• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom // miss cordelia’s academy for the special and bright //


𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙬𝙗𝙤𝙮.

[SIZE= 7]character sheet.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 7][/SIZE]

NAME_< full name. >
NICKNAME_ < just give us one or not. >
AGE_ <16-19. >
BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC_ < this is pretty self-explainable. >
GENDER_ < anything will do, even if you do not have an gender. >
SPECIES_ <free for all, if unsure please pm the gms. >
HEIGHT_ < self-explainable. >
WEIGHT_ < self-explainable. >
EYE COLORS_ < self-explainable. >
HAIR COLOR_ < self-explainable. >
DISTINGUSHING FEATURES_ < self-explainable. >
CLOTHING STYLE_ < self-explainable. >
VIRTUES_ < 5 or more with explanations. >
VICES_ < 5 or more with explanations. >
DISLIKES_ < 4 or more. >
LIKES_ < 4 or more. >
QUIRKS_ < 2 or more. >
HABITS_ < 2 or more. >
HISTORY_ < 2 or more paragraphs. >
DO YOU ENJOY BEING DIFFERENT_ < resentment? delight? tell us.>
FAMILY/RELATIONSHIPS_ < who's your family? >
THEME SONG_ < use links. >
MISC._ < anything else the academy should know about? >

Dear Student,
Miss Cordelia would like to formally welcome you to the Academy for the Special and Bright. We seen many applicants and you seemed to the best out of all the choices. As per our rules, you are required to do a second application to be officially accepted into the academy. Please truthfully answer all the questions because we do have an way to know that you are lying. Please and thank you.

Kind regards,
[SIZE= 6]Cordelia Darling[/SIZE]
[size= 2] bart darling - wizard - fc: billy vanderdooren

- his mom is the headmistress and he hates™ it
- girls terrify him
- all he wants for christmas is his dad
- constantly creeped out by mr calloway[/size]​
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m a r i n a

[size= 2]name ;; marina viktoria nikolas.
nickname ;; rina (hates).
age ;; seventeen.
year ;;
birthday ;; october twenty fifth. (scorpio)
gender ;; cisgender female.
sexuality ;; bisexual.
species ;; succubus.
theme song ;; teen idle - marina and the diamonds. [/size]

[size= 2] face claim ;; aarika wolf.
height ;; five foot, seven inches.
weight ;; one hundred and twenty four pounds.
eye color_ ocean blue.
hair color_ dark brown.
distingushing features_ her plump lips.
clothing style_ 1 2 3 [/size]



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l u c a s

[size= 2]name ;; lucas nathaniel march.
nickname ;; luca.
age ;; one hundred and seven years old.
appearance age ;; eighteen.
birthday ;; february nineteenth. (pisces)
gender ;; cisgender male.
species ;; vampire.
theme song ;; to be decided. [/size]

[size= 2] face claim ;; tom holland.
height ;; six foot.
weight ;; one hundred and sixty pounds.
eye color_ chocolate brown.
hair color_ dark brown.
distingushing features_ his baby face.
clothing style_ 1 2 3 [/size]



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n o v a

[size= 2]name ;; princess nova of arion.
nickname ;; nova smith (alias).
age ;; one hundred and sixteen years old.
appearance age ;; sixteen.
year ;;
birthday ;; may twenty ninfth. (gemini)
gender ;; cisgender female.
sexuality ;; pansexual.
species ;; alien.
theme song ;; the night we met - lord huron. [/size]

[size= 2] face claim ;; @melvnin on instagram
height ;; six foot, two inches.
weight ;; one hundred and fifty four pounds.
eye color_ gunpowder grey.
hair color_ naturally white.
distingushing features_ her hair changes to a raven black when angry or upset.
clothing style_ 1 2 3 [/size]



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name: bianca erica toma age: 19 sexuality: bisexual birth date: October 31st 1998 [scorpio] gender: cis-female species: necromancer/future grim reaper

Dead People

face claim: yumi lambert
height: < self-explainable. >
weight: < self-explainable. >
eye color: < self-explainable. >
hair color: < self-explainable. >
distinguishing features: < self-explainable. >
clothing style: < self-explainable. >

