

Three Thousand Club

Name: Mizelia

Universe: Star Wars

Race: Twi'lek

Gender: Female


Mizelia is an optimistic girl, trying get the positive part of situations when she can. Which is not always the case. She cares a lot about her friends, being willing to help them whenever they need help, even if she doesn’t know yet what she can do to help. She can be stubborn sometimes, even sometimes when others tell her to give up because she can’t do something. She can sometimes get angry when people do things that are wrong, such as when she was with a Force memory on Arkania of a Jedi being thrown to his death.

Her mood is also influenced a lot by her friends, when she knows her friends have a rough time, people can notice that it hits her. And the effects of this stays sometimes for some time. When they are happy, she is happy. And when her friends are in trouble, she has difficulty to stay together with a group if rescuing her friends.

A curious one as well, trying to know more about what she doesn’t know and sometimes not afraid to ask or make suggestions. Sometimes going a bit too far away from those she has to stay with. Though had some time she was unsure about asking for lessons, she always tries to join the lessons that she can.


Mizelia was born on the planet Coruscant around 340 ABY. She was found Force sensitive a week after her birth, but was allowed to stay with her parents. Their home was a few blocks away from the then abandoned Jedi Temple on Coruscant. At school, Mizelia was known as a optimistic, curious and friendly girl, though also known for struggling at learning by reading. She was also known of learning really well from other’s example. She is known by her parents also as a good woodcarver, as she does that a lot at home. Outside, she sells those woodcarvings due to a lack of room and she won’t be able to woodcarve if she doesn’t get money for wood. One day while she was selling woodcarvings, she was confronted by her parents and a Jedi. Her parents told her to go with the Jedi, she did doubt for a moment, but her parents managed to convince her and she went with the Jedi. She went with the Jedi towards Rannon as a Hopeful. However, a few days after her department from Coruscant. The Sith struck at the temple of Coruscant, killing over 456 000 civilians and several Jedi including one of the Councilors of the praxeum at Rannon. Mizelia does still not know what happened to her parents. Around 351 ABY, she became an Initiate and learned from Jedi Master Dithaal meditation. Over a time of 5 years, she tried to be at as many classes and trips as she could, learning quite some things from the Jedi. During one trip she went with a group towards the temple ruins on Arkania, a temple which was the location of a battle around 337 ABY during which the Imperium attacked the enclave to prevent the Jedi of creating a cure for a plague that was specifically made to kill Force users. Here she experienced a Force memory of a Jedi being choked and thrown off a bridge into a cliff as well as the sounds of blaster fire and lightsabers from that attack. During her time in the Jedi temple, she made new friends such as a Wookie called Rhuacca, a Miraluka named Zakarie and a human named Aiden.


She has some experience with a blaster, though tends to have a happy trigger finger when using one.

Mizelia knows mostly basics of some abilities and skills, being still an Initiate, she has much to learn.

She is however capable of using:

Burst Telekinesis (Force push)

Force Pull

Prima Vitae (Force sense, however she can only sense people in her line of sight, so if someone hides behind a wall she won't be able to sense that person)

Telepathy (she has only tried this against a semi-wild animal, knowing a bit how to communicate with animals by using their instincts)

Force jump

Creating Illusions with the Force

Curato (Ability to regain energy)

- Curato Salva (Ability to heal)

As with lightsaber combat, she knows some of the basics of Form I.

She also knows a bit about Form 0 (which is in some ways not a lightsaber form).

Mizelia also has some experience in piloting a ship, however, she never piloted a real ship. Only in a simulation. She also a little bit of experience as a leader, however this is also very little.


As an Initiate, Mizelia uses a training lightsaber. A training saber is almost the same as a lightsaber, but much less powerful. It cannot cut through alloys like lightsabers and it can't sever limbs. She also has a bag with a carving knife and a few blocks of wood. She also carries a holocom and a datapad she got from the Jedi when she was Initiated.

Mizelia is very good at learning from others example, but has trouble with learning by reading. She is very good at remembering objects and faces and is able to use that for her woodcarving.


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