Mister Babadook


Snap out of it

Character Sheet





Clothing Style:

Likes & Dislikes:

Personality: (1 or 2 Paragraphs)




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Jaden Bremner









Clothing Style:

Grunge-y, Very carefree.










Likes & Dislikes:

+Garage/Underground Music


+Conversations With Friends

+Dark Jokes


-Being Controlled


-Creepy Things


Jaden is a wild soul, indeed. He is a textbook case of "Reckless Teenager"; rebellious, care-free, comedic, among other things. Jaden usually likes to joke or ridicule things which would usually be considered taboo to joke about, but the way he does it almost always puts a smile on your face, it's just a certain charisma he has. If he isn't making you keel over with his jokes, then you're probably distracted by how off-beat he is, one minute, he's talking about the latest White Stripes songs but then he begins going over how Vietnam was fake; Jaden is about as on-beat as a broken metronome that's been forcefully made to be off-beat.

Jaden can get pissed off real easy, mostly due to things he dislikes and rarely ever an actual person that made him angry. When he does get angry, he usually just kind of rants to himself about how it's wrong or why it is terrible, and never really takes action. But with his ups and his middles, Jaden also has downs, but due to his reckless behavior that a rebellious teen usually has, he never really does deal with his sad feelings and they just kind of bottle up until he cries about it. (Secretly, of course.)


Hanging out with friends

Going to the mall

Being a Hooligan



Andi Bremner





Gender: male

Clothing Style:

Andi has a strange dressing style that consist of bright or dark colors and whatever he feels like wearing that day.

Likes & Dislikes:

+ Exploring


+ Games

+ Sweets

+ Climbing

+ Color

+ Adventures

- Normal

- Being told what to do

- Sour things

- Shoes

- Being told what to do

- Bullies

Personality: (1 or 2 Paragraphs)

Andi is... well he is strange. He is smart and ridiculously adorable which he uses to his advantage by letting people underestimate him so they let their guard down and he can get blackmail on them! Oh, yeah I forgot he is very devious and merciless as well. He won't hesitate to blackmail you if you have something he wants and is very good at holding it over your heads. Don't worry though as long as you give him what he wants his lips are zipped.

Despite this he is still a seven year old. So like all seven year olds he has a large imagination and is very playful and adventures. Often he will disappear if you turn your back for even a second and could end up in a tree or at a whole different part of the store. He is random and spontaneous something clearly shown by whatever outfit he us wearing and prone to random burst of energy. He is also very friendly and kind, when he doesnt want something, and can often be found hiding a kitten he found in his closet or giving candy to the homeless man in the park. Yet, when all is said and done and for all his good and bad traits he loves his family and will do anything for them.


Getting into mischief aka trouble.

Eating sweets.


Blackmailing others.



He is in second grade.


He is good at keeping secrets and is a momma's boy.
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Name: Andrew Bemner

Age: 16

Apearance: Andrew is not particularly tall, a mere 5'11". He sports a lanky build, and on sight is clearly more brain than brawn. His cool green eyes and strawberry blonde hair compliment each other, as well as his kind round face, which is most often buried in a book.

Gender: Male

Clothing Style: Andrew chooses to dress in very simple clothing, a tshirt and jeans sporting mosts of his interests. Quiet and subtle, just like his personality, often sporting characters, logos, and icons from his favorite series.

Likes & Dislikes: Andrew enjoys reading most of all, consumed by stories of adventures and wonders he could never hope to experience in his own dreary life. He likes videogames, his hobby of writing which he one day hopes to turn into a career, and most of all silence. He is very quiet and subtle most of the time, and often gets irritated when his own serenity is broken.

Personality: Andrew is your average everyday bookworm. He spends much of his day reading quietly in his room, and is perfectly content to do so. He has often been compared to a deer in headlights, spooked at loud noises and sudden movements.

Though he often seems irritated at his polar opposite brother, Jaden Bemner, and maintains the exterior opinion that he would love for him to drop off the face of the earth, he is actually very caring for his siblings. He has a sweet heart, and cares for all of his family deeply.

Hobbies: Videogames, reading, writing, art.

Grade/Job: Junior.

Name: Johnathan Behmner

Age: 42


Gender: Male

Clothing Style:

His wardrobe consists of a sophisticated look, and is mostly made up of varying suits and jackets

Likes & Dislikes:

+ Relaxation


+ The Beach

+ Silence

- Loud Noises

- Crowds

- Conflict

- Liars (Lies in general)


Johnathan is a very organized man, liking everything to be as neat and tidy as possible. Johnathan hates being strict, but often time resorts to it due to the lack of
organization in the house.

Johnathan cares greatly for his kids, and will always make sure to make them happy.

However, Johnathan often deals with high levels of anxiety and depression that sends him into long periods of stress and silence. Without his kids, Johnathan fells he could not go on.


he has a great love of reading, anything you put in front of him, he'll read. A never ending line of bookshelves strain across his room.


Johnathan currently works as an author for the Santa Cruz weekly newspaper

we'll be starting tomorrow :3

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