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Fandom MLP: Age of Exploration

The fox kept the box shut tight under him, staring up and splaying his legs

"Top secret, For fox-eyes only. You normies can never understand...

...but I was also using it to just get around safely..." 
"S̴a̕͏͞f́͟el̸͞y̶͟͟?͞ ̕l͢͏a̸s͏̸t̨͏ ̴͜ì ̕ć̛h͜ec͠ḱ́̕ed̢̛  t̨h͘i͢͟s҉ ̢̕͞ì͏s̛͜͠ ͏̀̕o͡͝͞n͡e̶ ͝ǫ̢́f̸͏ t͟h̨̡è s̨̛a͠͝fe͞ś̡͟t̵́ ̛͟͝p̡͟l͜ac̷e̶͜͢s̛͡ ̵̸t̵o̢͢ b͢e͝.͜͟͝.͘.̵͜" Tech would add, a rather inquisitive tone in his voice. "A̡n̶d̀͝ ͡y̶̛͘o͠u̧͝ ̡͟c̸ą͘n'́҉t͘ ͘͏e̴x̵҉ac̸̸ţl͢͝ý̴ ͏͢c̵͞a͢l͢l̕͢ ́́m̶e̸̸ ̵̧ą 'ņ͢o̧͢rm̵̶̢i͞͡e͟'̶͝͞" He would add, looking a little confusedly towards them. Then he remembered it was nightmare night, where ponies would normally dress up et cetera. He would pause to remove a limb for a second or two, before re attaching it, hopefully enough proof.

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"You never know if there's like...going to be a hawk or a dragon or rain falling from above!" 

The little fox sits and scratches behind his ear with a backpaw as he watches the stranger remove his limbs

"Everything thats not a fox is less-special than a fox."

He pouted a bit 
"I s̵u̴pp̸ơs̡e t̛h͞at'̷s͜ u͢nders̷t̨a̴n̡da̸b̕le, ͜b̸u͝t e̢ve҉r̢y͏t́h͟in͜g̢ tha͝t͟ ͢ìsn̛'̵t ́a͞ ̨fo̡x ͠i͜s ͡less spe͡c͡ial?̶ ̴that's ̀kįnd͏a r̡a̕cist̢..͡." Tech would say afterwards, looking on with a little concern for them. it didn't really matter that he hadn't seen any foxes before, he could ask about that later, but he was a little concerned about what would happen if he were to say that to, say, a drunk or even a princess. that would end bad, probably. He'd pretty much given up spying on the two in the window for now, and took after the fox in sitting down.


"...Yes it is but we can be that as the best race!" 

The little fox hopped off smiling happily with himself 

"We're small and tricksy...come on I can show you! Let's play a game!" 
He winds and wanders betweens tech's legs, eager to spend his energy now that he wasnt cooped in that box 
Tech sighs giving a little shrug "W̢hy͡ ͝n͠o͟t?" he would reply, not really knowing what to expect. It seemed a little too easy the way he had dodged the fact he was spying on other ponies, but he shrugged it off, not wanting to remind him. "W̷h͡àt'̡s ̨t̢he͏ g̢àm̷e?" he would ask.


The fox stopped and looked up 

"...I don't know. Ive never come around here before. I'm on a scouting mission! I'm Erebus Starblaze" 
"I̵'̷m Tec͘h̷." he would reply. "Wher̸e ͡exa̕c̶t̡ly̶ ̧a̧re͜ yo̴u fro͏m?" he would ask, deciding to ask now the opportunity had arisen. He mostly hoped whatever they wanted to do didn't include running, he couldn't be bothered to waste energy, after all, he was hoping to find someone he knew to ask.

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Erebus looked over his shoulder as he waddled into the bar, tugging on things lookign for something fun to play with

"Hm...might have to settle for hide and seek...oh! I come from Elysium." 
"huh...well sorry for leaving you, i didn't mean to scare you like that" John said, his eyebrow raising in response to what the stallion said. He brushed it off as being some sort of magic that he didn't understand. It was already very clear to him that although this world did have similarities to his own, it was also very different. He liked some of the differences though, such as there being no War going.
"Nah, It's ok. I was just a little confused, thats all." He said.  Moments later, Flax came soaring through the window with a rabbit in his talons. He landed next to Galagus and began to feast on his meal.


