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Fandom MLP: Age of Exploration


Celestia admired the amount of effort gone into the display, clearly somepony had put a lot of love into the ceiling art and hoped that they would be pleased it was going to be enjoyed by so many others. “I thought about coming here many times in recent days but I was always too busy and there was always something a little strange about viewing history you were a part of...” Celestia replied, eyeing one of the displays near the entrance to the wing. It was a display of traditional Pegapolis armour, maintained and charmed in such a way as to retain it's look and durability even thousands of years later.

It must have been a lucky find to acquire a complete set.

“It's good fortune that you came back just in time to see the opening of this wing, though maybe you'd like to see some of the other wings some time?” Celestia asked, finding it nice that they could reflect on a shared history instead of one Luna missed out on.
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After a while of hanging around in the bar, John came into the room. He looked around the room. He decided to use a chair and table for sleep, sitting down on the chair and putting is feet on the table before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. 


"I would love to see the other wings, Tia. Much knowledge is kept here that would help me learn of what I missed. I spent so long on the Moon, much has changed in that time." She said while wandering over to the Pegapolis armor set. She eyed it over and eventually nodded. "Exquisite detail. Although I believe that this is a reforging of an armor set that they found. Any armor from back then would be to ruined to be so beautiful."

Luna gives the armor one last look before turning away and walking off to one of the other exhibits. "Pegapolians were always arrogant. Thinking that they can just take land with no repercussions. I still remember the march onto their city and the war that followed. If there's anything good to be said about them, it's that they die splendidly well. At least some of their art was nice."

“Still can't let old rivalries die yet Lulu?” Celestia asked with a hint of amusement, perhaps she should have been aghast but it was such a long time ago and even she thought Pegapolians were arrogant, though she thought that of all Pegasi back then but that was just a minor detail. It really was a beautiful piece of armour and the fact it had been restored so accurately was a testament to Pony craftmanship.

“I hope we don't find Princess Platnium's diary, or heavens forbid, one of my journals in here.” Celestia said, remembering in embarrassment some of the old things she had written down so many lifetimes ago. She could only hope that all of her musings on that paper would never see the light of day, or Luna's eyes.

She'd never escape the torment otherwise.

"Of course I can. Do you know why? All of them are dead and I am not. The last surviving Anekdotian. And don't say Cloudsdale is Pegapolis, that does not count. I wouldn't call those bunch of cloud humpers warriors." She replies through somewhat gritted teeth. All it took was a mere mention of the rivalries to make Luna angry all over again. She sucked at letting things go.

"I highly doubt some paper survived, Celestia." Luna says with a roll of her eyes. "It's paper. Besides, if your diary is here, I will just steal it." She says with a devilish smile on her lips. The two deities quickly make their way to the new exhibit, but stop to read the sign posted out front. 'Warning: depictions of violence ahead' Is all it said. Well, it was an exhibit of the old world so there was bound to be something along those lines.

The first things that they see upon entering the official exhibit are statues of ancient unicorns. Their gowns and clothing had been recreated to a tee, with everything from surfs and slaves to nobles.

“I don't think it counts if you simply outlive your enemy Luna...” Celestia muttered, it would have been too quiet for most to hear but Luna would probably hear it. Deciding that stoking Luna's competitve streak was not the best course of action, she endeavoured to change the subject and Luna it seemed was going to delight in trying to find one of Celestia's old diaries to embarrass the Princess of the Sun.

Some things never change.

Up ahead was the Unicorn exhibit, Celestia spent a lot of time with the Unicorns and living within the Unicorn Kingdom. She knew Princess Platinum and her father, King Bullion quite well. Though Platinum and her never really got along, even after her and Luna's Coronation – resentful of the loss of her power.

Amongst the nobility was Princess Platinum's own personal royal outfit, recreated by Rarity to an almost perfect tee during the Hearthswarming Eve show several years ago now. Perhaps Platinum would be delighting in the attention her wardrobe would be receiving thousands of years later. “I remember always wanting to wear an outfit like that.” Celestia commented, hoping she'd distract Luna from her stated task for the moment. “Though I'm glad I never went through with it, it looks so uncomfortable.”
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"Looks pretty stupid if you ask me." Luna lies through her teeth. The outfit was beautiful, but the simple fact was that Luna hated Princess Platinum. With a passion. Platinum was rude, but most importantly, she had been rude to Celestia, publicly, after their coronation. At which point Luna had taught the mare a lesson. Platinum was surprisingly nice after that. Luna shakes her head and sighs slightly, "I'm lying. It is a beautiful outfit. I just hate her so much. Had it not been our coronation day, I would have killed her for treating you with such disrespect."