Are My Friends

virtues: < 5 or more with explanations. >
vices: < 5 or more with explanations. >
dislikes: < 4 or more. >
likes: < 4 or more. >
quirks: < 2 or more. >
habits: < 2 or more. >​


Living People

history: < 2 or more paragraphs. >​

Are My Nightmare


do you enjoy being different? < resentment? delight? tell us.>
family/relationships: < who's your family? >
theme song: < use links. >
misc. < anything else the academy should know about? >


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nate wise - jinn - fc: francisco lachowski
+ free genie
+ his father and mother both are missing
+ humans are his worst fear
+ is a little bit really gay like really gay but in the closet.


name: hunter tamara carolson age: 16 sexuality: demisexual birth date: April 13th 1999 [aries] gender: cis-female species: demon

Is Darkness

face claim: ashley moore
height: < self-explainable. >
weight: < self-explainable. >
eye color: < self-explainable. >
hair color: < self-explainable. >
distinguishing features: < self-explainable. >
clothing style: < self-explainable. >

All of me

virtues: < 5 or more with explanations. >
vices: < 5 or more with explanations. >
dislikes: < 4 or more. >
likes: < 4 or more. >
quirks: < 2 or more. >
habits: < 2 or more. >​


Or is it

history: < 2 or more paragraphs. >​

Just a part of me


do you enjoy being different? < resentment? delight? tell us.>
family/relationships: < who's your family? >
theme song: < use links. >
misc. < anything else the academy should know about? >


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NAME_< Kyveli Leah Abbey >

NICKNAME_ < Veli >

AGE_ < 17 >

YEAR_ < 2nd year (?) >


GENDER_ < Female >

SPECIES_ < Dryad >

HEIGHT_ < 5'3" >

WEIGHT_ < 122 lbs. >

EYE COLORS_ < Blue >

HAIR COLOR_ < Brunette >


CLOTHING STYLE_ < Loose, flowery, probably hippie clothes >

Kyveli Abbey

- Compassionate; Kyveli finds herself always constantly concerned for the well being of others. She has a whole lot of sympathy toward literally everyone.
- Creative; Ever the creative mind, Kyveli always finds ways to do something different than everyone else. The Dryad girl takes thinking outside the box to a whole new level.
- Listener; Kyveli is always able to lend an ear. Whether you need to vent about that one test or gush over the cute guy who works at the coffee shop, she'll listen.
- Optimistic; There is never a dark side of something with Ky. The young girl always seems to find some way that even the worst of situations could get better.
- Reliable; There's no one as reliable as Kyveli. She's willing to do just about anything for a friend in need. Kyveli is a great person to fall back on. >

- Clumsy; Kyveli could literally trio over thin air. She has no sense of balance whatsoever and has a habit of knocking everything in her path over. A bull in a china shop is Kyveli's spirit animal.
- Shy; With eyes always downcast and a voice barely audible, it isn't hard to tell that Kyveli's extremely shy. The girl finds it hard even talking to anyone besides those that she's close to. (Which is like three people, including her parents)
- Disorganized; Kyveli may look decently put together on the outside, but she is a mess. Always losing things and never arriving anywhere on time, she is the epitome of a forgetful person.
- Distant; The Dryad girl is incredibly hard to reach of you're not close to her. She's closed off, never really revealing anything about herself to anyone. The lucky few who are close to her are the ones who experience the awkwardly adorable Dryad.
- Emotional; It takes the snap of a finger to make Kyveli a crying mess. There's almost nothing you can do to her that she doesn't take personally. She's just a tad bit....breakable. >

- The dark
- Violence
- Rude people
- Guns
- Dark chocolate
- The heat >

- White chocolate
- Fireworks
- Cats
- Nature
- Old books >

- Names and becomes attached to stuffed animals, caterpillars, rocks, raindrops on the window, etc
- Can’t swallow pills (must dissolve or mush them up in food or drink) >

