Mission: Highschool


Diamond of the Universe






Appearance: (anime, drawing, realistic, anything is accepted)

Minor Power: (if it applies to you)


Talent: (opt. This is usually combat, weaponry, etc., but you may have a 'side' talent that is your 'outside excuse' that you use to get into Grandview)

Crush: (opt.)

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Name: Lacie Blackthorn

Birthday: February 16th

Age: 16

Year: 2nd

Gender: Female


Minor Power: Predicting weather, not 100% accurate, but 80% correct, or near correct due to slight animal-like instinct (animal instinct only applies to weather)

Personality: Lacie is unpredictable, and is known to be random. She has a strong love for cats, going to the point where she dresses like them, and wears a cat suit for her pajamas. She is never seen without her cat-ear set, but she occasionally uses the tail. She likes to use her innocent appearance to lure criminals to their grave, and can be deadly serious almost the the point where she looks insane when she is completing a mission. Around her friends, teachers and students, she is all smiles and laughs. She often shows physical affection usually by nuzzling someone in a feline-cat fashion.

Talent: Fist-fighting

Crush: -depends on who joins-

History: -will edit-
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Names : Christian and Alexander Willis

Birthdays : January 9th ; June 10th

Gender: Males

Ages : 17 ; 16

Years : Junior ; Sophomore

Appearance: (anime, drawing, realistic, anything is accepted)


Minor Power: (if it applies to you) Christian : swift persuasiveness ; Alexander : stealthy throughout the dark/blends in well with shadows

Personalities : Both speak whatever is on their mind to anyone, rebellious, careless, somewhat egotistical, mannerable in some ways, will protect one another no matter what.

Talent: (opt. This is usually combat, weaponry, etc., but you may have a 'side' talent that is your 'outside excuse' that you use to get into Grandview) :

Swordsmanship. Both developed great in terms of combat

Crush: (opt.) : Will possibly be developed

History: Both born and raised throughout rough periods of times when their country was engaged in war, they were both sent to observe the battle at their fathers side at the tender age of 6. By then, they hadn't experienced a single sight of bloodshed or horror of any sort. That single day, changed their entire life. From that day onward, their hearts hardened, forcing the term"care" out of their vocabulary. They had no means of effect I on for anything. The only remaining thing related to care in their hearts and minds, was each other.
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[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Names : Christian and Alexander Willis
Birthdays : January 9th, 1996 ; June 10th, 1997

Gender: Males

Appearance: (anime, drawing, realistic, anything is accepted)


Minor Power: (if it applies to you) Christian : Manipulation of will ; Alexander : Manipulation of shadows

Personalities : Both speak whatever is on their mind to anyone, rebellious, careless, somewhat egotistical, mannerable in some ways, will protect one another no matter what.

Talent: (opt. This is usually combat, weaponry, etc., but you may have a 'side' talent that is your 'outside excuse' that you use to get into Grandview) :

Swordsmanship. Side Talent: Control over elements?

Crush: (opt.) : N/A

History: Both born and raised throughout rough periods of times when their country was engaged in war, they were both sent to observe the battle at their fathers side at the tender age of 6. By then, they hadn't experienced a single sight of bloodshed or horror of any sort. That single day, changed their entire life. From that day onward, their hearts hardened, forcing the term"care" out of their vocabulary. They had no means of effect I on for anything. The only remaining thing related to care in their hearts and minds, was each other.

For your minor power, i didn't literally mean power. for Christian's manipulation of will, he should be able to be really persuasive, and for Alexander's manipulation of shadows, he could be stealthy in the dark, or blend in well in the shade/shadows.

of course, these are suggestions, NOT something you have to do.

or if you really want to keep those powers, lessen and specify the abilities.

