Mister Babadook


Snap out of it
Welcome to the OOC Chat More Below
Mother: Available

Father: @Stew

Child: @kira blackthorn

Child: @Oliver Wade

Here we may discuss Plot, Concerns, Questions, or Comments. I ask that all OOC conversation stay in the OOC chat


  • I expect at least four paragraphs per post. I also expect each post to add to the story, don't spend most of it describing the scenery around it.
  • Make sure to be kind in OOC. If your a dick, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
  • To make sure you've read theses rules like this post.
  • More to come...

If you haven't seen the film, then I advise you do. Not only is it a great movie, but it will also have a few tie ins with the Australian movie.

Something else to add, this role play takes place few years (about two or three) before the movie.

For more information, make sure to check the Lore, and the settings/location tab.

"Ba-Ba-Ba, Dook-Dook-Dook"

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@KillGill that would have been awkward. *...leaving for school, the Boy turns around and yells "LOVE YOU MOM" before shutting the door behind him. His father promptly breaks down and cries.*
Oliver Wade] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10313-killgill/ said:
@KillGill[/URL] that would have been awkward. *...leaving for school, the Boy turns around and yells "LOVE YOU MOM" before shutting the door behind him. His father promptly breaks down and cries.*
I laughed so hard at that....

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