- Narrates her own actions
- Wears only one earring >

HISTORY_ < 2 or more paragraphs. >

DO YOU ENJOY BEING DIFFERENT_ < "I think I'd be a bit different even if I wasn't what I am. So...I guess I don't mind." >

- Everly Abbey; Mother; Alive; Dryad
- Darren Abbey; Father; Alive; Centaur
- Sophie Sakamoto; Girlfriend; Banshee >

THEME SONG_ < use links. >

MISC._ < #protectKyveli2k17 >

Made by: nymphadora. nymphadora.
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NAME_< Valeria Montague Pritchard >

NICKNAME_ < Val, Pritch the Witch >

AGE_ < 18 >


GENDER_ < Female >

SPECIES_ < Dokkalfar >

HEIGHT_ < 5'10" >

WEIGHT_ < 154 lbs. >

EYE COLORS_ < Brown >

HAIR COLOR_ < Black >

DISTINGUSHING FEATURES_ < Scar on her right jaw bone, flecks of red in her eyes >

CLOTHING STYLE_ < Dark, leather, shows midriff >

Val Pritchard

- Confident;
- Brave;
- Loyal;
- Intelligent;
- Witty; >

- Arrogant;
- Cruel;
- Sarcastic;
- Quick-tempered;
- Detached; >

- People
- The sun
- Laughs
- Bubbly personalities
- Pink
- Mornings >

- The stars
- Fire
- Red and black
- Confidence
- Hazel eyes
- Sharp objects >

- Jaded
- Intensely passionate in what she pursues and believes, often blowing up or screaming because of this passion >

- Keeps a journal, nobody knows what's in side it. (It's probably hexes)
- Toys with random objects >

HISTORY_ < 2 or more paragraphs. >

DO YOU ENJOY BEING DIFFERENT_ < "Why wouldn't I? Being normal is terribly boring. Not that I feel bad for humans, they're vermin anyway. >

FAMILY/RELATIONSHIPS_ < who's your family? >

THEME SONG_ < use links. >

MISC._ < anything else the academy should know about? >

Made by: nymphadora. nymphadora.
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NAME_< Xavier Fluer Favreau >

NICKNAME_ < Sauce >

AGE_ < 18 >


GENDER_ < Male >

SPECIES_ < Incubus >

HEIGHT_ < 6'5" >

WEIGHT_ < 230 lbs. >

EYE COLORS_ < Brown >

HAIR COLOR_ < Black >

DISTINGUSHING FEATURES_ < Super smooth skin, like, super smooth. >

CLOTHING STYLE_ < Formal or just generally nice clothing >

Xavier Favreau

- Romantic;
- Charming;
- Strong;
- Observant;
- Patient; >

- Cunning;
- Back-stabbing;
- Manipulative;
- Flirtatious;
- Dishonest; >

- Stubborn women
- Witches
- Green
- Razers
- Most succubi
- Lonliness >

- Women
- Alcohol
- Dressing nice
- Wittyness
- Card games
- Dogs >

- Never talks about his past
- Always gets off on a tirade when a particular subject is brought up (flirting techniques) >

- When stressed or lying he speaks out of the corner of his mouth
- Talks to inanimate objects and himself >

HISTORY_ < 2 or more paragraphs. >

DO YOU ENJOY BEING DIFFERENT_ < Yes. I enjoy it quite a bit, if you know what I mean. >

FAMILY/RELATIONSHIPS_ < who's your family? >

THEME SONG_ < use links. >

MISC._ < anything else the academy should know about? >

Made by: nymphadora. nymphadora.
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NAME_< Silas Jonathan Parks >

NICKNAME_ < Splash >

AGE_ < 17 >


GENDER_ < Male >

SPECIES_ < Nix >

HEIGHT_ < 5'7" >

WEIGHT_ < 175 lbs. >

EYE COLORS_ < Grey >

HAIR COLOR_ < Black >

DISTINGUSHING FEATURES_ < Gills behind his ears, extra webbing between his fingers and toes >