For your talent, it's something that allowed you to get into the school, or something you're good at. nothing supernatural.

this is all--after that, your CS will be accepted--thank you for joining!
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Ohhh xD I knew I should've asked. I'll edit it.

thank you so much! and i understand why you wrote those in the sections--i was being unclear; sorry about that!
Kuu said:
thank you so much! and i understand why you wrote those in the sections--i was being unclear; sorry about that!
No problem. ^~^ Can't wait til spring to start. Thanks for accepting me
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Names : Christian and Alexander Willis
Birthdays : January 9th ; June 10th

Gender: Males

Appearance: (anime, drawing, realistic, anything is accepted)


Minor Power: (if it applies to you) Christian : swift persuasiveness ; Alexander : stealthy throughout the dark/blends in well with shadows

Personalities : Both speak whatever is on their mind to anyone, rebellious, careless, somewhat egotistical, mannerable in some ways, will protect one another no matter what.

Talent: (opt. This is usually combat, weaponry, etc., but you may have a 'side' talent that is your 'outside excuse' that you use to get into Grandview) :

Swordsmanship. Both developed great in terms of combat

Crush: (opt.) : Will possibly be developed

History: Both born and raised throughout rough periods of times when their country was engaged in war, they were both sent to observe the battle at their fathers side at the tender age of 6. By then, they hadn't experienced a single sight of bloodshed or horror of any sort. That single day, changed their entire life. From that day onward, their hearts hardened, forcing the term"care" out of their vocabulary. They had no means of effect I on for anything. The only remaining thing related to care in their hearts and minds, was each other.


[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]No problem. ^~^ Can't wait til spring to start. Thanks for accepting me

haha, me neither! i can't believe such amazing roleplayers joined!

and no problem--there was no way NOT to accept you!
Kuu said:
haha, me neither! i can't believe such amazing roleplayers joined!

and no problem--there was no way NOT to accept you!
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Omg. You really feel that way?! MY DAY IS SO MUCH BETTER JUST BECAUSE YOU SAID THAT! I LOVE YOU!

of course! you're a really good role-player, if no one told you that already

and i can NEVER say no to such a RP-er! especially if they make nice CS's, too!
Kuu said:
of course! you're a really good role-player, if no one told you that already
and i can NEVER say no to such a RP-er! especially if they make nice CS's, too!
I truly, truly contemplate the picture of characters for a long time xD Thank you so much for your support
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]I truly, truly contemplate the picture of characters for a long time xD Thank you so much for your support

you are most welcome! :) i can't wait to RP with you~
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Same here! Maybe one of my boys will warm up to your girl

oh, stop it~ you're making me all giddy now! xD
Name: Nuka White

Birthday: July 4th


Year: junior

Gender: Male



Minor Power: He's able to mimic any voice he hears but it takes a while for him to learn it perfectly.

Personality: He is very calm and open minded to any and everything even if it doesn't make sense he's not the type to put anyone down for their beliefs, but if needed his words can become harsh but true but if that is the case he's only doing it because he cares which is very rare.

Talent: Trained to fight with almost any weapon.

Crush: May be developed.

History: He was born during the war era but was always kept out of sight until his father found out about his unique ability, soon after he was used to lure enemies away and into abushes using his ability to mimic voices and even at a young age he loved the sight of blood and always dreamed of being in the field of battle with his Father. But onve he turned 9 his father was killed due to a traitor in their ranks after watching his dad die Nuka vowed to never trust or forgive anyone who ever crossed him but luckily no one's been stupid enough to try.

(I hope this is ok, if not let me know what should be changed)

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EclipseRising said:
Name: Nuka White
Birthday: July 4th

Gender: Male



Minor Power: He's able to mimic any voice he hears but it takes a while for him to learn it perfectly.

Personality: He is very calm and open minded to any and everything even if it doesn't make sense he's not the type to put anyone down for their beliefs, but if needed his words can become harsh but true but if that is the case he's only doing it because he cares which is very rare.

Talent: Trained to fight with almost any weapon.

Crush: May be developed.

History: He was born during the war era but was always kept out of sight until his father found out about his unique ability, soon after he was used to lure enemies away and into abushes using his ability to mimic voices and even at a young age he loved the sight of blood and always dreamed of being in the field of battle with his Father. But onve he turned 9 his father was killed due to a traitor in their ranks after watching his dad die Nuka vowed to never trust or forgive anyone who ever crossed him but luckily no one's been stupid enough to try.

