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Fandom MLP: Age of Exploration

Avedon reaches out with a hoof and holds her head under-water when she goes for her next apple for a little while

"You're cheating at a game that doesn't even have a prize other than getting to eat an apple...you could at least go to one of the other game booths."

He pulled his hoof back 
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Trixie drowned

Trixie magically picks up all of the apples and proceeds to crush them in a magical grasp over-top of Ave's head, one by one. Now Ave had the sticky juice of 7 apples on him. "Do not ever hold me underwater again." Trixie says while dropping the bits and pieces of crushed apple on him
"Well okay then...." John said. He really wasn't sure what the hell just happened. He looked down at Galagus "Alright, change in plans, I'm coming with you and after we finish, we're gonna find a place to stay since any hopes of her helping us with that ended when she turned into houdini....Oh and we're gonna make an active effort to avoid Ms. Crayola" 

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"Obviously, she would not get off my case after stealing an apple." He said. "And thanks. I-I've never known anypony to be nice to me like that."

(Sorry for the late post... halloween party.) (Ill be offline for something more time, but I might as well post something

To make sure I dont lock anyone's character.)

The tanker sighed with disappointment, knowing that he was not getting anywhere with the attempt. He let go of the parts and freed his hand from the robot's inner parts. He started back to his tank, but not before turning around and kicking the poor robot down. He spat on the robot and continued back towards his tank. The smoke had cleared mostly, leaving a slight fog on the inside of the tank. He climbed into the commander hatch and rested in the gunner seat.
"It's an apple, it shouldn't even matter...I pick grapes off the bundle all the time at the grocery store" John said. He then smiled softly and say "well we got to stick together, don't we? We're pals. Comrades. Friends."

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"Yeah..." He laughed a little. "Now, let go see about using what's left of the night to get some food. No matter how bad it is for our teeth."

"Oh yeah defi...shit, we don't have a bag...maybe the people at the first house will give us one, otherwise we'll just have to keep it in our pockets" John said as he began to make his way to one of the houses

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"Hehe, if I knew more spells I could poof one into existence. Sadly, I've never gotten the time to study up such things. The most I can do is levitation and a bit of my own magic that I developed." He said following him. 

"Well that sucks...at least you know some. Alright, so you gotta do the trick or treat since I am not in any sort of costume. I'll just stand with you and silently cheer you on" John explained as they reached the house
"Well... Here goes nothing." Galagus slowly aproched the house, silently hoping that the everything went smoothly. Stopping at the porch, he raised a hoof and knocked on the door

(you want to play the 'background pony' @TheCarolean)
The door opened and a Stallion of about 30 years of age stood at the doorway. He looked at the duo, and then directed his focus towards the Unicorn. "Well that's an....interesting costume"  He levitated a few pieces of candy with his magic to give to them before stopping. "Hey you don't have a bag....do you need one?" he asked.

(Yeah sure, but let's skip through most of the houses)

"Umm, yeah. Yes I would like one please." Galagus took the candy with his own magic and waited for the pony to bring a bag.

(Yeah, I figured so. Were obviously not going to RP about 50 houses.)

The Stallion left to go retrieve a bag, quickly returning it and handing it to Galagus. "Here you go! Stay safe!" He said before closing the door.
He hung the bag around his neck and put the candy inside. "Well, that went rather well." Galagus said. "Just a bunch more to go and who knows what sort of hull we'll end up."

(this is where the time skip comes in after your post)

"Enough to hold us over for a few meals, that's for sure. Well let's get going" John said. He brought Galagus around at quick pace from house to house, to make sure they had time to arrange for themselves a place to stay. 

After they finished with the last house, John said "Alright, now what....we still need a place to stay, and I don't trust what the skittles mascot told us earlier" 

"Luckily, one of the ponies back there pays close attention to details. She noticed the haze in my eyes and saw my constant starring into space i guess, put two and two together and asked if I was blind. She was generous enough to give me a few bits. Besides, it was going to be really hard to get money any other way at this time of night."

"Hard, but not impossible...though I'm glad it turned out this way. Well let's head to that Inn...you're going to have to take the lead this time, I don't know where it is" 
"Yeah, yeah. Its this way." He said. He led John to a place called the Broken Blade inn. When they got inside there was a few ponies hanging about in what appeared to be some kind of bar.

"Damn....some beer sounds really nice right now" John said, taking the money out of the bag and going to the Inn keeper. He requested a room and paid the price for said room. "Galagus, the bed is yours" He said

Galagus was a bit surprised by this. Just like that he was offered the bed to the room. What was it about this day and those being nice to him. He simply nodded an walk to the room. When he opened the door to the room he just stood there for several moments. Taking in the fact that he hadn't had a proper dwelling to sleep in for so long. 

John decided to not go to bed immediately, so he opted to go sit at a table. He leaned back in the chair he was sitting in, finally taking a moment to relax. His mind quickly drifted to France and the War. He could still hear the hum of the engines in his ears, the road of machines guns and the boom of flak. It was strange to think that he was away from all that now, especially so suddenly. 
When Galagus snapped out of his trance he went over to the bed and hopped up on it. Flax had already perched himself on a nearby lamp and fallen asleep. So Galagus was left there on the bed. He began to feel the bed with a hoof, comparing it to the dirt alleyways he'd always sleep in. It was significantly better. A single tear leaked from his eye as this happened. He sat there in disbelief. Why, out of all his bad luck, were things changing for him. Perhaps he should stop fighting it. Let things change. It was for the better, wasn't it. 


Today was the grand opening of a new part of the Equestrian Museum of National History. The new addition to the museum had been named 'Ancient Civilizations' and focused on the customs, beliefs, attitudes, and architecture of each of the three original tribes. The massive but relatively peaceful nation of the Earth Pony Tribes, the feared, ruthless and warlike nation of the Pegasi Tribes, and the diplomatic and intellectual nation of the Unicorn Tribes. Historians and archaeologists had spent years digging up every piece of information that they could possibly find on the ancient tribes, from the time Before Coronation, and now the display was finally complete.

The museum itself was outside Canterlot, built into the base of the mountain. It was so big that it would take someone years just to see all the displays. 

Celestia and Luna had been invited for the grand opening. Nopony realized that they had been alive since that time, that this was very close to their heart... They had been invited out of common courtesy. The museum staff was shocked to find that Celestia and Luna had both cancelled their daily court plans for this. It was sure to be fun, much better than sitting in court, and it gave Celestia and Luna something to do together.

Luna stopped just past the entrance to the museum and looked upwards in marvel. The entire ceiling was carved into the spectacle of an eclipse, obviously as an homage to the sisters. "I should have come here years ago..." Luna muttered while tearing her gaze off the ceiling and towards Celestia.
Arc and Silver toured the new museum. They both looked over each of the exhibits carefully. Some they were using to learn what had happened while they were gone, and others they were fact-checking. Mostly, this was Arc doing it.

"Ah," Silver said. "So that is where that comes from." He looked around. "We'll need to see more 'modern' exhibits to gather more context."

"Uh-huh." Arc was staring at something. It was from the war-era, or just about. Silver looked at it for a few moments before cocking his head.

"What?" He asked Arc. Arc sighed in a melancholy manner.

"It's so strange... this was normal merely a day or so ago for us... yet for the ponies now, it is so ancient that it belongs in a museum. Is that not... concerning to you?" Silver sighed and shrugged.

"I don't think about it." Arc chuckled. They got some weird looks, given the ancient armor they were in. They kind of looked like a walking exhibit. 

"Of course you don't, bud." He shook his head. "Of course you don't."

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