Trixie was currently in the Ponyville library, searching around for a new magic tome to read up on. Right now she was looking under the 'Illusion Mastery' category of books, which was the last in the row of 'Illusion Novice', 'Illusion Apprentice', 'Illusion Adept', and 'Illusion Expert'. 

She had a blue spellbook pulled out of its spot and was sitting at a table, reading it.

Avedon drops down "Illusion For Dummies" right next to her and over what she was reading. He stood behind her, wearing his great-coat with the sleeves dangling and grinning, one front leg tucked under the other casually 

"Here I think you're finally ready to upgrade." 

The book comes flying back at his face right as it landed. "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to bother a sorceress when she is studying?" Trixie asks with not even a glance in his direction. She just flipped the page that she was on and continued reading...
"Yes but they didn't say anything about stage-magicians." 
He peers over her shoulder, not that he'd actually understand much of anything in that book as an Earth Pony 

(Contiunation from October 28th page 22)

Understood Sister.” Celestia replied curtly, it was difficult to communicate anything other than the most curt of responses via telepathy while you were currently focused on other things. Like the bandits on the ground quickly swarming Celestia, though seeing two of their comrades put down with naught but a single swing had put the fear of the god in them and most looked like they were ready to bolt.

Apparently none of them actually expected that the Princesses themselves would come down and make their displeasure known.

“B-buck this I'm getting out of here!” One of the bandits, a Unicorn by the looks of it, exclaimed, tossing aside his weapon and ran shouting and swearing into the surrounding woods. Either her sister, Luna, or the Royal Guard would pick him up soon – there were still ten more bandits she had to focus her attention on. Their comrades flight had further demoralised some of them though some of them had grown hardened, Celestia presumed they were the veterans and carried themselves more professionally.

As professional as a bandit could be at any rate.

“I am only going to give you one warning. Lay your weapons down now or there will not be a second chance for you.” Celestia said staring into the encircling mob, trying their best to get into flanking positions. She glanced at Luna upon the fortifications she may be a warrior in all but name but the Day Princess could not help but show concern for her sister, even at a time like this.

As for the bandit mob, their answer was to clumsily stab at her her with a scavenged spear to which Celestia easily avoided. So be it then. Celestia's reply was to call upon fire as hot as Tartarus and cast it down as a pillar of pure flame upon the would-be bandits, exploding outwards and easily engulfing three within its epicentre.

Apparently Trixie has no comeback for that, as for the moment she stays silent. Whatever she was doing, it appeared to be taking a great deal of focus...

After a few seconds the mare shakes her head and slams the book closed. "Well I shall not be getting any more studying in with you standing there. What do you want, you oaf? Follow me while I sign this book out."


The three bandits caught inside the epicenter of the blast were little more than bones after the heat dissipated away. (7 left). The ones on the outer rim of the blast had been badly burnt, but were able to keep fighting. Out of the 7 ponies circling her, it seemed that 3 of them were likely veterans. They were obviously terrified, but were keeping themselves calm enough to think clearly. Under their leadership the 7 ponies began to stab and prod at her with spears, looking for any sort of weakness that they could exploit.

"DON'T RUN, THE PARTY IS JUST GETTING STARTED!" came Luna's call, presumably to the guard who had turned tail and ran away from Celestia. That theory was proven correct a moment later by a terrified scream... coming from... above?


The pony landed right in front of Celestia. Four of the bandits recoiled in horror as pieces of blood and who-knows what else got in their eyes.

As for Luna, well, having her in the middle of a group of crossbowmen was a slaughter.

Most had already fired their bolts at her and had either been completely ineffective or had missed. By the time she got in the middle of them, the wound above her eye was just about closed and the bandits were frantically trying to draw their weapons. One bandit had his leg severed before he could draw his mace, while another was hit in the face hard enough with her back leg to throw him off the ramparts and onto the ground below with a crunch.

Another bandit managed to get a dagger out and lashed out at Luna, almost hitting her before the mare got a spell enacted. The dagger hit a large shield, covering Luna from neck to knee, and made completely out of her blue magical aura. It looked exactly like an ancient Anecdotian shield. The dagger-wielding bandit hardly had time to react before the shield slammed into her throat, and she collapsed onto the ground soon after. (3 left).