(I hope this is ok, if not let me know what should be changed)
thank you for joining! i also forgot to mention that i forgot to add the category 'age' and 'year' onto the CS! (i added it now, of course xP)

so after you add that, i will be more than happy to accept you!

Cole Simmons


February 28th




2nd Year (You mean like how many years in the school right?)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.129e56c08744d9a0d1612859b1fd40e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35724" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.129e56c08744d9a0d1612859b1fd40e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Minor Power:

Pencil Drawing

Cole is a very good artist, and is almost always found with an art pencil on him and a small sketchbook in his pocket. However just because he is a good artist doesn't mean that he allows anyone to see it. One may not believe Cole is an artist of any sort however, because of his rather notable chicken-scratch for writing.


At first, Cole may seem that he is distant and he may be a bit awkward to be around for a while, but in truth, Cole himself is uncomfortable. When one gets to know him better and takes the time to actually meet him, they will learn things like Cole can easily be a bit silly and innocent, but he is also very kind and selfless. In a heartbeat, Cole would take a blow for someone he cares about, which it may be difficult to get Cole to trust another.


Throwing Things

Cole isn't the largest, fleetest, strongest, or stealthiest person, physically he average at best and a bit on the lean side, but what Cole can do, is throw. Pens, knives, fruits (but he would NEVER throw an apple), whatever it may be, he can throw with a natural sense of where it is going to go, and how hard the object will hit.


We shall see~


(A work in progress, will upload soon!)

Extra Tidbits:

- Cole absolutely loves apples, they are his favourite food & fruit

- He will only ever use pencils, finding pens too much of a hassel unless it is a manditory requirement



  • image.jpg
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Name: Senira Strauter

"Nice to meet you."

Birthday: June 1st

"I would rather that no one knew about this..."

Age: 15

"I am sorry that I do not fit the image of my age."

Year: 3rd

"I was sent into school a year earlier than most people. It makes me no different from anyone else."

Gender: Female

If I was a male child, would I have been perfect?


"Sorry to disappoint you."

Minor Power: Notice near-undetected things (ex: a faint scent, a small movement, a near-silent rustle, etc.); in other words, very sensitive senses--however does not always pick up everything, and is limited depending on physical and mental condition

"Being human."


Senira is reserved and doesn't like to use her voice much, especially because she feels that it is unnecessary to voice her opinions (most of the time). She loves artistic activities such as dance, music, etc., but refuses to take lessons in anything. Senira also has a strange thing for pillows, and might end up slightly clinging to someone if they are 'comfortable.' She rarely shows affection, and seems to hold barely any knowledge about love, but if she were to show love for someone (of the opposite gender), she is not afraid to do so, but may end up shy about it. She is mortally afraid of spiders, followed by most legged insects, but knows how to handle them depending on the size.. Even though she won't admit it, Senira grows attached to those who give her any affectionate gesture, whether it may be simple as a pat on the head, or something bigger like a hug. She is rather ticklish, her most sensitive being her ears, and her 'death spot' being her sides, but no one has attempted to tickle her due to her cold nature.

Note: Lacks physical strength--maximum: barely able to life twice her own weight
"I find it hard to define myself. 'Imperfect' may do the trick."

Talent: Skilled with bladed weapons, hiding/silence


Crush: (I will decide when there are more characters, or PM me)

"Do you need me to crush something for you?"


Senira grew up in a cold environment where she wasn't shown much love, especially from her parents, who forced her to take many lessons to have a 'perfect daughter.' Eventually, she grew tired of that kind of life, even if she took a certain range of classes, which most of, she found herself unable to do, though she only excelled in ballet, piano and swimming out of all the other things that she was assigned to. Senira was a rather intelligent child, and her grades were high (except anything to do with sports).

Her mother and father, after watching their daughter fail at the classes they expected Senira to pass and excel in, they abandoned her on the streets, disappointed and disgusted. Her grandmother from a farther branch of the family found her and took her in. From then, she she disliked anything that was 'perfect,' but she usually keeps this hidden.

