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Mobile Suit Gundam RP


This is a private roleplay between me and Raikou Kaminari, so if you're not that person please don't write. I think that's about it...
"Remember Gundam Meister, your on a mission I know this may be a little personal but you can't let that cloud your judgement. We are already going off the Aeolia Plan and Veda just by doing this." A voice in Setsuna's comms said. It was his Captain Sumeragi Lee Noriega telling him to keep his cool, but this Setsuna was still very human and his past was still very fresh in his mind. They had only let him do this because he asked to do so or maybe they were interested in learning about Ahab Reactors. Either there was a lesson they wanted him to learn but he didn't quite know yet what it is, you never do till you learn it.

His gundam entered the atmosphere of Mars the bright Green GN Particles being his atmospheric shield, he was destined for a losing battle being fought by a group known as Tekkadin. He readied his weapon system and already had his targeting system operational. His GN Sword Kai was in rifle mode and as he came closer to the battle field he remebered his own rescue like this was at the hands of the O gundam. Maybe it was the reason he became a Gundam meister in the first place. He fired several shots as he came in range of the enemy destroying several unaware mass produced suits as he flew it. Graze units he heard they were called. He swept over the battlefield shooting more Graze units. He had grown tired of all these earthbased thugs. Our in space it's the Ttians but Earth, Jupiter, and Mars it was the Gjallarhorn.
Mikazuki remained in complete and utter silence as voices rambled on through his ear piece. Not once did his confidence waver, even as it became apparent that they were on the losing side of this battle with Gjallarhorn's suits. But out of the corner of his eye, he spotted an unfamiliar gundam, firing off rounds at the Graze units and destroying many of them. Mikazuki continued to fight, a sly smile working it's way onto his face.

This person obviously has a real talent, and the odds might have tipped in our favor due to this gundams appearance. Mikazuki could not afford to lose this battle for Tekkadan, he owes more than he wants to admit, to Orga in particular. Orga being the leader of Tekkadan and the person Mikazuki looks up to the most. He can't let them down, but most of all...he can't let Orga down...
Setsuna then began to take this fight seriously landing  towards the forward flanl as his gn particles began to spread cutting off nearby enemy unit's communications. His GN Sword Kai switched to sword mode and he drew a GN beam saber with his suits free hand. The Exia descended upon the Graze units moving with speed and agility of a real person because that's how the suit was designed. But from an experienced stand point one could tell he was simply relying on capabilities of his mobile suit not his own skills. As he did this he tried to established contact with the Tekkadin forces to no avail.

He couldn't take his mind off fighting for too long so instead he switched the speaker of the suit. It broadcasted his words aloud. "Tekkadin, I am not your enemy. I sympathize with your plight and have chosen to come to your aid with the power of my Gundam." he said. Setsuna was trying to avoid giving much of anything away, he had heard of the 72 Gundams of the Calamity. He found it ironic they were named after demons of the Ars Goertia the 72 Pillars of Hell. He briefly look back with his suit's main camera at the Gundam Barbatos, the eyes of his suit probably looked weird compared to most suits because the eye resembled human eyes. An ideal of Celestial Being that Gundam meisters can become their gundams. 
A small chuckle comes from Mikazuki after Setsuna's comment. Oblivious to one of Gjallarhorn's gundams that was targeting Barbatos. His gundam is flung back and Mikazuki regains his awareness, having forgotten that he was amid a full frontal battle. Mikazuki pulls out the Mace, aiming it at the Graze unit that caught him off guard, and fires the needle like propellant, which strikes the Graze unit which floats away as a still pile of scrap metal.

Orga's voice is broadcasted to all Gundams on Tekkadan's side. "This battle should be soon won, Gjallarhorn's ship is falling back."
Setsuna in  the Gundam Exia continued to cut down enemy mobile suits till they withdrew with their ship. They stood no chance the second he arrived, as their ship wouldn't be able to contact the mobile suits on the frontlines because GN particles jam enemy communications only something running on GN particles wouldn't be jammed from particle dispersal. Unfortunately that was the same with the Tekkadin forces for now, Setsuna wondered if Celestial Being would benefit from recruiting such an ally to their cause. But for now he wanted to aid their cause, even though more trouble was brewing than just this conflict.

