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Fandom MLP: Elements of Chaos


Just A Guy Who’s A Hero For Fun





Cutie Mark:

((Cutie Mark Talent))




((Anything you would like to add))

((If unicorn, naturally capable of teleport, telekinesis and barrier.))

Be descriptive in both appearance and personality.
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Name: Nova Storm


Snow white, short in length and rather unkempt.

Looks more like a lion's tail than a pony's. Black fur with a white tuft at the end. A result of one of his experiments

His coat is dark blue, reminiscent of the night sky and a stark contrast to his snow white mane. His lithe build allows him to be surprisingly agile given his supposed age. The numerous experiments preformed on himself have left their mark. Though easily the most noticeable of these would be that his sclarae are black and irises a blood red. His eyes give off a faint glow in the dark allowing him to see in even the darkest environments as if it was day.

Scars cover a vast majority of his body, whether they be from mishaps or self experimentation. Notable accident induced scars include the lower part of his left foreleg missing fur and burned. (Likely a mishap with Disaster) and his right ear being torn up.

Cutie Mark:
We're still kicking ideas around on that one.

Talent: ((Cutie mark talent))

Even if Nova's main focus lies in science and technology, don't make the mistake of thinking he's unskilled in magic. He was Celestia's student for a reason. He knows a wide variety of spells and is more than capable of preforming more advanced spells.

Cold, cruel and sadistic towards his enemies. He takes great enjoyment out of seeing them suffer. Otherwise he's rather quiet, focused on his work and moving plans forward. He considers the ponies he created to be his greatest achievement and holds concern for their well being. While he can be strict and seemingly cold towards them, he is protective of his creations and will protect them from harm. So far though only his first two creations have really gotten to see that more gentle and caring side outside of a few glimpses.

If he's working, he can be found with notepad and a lab coat with numerous faded stains. (Blood, who knows what else)

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