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Fandom MLP: Age of Exploration


"Well go put it on! There's so much more party to get to! Oh, speaking of, you seen Pinkie anywhere?"

Twilight tilts her head.

"Isn't one of them the one you brought by the castle the other day? Who ate all the food from the Foodinator?"
Rainbow chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, that would be them. Anyway, yeah, I'll go put it on. Be back in a bit, and keep an eye on those two!"

@Cyan Hide


"Starlight!" A big blue magical barrier comes between Starlight and Avedon before anything else happens here. Trixie wasn't impressed. "Starlight, tell Avedon that you are sorry! You can't just go punching ponies in the eye."
@Cyan Hide
He rubs his eye, the other one giving her a flat look and staring at her blankly. He considers sweeping her leg like someone out of combra-kai but he instead hits her where it really hurts. 

"....The cyan strip in your hair is just a sub-par version of Twilight's mane-style." 



Starlight looks down at the floor, and doesn't look at either pony.

"I'm sorry. Ave. I lost my temper. Just...please stop teasing me. Not tonight. Let's all just go and have some fun, ok?"


Princess Luna waves at Rainbow Dash. "Hello Dash-oh. What is up?" She said at an attempt to be cool. An attempt. She was really old and still hadn't totally adjusted to these new times...


Luna reaches out to shake the humans hand with a slight smile on her face. "If half of what you just said is true, you should fit in here well enough."


It's then that Luna clued in to his blindness. She decided not to mention it. "You're not a nopony. A nopony wouldn't have a phoenix as a friend. In olden times it was said that phoenixes only connected with the worthy."
Dash snickered a bit at the Princess. "Could be worse. Anyway, I'm gonna grab my costume for a sec. Be back in a Dash!" With that, she was gone.
John took off his flight jacket and placed on Galagus. It didn't fit very well but it would at least stay on. Then he took of his Aviator's cap and goggles, placing them both on his head, leaving enough room in the front for his horn to poke out. "There you go, you now have an authentic pilot's outfit! You can trick or treat with it" 


@Cyan Hide

Trixie scoops the two of them up in a big tight hug and says, "Aww... Look at us. Fighting and punching each other like real friends..." She pokes Starlight gently and looks between her and Ave. "Don't worry about the punch, Ave isn't one to hold a grudge. I've hurt him who knows how many times."
@Cyan Hide @Cyan Hide

Avedon reaches over and puts a piece of candy-corn on her nose 

"Trust me it takes alot more than a punch to the face to actually get me riled up. Besides, for a guy, you hit like a girl."


"Last for tonight I swear. We're even now." 

He nudges her with a playful smirk
"Flax, he was my parents. Then again, he never leaves me alone for long periods of time and has defended me against those who've tried to harm me." He said. Then suddenly he felt a few bits and bobs of clothing being out over him. He was confused at first but once John explained he understood. "But aren't I a little old for Trick-or-treating."

@TheCarolean @Dreamweaver
"Nah, you're never too old for free candy! No go on, everyone else already got a head start!" John said encouragingly to Galagus, giving him a smile.


Luna waves goodbye to Dash as the light blue mare soars away like a bullet.



"I just collected several bags of candy offerings to Nightmare Moon, which is sort of like trick-or-treating. I am pretty sure that I have you beat in the age department. So I would say that you're okay to go trick-or-treating."


Unfortunately Starlight had to go...

And that left Trixie and Ave alone. Trixie proceeded to punch Ave right in the neck. "... Sorry, I saw her do it and it looked too fun..."
Avedon coughed and gagged. Even the strongest soldier would feel a hit right there...

"...Your hat is forfeit. Next time I see it. It's mine." 
He DID sweep HER legs. There was no point in insulting her. She liked it too much

"Come on. Lets see what there is to do." 
Galagus had a look of shock on his face. He would have been furiously looking back and forth between the two of his eyes actually worked. What was it about this day. Ponies being nice to him, and a human. He didn't understand. Not to mention two of the four princesses. "But..." He wanted to argue but there was nothing to argue about. Instead he just froze, unsure of what to do.

@TheCarolean @Dreamweaver
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"No buts, go on. Don't waste this opportunity. and don't worry about saving any for me, I lost my appetite hours ago" 

Trixie lands with an 'oof!' but gets back up rather quickly, though she was slightly out of breath. She got up with a huff and nodded her head. "Yes, lets. Prick." She mutters while walking over towards the town center. In the town center were various games, and a little prize cart for tickets. Trixie obviously goes to the apple bobbing game first...



((Gonna stop with Luna for now. I am really tired and am gonna focus on 1 person for now))

Luna pauses for a moment, holding her head as if listening to something. She then snaps back to reality and simply says, "Sorry you two, but my sister needs me for something. I hope to talk too you all again!"

And with that, the lunar goddess bursts into a cloud of darkness and vanishes.

Trixie was already underwater... And was back up a moment later, spitting an apple out. There were 4 on the ground already O.o

"I am really, really, good at this..." She offers in explanation.

"I am really, really good." She repeats. Even as they are talking, two more apples just appeared on the floor... Oh wait, her horn was glowing...

Well at least she managed to get one without cheating. That's practically a new record for her.

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