"You can stop there."


Name: Laris Storm

"Are you suddenly interested in me?"

Birthday: December 12th

"It's so nice of you to plan ahead on my birthday gift."

Age: 16

"Not old enough to get out of school yet."

Year: 3rd

"Perhaps we can meet each other in the halls."

Gender: Male

"I am 100% female."


(Hair is an ash brown color)

"....Where did you get that picture?"

Minor Power: Stamina (though intelligent, mental stamina is lacking)

"Stalking people."


Laris may seem intimidating an inapproachable, but he is an actual 'flirt.' He enjoy teasing people, though never with the intention to hurt, but rather to 'break the ice.' He is usually composed and serious, but his patience is fairly thin, which is why he may snap unintentionally at someone. He finds it hard to admit defeat or apologize, but will make it up to 'that person' by returning a favor, going out of his way to help, etc., since he dislikes giving into anything. Laris, in a way, is a rebel, not afraid to break the rules, and acts before he thinks, which have gotten into trouble, but also saved his own life. Along the lines of being a tsundere, he avoid expressing his feelings, but knows how to voice his opinions when needed.
"Innocent. Lovable. Cute. I'm on spot, aren't I?"

Talent: Incredible aim, weapon is a shooting weapon (ex: gun)

"Capturing your heart."

Crush: -Will develop one or PM me-

"I will tell you soon enough."


Laris grew up without parents, and was in an orphanage until someone adopted him at the age of 6. He was trained to fight and protect the family he was a 'son' to, but they sent him to the battle field when he was 12 to serve as someone who tended to the wounded, etc. He came back, scarred mentally at the age of 14 and entered school, trying to forget the last two years. He fell in love with a girl who didn't return his feelings, and 'ran off' with his best friend, who eventually left him, saying "You were never my friend. You just dreamed you were."

Laris felt unwanted even under his adoptive parents' affections, and did his best to make it up to the family who took him in, even if he resented them for sending him to the army services just because his father was afraid to go.

"Are you an investigator?"

(I hope this is acceptable... ^-^ I'm still editing this a little....tell me if anything is unacceptable, please.)
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Sulfirious said:
Cole Simmons


February 28th




2nd Year (You mean like how many years in the school right?)




View attachment 89183

Minor Power:

Pencil Drawing

Cole is a very good artist, and is almost always found with an art pencil on him and a small sketchbook in his pocket. However just because he is a good artist doesn't mean that he allows anyone to see it. One may not believe Cole is an artist of any sort however, because of his rather notable chicken-scratch for writing.


At first, Cole may seem that he is distant and he may be a bit awkward to be around for a while, but in truth, Cole himself is uncomfortable. When one gets to know him better and takes the time to actually meet him, they will learn things like Cole can easily be a bit silly and innocent, but he is also very kind and selfless. In a heartbeat, Cole would take a blow for someone he cares about, which it may be difficult to get Cole to trust another.


Throwing Things

Cole isn't the largest, fleetest, strongest, or stealthiest person, physically he average at best and a bit on the lean side, but what Cole can do, is throw. Pens, knives, fruits (but he would NEVER throw an apple), whatever it may be, he can throw with a natural sense of where it is going to go, and how hard the object will hit.


We shall see~


(A work in progress, will upload soon!)

Extra Tidbits:

- Cole absolutely loves apples, they are his favourite food & fruit

- He will only ever use pencils, finding pens too much of a hassel unless it is a manditory requirement
accepted! thank you for joining!


macaron said:
Name: Senira Strauter

"Nice to meet you."

Birthday: June 1st

"I would rather that no one knew about this..."

Age: 14

"I am sorry that I do not fit the image of my age."

Year: 2nd

"I was sent into school a year earlier than most people. It makes me no different from anyone else."

Gender: Female

If I was a male child, would I have been perfect?


"Sorry to disappoint you."

