school for the young

Candy and Coffee Cafe

Sunset Beach

Beach Arena

School Arena

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