Mission Prompt Info

Loke Fullbuster

The Language Enthusiast



Until the team and I have completed working on the first main story arc for the role play, mission prompts will be our primary form of role playing, giving you all creative license with what missions/jobs your characters partake in. This thread is going to give you the basics on mission prompts and tell you how to apply for, create, and run your very own mission prompt. First things first, here are a set of questions that i'm sure will be asked. 


1. What is a mission prompt?

In Fairy Tail the characters partake on various missions, these can be a job request that they have found on the job request board in their guild, or some sort of other adventure the heroes themselves have chosen to partake in. This is basically what a mission prompt is, a mission that you the role player can come up with that you would like to role play.


2. How can I create a mission prompt?

Well, in order to create a mission prompt you first need to fill out an application. In the application you will need to say what the objective  of your mission is, who the enemy will be (if there is an enemy), how many people you want to partake in the mission (there will be a limit), and other things that will be on the template in Mission Prompt Applications. After that myself or a mod will come and accept the idea, then create a thread for you to role play the mission in! 


3. What can a mission prompt be?

A mission prompt can be anything from a rescue mission, retrieving an item, defeating a bad guy/group, anything you would like. Your can even make a mission prompt based around throwing a birthday party for another character. A mission prompt can be anything  you would like it to be.


4. How can I pick others to role play in my mission prompt?

Okay, this can go one of to ways...


One way is that below mission prompts people can apply basically saying that they're interested in joining your mission. You can request for them to link their character sheets so you can see if their character will fit for your particular mission prompt. You can deny or accept whomever you choose, it's your mission prompt and we would not tell you who has to be in your role play.


The other way is that you can personally tag/request other members to be in yourban mission prompt. This way helps ensure that your mission prompt will have characters to role play in it.


5. Who will role play the villains in my mission prompt?

Well since mission prompts are pretty much a role play created by you, you will most likely role play the villains like in any other rp. You can have someone from a dark guild be the enemy in your prompt however if theyes a are listed as the enemy, but that will count as a character.


Well for now these are all the questions I could think of you having. If you come up with one, leave it below and I will be sure to answer it. I'n very excited to see the mission prompts you all are going to come up with!! ^-^


Hope This Helped!



Mission Prompt Application  


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