Luna taps her neck-plate at the mention of how uncomfortable the dress looked. "I think these royal jewelry pieces were a better idea. Less constricting too." Luna says with a chuckle before moving onto the next exhibit...

“Oh yes don't get me wrong, Platinum was an absolute terror to commoner and noble alike though she was always the butter that wouldn't melt in your mouth whenever her father was around.” Celestia said recalling some of her less-than-stellar traits that the Hearthswarming plays always skipped or glossed over. Her father was a much nicer pony, wise but stern but chronically ill and often relied on his daughter to carry out his duties.

“I'm glad you talked me out of making the Unicorn royal costume our standard, though I imagine Miss Rarity would disagree heartily.” Celestia said with a light, airy laugh. Eventually they moved onto the next exhibit and it paticularly caught the Sun Alicorn's eye...

“Oh now this is interesting...” Celestia said as a very familiar object came up, one of Starswirl the Bearded's orbs, likely belonging to a staff. They served as a focal point and were designed to make it very easy to cast a particular and powerful spell (essentially allowing one to cast a spell for the fraction of the cost), though this one was so cracked and damaged that whatever power it once contained was long gone and whatever spell it was used to facilitate has been lost to time.

Luna eyed the orb suspiciously, before simply letting out an annoyed whinny and shaking her head. "That should not be here. I feel like that belongs more to us than it does to the exhibit." Luna says in a cold, even tone. But she made no move to do anything about it. "I remember helping him craft his staff. I never knew what spells the little orbs contained, but the staff turned out to be a thing of wonder. After you unicorns took me prisoner I put all my anger and bloodlust into craftsmanship instead. I think it turned out well...."

“I'm sure Starswirl would want his knowledge and experience to be shared with everyone dear sister of mine.” Celestia replied almost sadly, she remembered Starswirl quite fondly and all his accomplishments, though he sadly passed on with his masterpiece unfinished, something he regretted – though Twilight had finished it in his stead, hopefully he'd be pleased with that, wherever he is.

“... That was a very long and very different time Luna, I'm sorry it had to ever happen.” Celestia replied with a tired sigh, a sigh borne from too many “should of”s and “would of”s. “How is your craftmanship? I don't believe you've made anything recently, at least, nothing you've shown me?” Celestia asked curiously, moving on the subject.
Morning came with the rising of Celestia's sun. Ponies were already about doing the things they needed to do. However, one usually early bird was still asleep. Galagus was still in Luna's realm, blissfully dreaming as there was a smile on his face. Flax however was awake and dying to get outside. He was hungry and needed to hunt for some food. But with the door's closed and the window shut, getting out was impossible without help.

Unlike his companion, John was not sleeping so blissfully. This was caused by a combination of both uncomfortable sleeping positions and nightmarish dreams about his war experiences, typically them going horribly wrong. The noises of the bird easily aroused him from his uneasy slumber. Groggily he rubbed his eyes, staring at the Phoenix for a moment. It didn't take him long to discover what the bird wanted so. He quickly got up and opened the window.

Flax looked at John for several moments, giving him a 'don't try anything' look. Flax still obviously didn't trust John yet and didn't exactly want to leave Galagus alone with him. He wouldn't be gone for long and Garages could hold his own for a short time, even without eyes. With a flutter of feathers, the Phoenix flew out towards the forest in search of a meal.

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John stared out the window for a moment and watched the bird leave. Once it was out of his view and he had nothing else to look at, he just left the room. "Maybe I can find some form of a job" He thought to himself as he made his way out of the Inn. He looked the front area, thinking about what to do.
Powering on. System diagnosis: System power: 15%. Internal damage detected. Voice Module: Disconnected. Power levels low, Estimated battery life: 4 hours. Estimated system downtime: 8-9 Hours. Low- Power mode recommended. Loading Operating system...

████████                        25%

████████████████                                50%

████████████████████████                75%


Loading Optical Sensors...