Minor Power: Notice near-undetected things (ex: a faint scent, a small movement, a near-silent rustle, etc.); in other words, very sensitive senses--however does not always pick up everything, and is limited depending on physical and mental condition

"Being human."


Senira is reserved and doesn't like to use her voice much, especially because she feels that it is unnecessary to voice her opinions (most of the time). She loves artistic activities such as dance, music, etc., but refuses to take lessons in anything. Senira also has a strange thing for pillows, and might end up slightly clinging to someone if they are 'comfortable.' She rarely shows affection, and seems to hold barely any knowledge about love, but if she were to show love for someone (of the opposite gender), she is not afraid to do so, but may end up shy about it. She is mortally afraid of spiders, followed by most legged insects, but knows how to handle them depending on the size.. Even though she won't admit it, Senira grows attached to those who give her any affectionate gesture, whether it may be simple as a pat on the head, or something bigger like a hug. She is rather ticklish, her most sensitive being her ears, and her 'death spot' being her sides, but no one has attempted to tickle her due to her cold nature.

Note: Lacks physical strength--maximum: barely able to life twice her own weight
"I find it hard to define myself. 'Imperfect' may do the trick."

Talent: Skilled with bladed weapons, hiding/silence


Crush: (I will decide when there are more characters, or PM me)

"Do you need me to crush something for you?"


Senira grew up in a cold environment where she wasn't shown much love, especially from her parents, who forced her to take many lessons to have a 'perfect daughter.' Eventually, she grew tired of that kind of life, even if she took a certain range of classes, which most of, she found herself unable to do, though she only excelled in ballet, piano and swimming out of all the other things that she was assigned to. Senira was a rather intelligent child, and her grades were high (except anything to do with sports).

Her mother and father, after watching their daughter fail at the classes they expected Senira to pass and excel in, they abandoned her on the streets, disappointed and disgusted. Her grandmother from a farther branch of the family found her and took her in. From then, she she disliked anything that was 'perfect,' but she usually keeps this hidden.

"You can stop there."


Name: Laris Storm

"Are you suddenly interested in me?"

Birthday: December 12th

"It's so nice of you to plan ahead on my birthday gift."

Age: 16

"Not old enough to get out of school yet."

Year: 3rd

"Perhaps we can meet each other in the halls."

Gender: Male

"I am 100% female."


(Hair is an ash brown color)

"....Where did you get that picture?"

Minor Power: Stamina (though intelligent, mental stamina is lacking)

"Stalking people."


Laris may seem intimidating an inapproachable, but he is an actual 'flirt.' He enjoy teasing people, though never with the intention to hurt, but rather to 'break the ice.' He is usually composed and serious, but his patience is fairly thin, which is why he may snap unintentionally at someone. He finds it hard to admit defeat or apologize, but will make it up to 'that person' by returning a favor, going out of his way to help, etc., since he dislikes giving into anything. Laris, in a way, is a rebel, not afraid to break the rules, and acts before he thinks, which have gotten into trouble, but also saved his own life. Along the lines of being a tsundere, he avoid expressing his feelings, but knows how to voice his opinions when needed.
"Innocent. Lovable. Cute. I'm on spot, aren't I?"

Talent: Incredible aim, weapon is a shooting weapon (ex: gun)

"Capturing your heart."

Crush: -Will develop one or PM me-

"I will tell you soon enough."


Laris grew up without parents, and was in an orphanage until someone adopted him at the age of 6. He was trained to fight and protect the family he was a 'son' to, but they sent him to the battle field when he was 12 to serve as someone who tended to the wounded, etc. He came back, scarred mentally at the age of 14 and entered school, trying to forget the last two years. He fell in love with a girl who didn't return his feelings, and 'ran off' with his best friend, who eventually left him, saying "You were never my friend. You just dreamed you were."

Laris felt unwanted even under his adoptive parents' affections, and did his best to make it up to the family who took him in, even if he resented them for sending him to the army services just because his father was afraid to go.

"Are you an investigator?"

(I hope this is acceptable... ^-^ I'm still editing this a little....tell me if anything is unacceptable, please.)

accepted! thanks for joining~

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