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Fandom MLP: Age of Exploration


"... I guess that doesn't leave much room for spells..." Trixie says with a sigh. She dropped it from her magical grasp and instead grabbed it with her hoof. "Now, uhm... En Garde or something!" She said before lunging at Avedon in just about the most painfully obvious attack ever. Apparently she didn't understand the idea of telegraphing attacks.
(Contuination from page 32)


Celestia grimaced as she heard Luna's curse though the telepathic link, while you couldn't technically shout through telepathy (at least not by conventional standards of shouting) you could intensify what was being communicated and the intensity that Luna conveyed would be the equivalent of screaming right into her ear. “Apologies Sister.” Celestia replied and deflected a blind jab from one of the few remaining bandits who was still standing, knokcing it with her own weapon hard enough to send the spear careening off into the woodland.

They weren't bothering to run any more, they knew that they'd never get away with Luna still there as their previous comrade found out.

Celestia almost attacked Luna in surprise to find her suddenly in the middle of her own fray fortunately she had enough discipline to not attack her own sister even if she looked... Different.

Quickly she cut down the bandits on the ground almost as quick as the ones she dispatched upon the ramparts that they barely even had time to be surprised and most of them couldn't even see. With the threats gone, Celestia could only focus on the dark fur, they reminded her...

“Luna, your fur...” Celestia began, pointing to the prominently darkened colour of her fur, currently between her usual deep blue and black and she also noticed that her eyes were also a much lighter teal and slitted.
Needless to say Avedon didn't exactly have any trouble with it. A quick swipe with his own blade knocked hers away as he let her own momentum carry her forward into the wooden sword at neck level, "Congratulations, you jsut cut off your own head." 

If Luna heard Celestia at all, she gave no indication. The moment the last bandit fell dead at their hooves, Luna began a brisk walk towards the castle itself. If anything was to be said about these bandits, it would be that they were impressively talented at building. Somehow they had created an entirely new castle gate to lock themselves behind. Even Luna had to stop for a moment and marvel at it.

Before blowing it to pieces. Several stars came down from the sky and sailed towards the gate, sinking into it and glowing brighter by the moment. A few seconds later they all exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere, including at Luna and Celestia though the former didn't seem to really care at all when pieces of wood stuck in her. Her healing factor soon pushed them out and healed the minor wounds closed.

A few unfortunate bandits had been sitting on the other side of the gate, waiting for their attack. They were dead; either crushed under remnants of the gate or pin-cushioned with wooden fragments.

Luna just smiled and laughed coldly to herself as she stepped between the broken, bloodied bodies. Her fur by this point was almost completely black, with little blue spots quickly being overtaken by the encroaching darkness.



Trixie tries her hardest to stop, but cannot do so before the wooden sword 'decapitates' her. She comes to a sliding stop, and pivots into a slash against Avedon's left foreleg. "It can't cut my head off! It's wood!"
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"Well I assume you don't want to train for the off-chance you'll be fighting OTHER people using wooden-swords." He telegraphs a very obvious downsward strike at her head to see if she could block it. 

Trixie manages to actually get her sword up in time to block the attack! What's even more impressive is that she blocks it at an angle, causing the swords momentum to make it slide away from her body. When Ave's attack has slid down her sword to the right angle, she quickly shoves outwards to make the weapon fly away from her own body and she launches an uppercut with her own blade.
Avedon held onto his sword though it was thrown away from him to be able to counter with it. Before she could upper-cut with her sword however, he uppercut her with his left-hoof, instinctively launching it under her chin as both their swords tilted her to the right.  "AH! Fuck! Sorry!" 
"Well that's good then....well let's get to business. We have some extra money left over but not much, so we need to obviously get more" John said, his tone immediately. 

(Sorry I have been busy as of lately since I am trying my hand at GMing)


Trixie caught the uppercut firmly under her jaw and reeled backwards with the force of the attack. Everything was quiet for a moment as Trixie just sat there, clearly stunned, and then spit out a mouthful of blood. "... I'd say you hit like a mare, but I am fairly certain I could do better."

"And who would that be?" Trixie says while standing up straight. Right now was one of those times she wished she could cast healing magic, but, she couldn't. At all. That school of magic simply eluded her.