Tech was laying on the ground, in the grass. Whatever wires that weird Two-legged thing moved must've done it, luckily it seemed to not have taken anything. He knew he had to get power, and sooner rather than later, but first, he would need to get the voice module. He would get up, walk over to where he had previously thrown it and inspected it. After all, it had been a whole night and it could've rained. There seemed to be no weather damage, but there was only one way to be sure. He picked it up and placed it carefully back where it belonged, and attempted to talk. "T̶̴͢͞҉e̶͜͡ş́t̛́" Well, it still works. Although it is still on the fritz. Tick box one. Now, to head to town to find power. HE would turn away from the mangled war machine what was not too far away, and walk to town, eventually making it to the streets.


(Apologies for late-ish reply. Had to think for a bit, had writers block for a while. :P)
The young stallion awoke from his slumber. To Galagus, it was the best sleep he had in years. A soft sleeping area, a pleasant dream, and hope for a new future. His happy mode however was interrupted when Flax wasn't nearby. Without him be could not see and was left in total darkness despite the bright sun. "Flax?... John?" He cried out. But it didn't seem that they were there. What was he supposed to do. 
Through the open window, John could hear Galagus cry out. He had forgot that he was blind, so leaving him alone would probably scare the shit out of him. John rushed back onto the Inn, and then the room. "Sorry man, I was just getting some fresh air and thinking about looking for a job" He said as he entered the room
"Oh... Ok." Galagus said. "But where's Flax? I can't see without him." He tried to get out of the bed ended up barrel rolling of the side and fell on the floor on his back. "Ow." He said slowly picking himself up.

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"I think he went off to hunt or something....he was just trying to get out so I let him go" John said as he went over to the Stallion and helped him up. "And what do you mean you can't see without him?" The Pilot added in a confused tone.
"I mean I can't see a fricking thing when he's not around me. Look, you already know that my own eyes don't work. So, to compensate for that I can use the eyes of another being to see through. Thats why Flax is always with me. Though I'm practically helpless without him, unless some other being agrees to let me use their eye's."

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Tech, walking through the town and looking around thoroughly, decided to head to the inn. But, as he was about to enter the inn, he spied a certain two- legged someone through a window. Not quite enough to identify them, but he didn't want to take chances. He would head to listen in on the conversation that it seemed to be having, waiting semi- suspiciously out of view outside the window. Luckily enough, it was nightmare night, though he didn't really care about it. To onlookers, at a glance, it would seem like he was wearing a costume. He attempted to look the least conspicuous that he could.

@Latios @TheCarolean

The sneaky spy was soon finding himself not alone. A very obvious thing dragging more attention to him than he might like: A giant cardboard box that seemed to shuffle around with two little clear silver-blue eyes staring out of a hole, snickering and giggling 
Tech would sigh, turning to look at the box."Ẁ͢͟͟͞h̢̧́a̸̧̧͝t̷͢͠'̨̛͘s̸̶͢ ͘͜͜s̡͘͢ó͏̡ ̸̛f̵̀u̧͜n̴͢͜͜n͜͝y̵̕͢͡͝?" he would ask in a slightly aggressive tone, not very welcoming to the new distraction, as they could easily attract more attention to him. He would expect a child or at the very least hope for one, as he looked at it. Probably a badly made costume, though he would think it would have a little more... detail? paint, shapes, whatever else? he would stop his track of thinking, as he had a bad habit of saying what he thought aloud on occasion, and didn't want to offend whoever was under the box. or alert the two he was spying on, too.

A little black-furred head popped out, tinted with blue fringes. It was a small fox!

"Huh? Hey it's not nice for you to spy on people! Staring at my box like that!" 
Tech would roll his eyes. "I͏̵̢'̧͢m̸͡͞ n̨͏o̸̵t sp̶y͘i̷̛n̵̡̡g̶̛͠ ̀̕o͜n͟ ͘t̡h́ę͞m̡̛,͏͝ ì'̧͝m̷͞.͘͢.́͞. ͝ú͡͝h͘͝,̀́ ̶͡w̵ait̨̧ing fo̢͟r̸ ҉̨͢s̀òm̶̴e͡ó̵̡n̷è͘" He would reply, the pause pretty much giving away his lie. "A҉͞nd̶ ̨w̷hat͞ a̴͘͟b̨̨̀oų̷͠t̡̨ ̢̧y͏ơ͏ù̢͞r̷ b̕͢o̸͜x̵̀?͠" he would add, looking a little confused. maybe he had thought for a little too long while looking at the box. whoops. He hoped the loud tone of the fox would not attract attention, either. He was quite tempted to peek in and see if they had noticed, but he didn't dare.


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