All over the Earth's relations with space colonies and Mars were deteriorating, especially with the actions of such organizations like the Gjallarhorns and Titans. The One Year War was bad enough and now it looked like another one was about to break out. As relations between the PLANTs and Earth breakdown with also rumors that a cold war had been going on against Zeon remnants prior to the formation of the Titans. He wondered why the Earth had become so spooked of the Space Colonies recently and of Coordinators in the PLANTs. He heard of something called a Newtype is what has caused this happen and that they have been creating Cyber Newtypes and in the meantime created people called Extendants who are meant to match coordinators. It's like they want something to happen. 

The Gundam Exia ceased area particle dispersal so full communication capabilities would be restored to the Tekkadin forces. Exia sheathed all it's weapons and turned around to face them, waiting for them to make the next move. He tuned his comms to an open channel and waited for them to contact him.
Orga was hesitant to speak to this new gundam, but put off no time waiting around for the crew to assess it. He sent out a call to the gundams. "Everyone back to the ship. This fight is over..."

Mikazuki returned Barbatos to the ship, and exited the cockpit. He was soon walking towards where Orga and the others would be piloting the ship. His hands tucked in the pockets of his oversized Tekkadan jacket.

Biscuit (just another one of the Tekkadan crew) walks up beside Mikazuki smiling. "We were worried about you for a second. But you got back into it, just like you always do." Biscuit pats his shoulder and walks off, back to where they keep the gundams. Meanwhile MIkazuki continues on his path to the cockpit of the ship, assuming that the pilot of the mysterious gundam will soon join them.
Setsuna interpreted the ship not leaving and leaving an entrance open was a sign for him to  come aboard. He piloted his gundam at a cruising speed while the lights of the ship guided him in and he placed his gundam in an open ms restraint slot. He exited the suit slowly with his helmet on, armed with his pistol but holstered just in case. As he exited the used the suits lift to slide down to the ground he said. "My suit does not need refueling or resuppliment. There's a lock on the suit, it's OS, and its security systems will be engaged please do not to to tamper with it or anything. Though I mean you no harm, I can't allow the suit to be touched just yet." The suit was also in a semi active state where it produced small amounts of gn to disrupt any scans or such of the suit.

He then stopped as two individuals with firearms flanked him and proceeded to lead him somewhere likely the Bridge to speak with the captain of this vessel and/or the leader of this movement. He was lead obediently and arrived on the Bridge waited to be greeted by whoever the leader currently was. 

(Take it away being I don't know the Iron Blooded Orphans crew)
Yamagi Gilmerton and Biscuit Griffon take up his sides and guide him quietly to the bridge. Biscuit looks at him but continues walking, taking out his gun. "It's not loaded, so don't worry. Orga doesn't want you dead."

Meanwhile Mikazuki and Orga have engaged in a conversation about the new gundam, and trying to decide why it has helped them in battle. The situation seemed too good to be true, so Mikazuki is skeptic of this pilot.

"You're just jealous." Orga says jokingly.

"I'm really not. It just doesn't make sense that this gundam would just-"

Biscuit and Yamagi arrive flanking Setsuna.
Setsuna removed his helmet and placed it at his feet and removed his gun handing it to Biscuit, he stood stationary before Mikazuki and Orga. "I am Setsuna F. Seiei. more than anything else I came to your aid today for mostly personal reasons. The organization I work for have been watching you Tekkadan and as a small faction possessing great potential. We would like to know first what is it you fight for? Tell me about yourselves. Then I'll make my decision." Setsuna said without hesitation.

Depending on the answers he receives, Setsuna will asks if they would want to join Celestial Being. The Ahab Reactor is very similar to the GN Drive in nature and function. They also have talented pilots but are a relatively small faction. With the wars to come and how big they probably will be, Celestial Being may need more manpower than ever before. There are others out there who Celetial Being has their eyes on and are monitoring to determine if they'll receive a visit of recruitment.

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