"I am simply researching a spell my dear. Probably nothing that your little earth pony brain would understand." She says with a chuckle. A few moments later and the two are outside the library with the book floating beside Trixie in a magical grasp. "Really, though. This book is focusing on an extremely advanced form of illusions called Psychosomatic Illusions. Essentially the illusion is so real that the enemy believes they are actually being hurt. That the fire is real, that the poison really is coursing through their veins, that the illusionary lion really is eating them. No damage is truly being inflicted to the body... But it inflicts damage to the mind, possibly even enough to kill."
"I kind of figured all illusions worked like that. Here I was thinking you were actually a cool mage but now you still gotta learn how to do it!"
Avedon said with a smirk, not knowing when to stop poking the bear

"No but in all honesty, I kinda figured you'd have that sort of illusions down. I suppose you DID get sidetracked by all that dark magic buisness..." 

"They are not easy to master." Trixie says with a shake of her head. She notably did not look at Avedon. The simple fact was that she was much better at darker magic than she was at illusions... And when all was said in done, she wasn't really even that good at magic. She was good, but Starlight Glimmer and Twilight always managed to show her up. So it took her some time to learn these things comparatively.
"E͝l͘y͏su͜m͢?̛.̷.̛. ̛Elysu̧m, E͡l̡ysu̵m.̡.." Tech would say, trailing of as he spaced out, searching his memory for any inclusion of the place. "Ǹéve͞r h͜e҉ar͘d of͜ ̸it̵." he would say after a pause. Probably some made up place they had come up with on the spot...


Celestia grimaced at her sister's rather gruesome display, she would have to discuss her... “Tactics” when this was all over, however in this moment that seemed to cause the bandits surrounding her to take pause and hesitate and Celestia hoped that for a moment they would see reason and surrender while it was still possible for them to do so. The stabbing of spears and insults being thrown at her suggested that they did not want to take the opportunity handed to them.

Celestia was not as graceful or as lithe as the Princess of the Night was and while she could dodge one or two clumsy attacks; several aimed attacks from ponies who knew which end from the other were beyond her ability to dodge so she simply endured – pushing through their offesnive to swing her morning star around in a great big arch, throwing the heavy metal head in a sweeping motion that collided with anypony too inattentive or too slow to duck or dodge out of the way.

One unfortunate bandit on the beginning of the cleave was killed instantly, the crack against his head was too much and he simply dropped like a puppet with their strings cut. As did the second, albeit less instantly and the other two who were hit merely stunned and knocked to the floor – if not knocked outright unconcious.

She followed up the attack with a blinding flash of light from her horn, as though all the intensity of the Sun's light were concentrated for the briefest of moments from a point just above her horn – even the more cautious members of the mob were unprepared for that and recoiled in agony as they were temporarily blinded.
"Well YOU know what you're making is an illusion...why don't you test some out on me? See how the magic really works on someone other than yourself?" 

"That's a great idea! Except, wait, you'll already know that there's going to be illusions involved! Illusions are ineffective against targets who know they are coming." Trixie shakes her head slightly and laughs. "Regardless, what we could do is train me with a blade some more. After lunch?"


Luna makes the mistake of glancing over at Celestia right as that burst went off. Luna recoiled just like the bandits did, her light-sensitive eyes taking quite a beating even from this distance. "WARNING NEXT TIME!" came Luna's screaming voice in Celestia's mind. 

Knowing that the bandits around her would take full advantage of her blindness, Luna decided to take a rather drastic course of action and unleashed a massive concentrated blast of arcane energy on herself. The rest of the crossbowmen around her were completely obliterated into a fine mist, and quite a bit of damage was done to Luna as well. Some of her fur was scorched, and she even had a few cuts running along the length of her body. Luckily those began quickly healing.

Luna shook her head to clear the rest of her vision and looked around. Every bandit who had been on the ramparts had been killed by herself in a few mere seconds, and the rest were on the ground around Celestia. Luna appeared with a flash beside the nearest bandit and quickly cut them down, before sending a magical spear soaring at one on the opposite side of Celestia, taking the bandit in the throat.

What Luna failed to notice is the fact that her fur was getting darker by the second and her teal eyes had just become little cat-like slits.

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