At the same time, Luna would be experiencing her first night in Elysium. The citadel rose well above the rest of the island where even the haze of Elysium's industries from its great templed chimneys fades. This far into the ocean, the starswould be a rich tapesty with the moon pouring through a large window. Steam-pipes ferrying heat from the castles depths left no need for a hearth in her room, and a valv near the outer wall let her vent the heat outside to lower the temperature as she wished. The room would be very richly decorated and in Scarlet's area of the residence. Everythign was decorated in rich reds and golds, and it had a much more blaringly martial theme than any other part of the house that might have harkened her back to her own days in the tribe of the Pegasi. 

"Perhaps we will make an Anekdotian out of you yet..." Luna mused to herself while looking around the room. She was, needless to say, quite impressed. She was currently relaxed, looking quite different from the royal posture she had carried herself in prior to entering the room. Once out of public she could loosen up a bit.

She reached into her mane and randomly pulled out a dagger which she set on the table. "For defense." She explains, "No insult intended. Just have to be careful when visiting other places. Want it?" She said, motioning to the dagger. It has jewels in the pommel, a hilt wrapped in dark leather and a beautiful gilded gold and steel case. It was probably worth a small fortune.
Scarlet took it in her hooves, currently having her hind-legs crossed and wearing not the armor she had on earlier, but a light muave cotton shirt that fell to her hips. Something more comfortable for the late hour. 

"Tis a beutiful piece..and I hath never seen one so useful." 

Scarlet reached down to rub the pommel until she plucked one of the larger jems out and put it into her mouth. 


The half-dragon chewed away at it with a smile

"Nort only does thine snack carrier hold delicious things, it also has a blade! I couldst use it as a knife even!" 

Luna just watched with a somewhat somber and sad expression on her face. She should have known. Luna had outlived many dragons, she had known many more, yet she forgot one of the most basic facts about them; they eat gems. She watched helplessly as Scarlet ate the gem. "... Ponies.... Don't eat gems, Scarlet. They are something we collect for their beauty. Only dragons eat gems. It's not a snack holder..." The lunar princess says while rubbing at her eyes and sighing...

"One ponies beauty tis another dragon's maiden to kidnap. Thou knoweth what they say, tomato tomato." the princess said with a little casual wave of her hoof, not changing the pronunciation of tomato either time. She smiled in pure unfiltered joy to her new friend as she tucked the dagger away. "Thank ye." 

Luna doesn't bother to correct her about the tomato pronunciation... Because Luna doesn't know either! That saying did not exist 1000 years ago, and she had yet to really use it in her time back. She had heard it a few times but every single time she had simply dismissed it as peasantry. "Welcome." Luna says while looking around the room. "So what do you do for fun?"

"...everything. I more specifically I doth enjoy blacksmithing. I make all my own armor and weaponry. I excercise every day. If not by training my knights then by running or swimming. I paint when the mood strikes me, and look for and change my outfits by those same whims. I'd say the most fun I ever have though is with mine brother, Nightshade...."  She said mentioning the absentee prince. 

"Ahh yes, Prince Nightshade." Luna says with a nod of her head. She had done research before arriving here, obviously. "And where is the prince, Scarlet? I know that I arrived at a late hour, but it is incredibly strange that the entire royal family would not greet me. I can quite honestly say that it's never happened before. What is so urgent that he would miss such a great alliance-driven meeting?"

"My brother...tends to keep his own schedule. I wouldst not know what it could be this time. Perhaps business, perhaps an invention...please, though shouldst not think ill of him for it. He hath done some trully admirable things..." Scarlet said, a bit used to defending her brother to the point where she thought Luna already looke d at him suspiciously 

Luna finds a comfortable spot on the floor to sit down. "Relax, I don't think ill of him. I simply think it strange that he wouldn't show up to such an important meeting. If I had missed such a meeting in my youth, I would have been severely punished. But enough of that. What would you like to do?"
"I doth believe Truth or Dare is traditional for such an event, but we couldst always instead get to know each other! On a princess to princess level. I try to stay connected with the common pony though honestly tis something Ive never had the thought of before that I might have someone in my own postition as a friend!" 

Luna raises an eyebrow slightly and chuckles. "I would not say our positions are the same, since I have nobody above me whereas you had your mother and father, but I understand where you're coming from. And staying connected with the common folk is good! I have been trying to do that more as well. Back before the banishment that was quite looked down upon, so this is a nice change of pace."

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