CLOTHING STYLE_ < T-shirts and shorts. Generally loose clothing. >

Silas Parks

- Smart;
- Loyal;
- Trust-worthy;
- Kind;
- Observant; >

- Talkative;
- Jittery;
- Meddling;
- Over-excitable;
- Loud; >

- Deserts
- Super sweet things
- Broken guitar strings
- Hot water
- Land
- Authority >

- Music
- Swimming
- The beach
- Rain
- Weird things (Random stuff he finds just laying around (
- Not wearing a shirt >

- Never wants to wear a shirt
- Talks with only one side of his mouth, the left side >

- Picking up random objects he finds and collecting them
- Sings when he's supposed to be quiet >

HISTORY_ < 2 or more paragraphs. >

DO YOU ENJOY BEING DIFFERENT_ < I have gills. I can breath under water. It that even a question, dude? Like, how could I not enjoy being able to breathbunder water? Anyways, to answer your question, yes, I do. >

FAMILY/RELATIONSHIPS_ < who's your family? >

THEME SONG_ < use links. >

MISC._ < anything else the academy should know about? >

Made by: nymphadora. nymphadora.
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sasha elliot - mermaid - fc: Kerli

~makes a statement with either her hair, makeup, or clothes
~makes friends easily; very outgoing
~accepting of others
~always uses pet names


olivia holt - witch - fc: Lyndsy Fonseca

~hates to be called 'livvie'
~will threaten to curse you-- and follow through
~constantly feels a need to prove herself

Caleb Baxter - vampire - fc: Taylor Kitsch

~has a thing for redheads, but in reality, any female will do
~has expensive taste
~a piercing gaze partnered with a sexy smirk
~his hair is precious
l i l i a n a

[size= 2]name ;; liliana rose montgomery
nickname ;; lili.
age ;; seventeen.
birthday ;; october twenty fifth (scorpio).
gender ;; cisgender female.
species ;; witch (clairvoyant + vitalum vitalis)
theme song ;; new year's day - taylor swift.[/size]

[size= 2] face claim ;; abigail harrington.
height ;; five foot, four inches.
weight ;; one hundred and nineteen pounds.
eye color_ olive green.
hair color_ fiery red.
distingushing features_ her freckles.
clothing style_ 1 2 3 [/size]



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name: henry jeff reda age: 17 sexuality: pansexual birth date: December 10th 2000 [sagittarius] gender: cis-male species: zombie

I saw her

face claim: manu rios
height: < self-explainable. >
weight: < self-explainable. >
eye color: < self-explainable. >
hair color: < self-explainable. >
distinguishing features: < self-explainable. >
clothing style: < self-explainable. >

waiting for me

virtues: < 5 or more with explanations. >
vices: < 5 or more with explanations. >
dislikes: < 4 or more. >
likes: < 4 or more. >
quirks: < 2 or more. >
habits: < 2 or more. >​


and i knew that

history: < 2 or more paragraphs. >​

i could never leave her


do you enjoy being different? < resentment? delight? tell us.>
family/relationships: < who's your family? >
theme song: < use links. >
misc. < anything else the academy should know about? >


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fenn ulysses vanhenen
"Iku-Turso, son of Old-Age, ocean monster,"


b a s i c s
name: fenn ulysses vanhenen
nicknames: fenny, lys
age: 17
year: this will be his fourth year at the academy
gender: male
sexuality: pansexual
species: iku-turso (finnish sea monster of old, merfolk category)
birthday/zodiac: march 2nd, pisces
height: 5'6"
weight: 137 lbs.
faceclaim: max fieschi

a p p e a r a n c e
body type: lean, compact
skin tone: deep, grey almond
hair color/texture: dark umber brown, curly, shaggy
eye color: grey blue, the sea after a storm
distinguishing features: wide expressive features, mop of hair, white markings on his wrists that he was born with, slightly crooked teeth, striking gaze, freckles, long digits
clothing style: loose, fine fabrics, layers, vintage, rustic jewelry, intricate details, handmade, embroidery

p e r s o n a l i t y
virtues: energetic, unique, loving, intelligent, forthright, meticulous, supportive
vices: conflicted, crippled by fear, enigmatic, reserved, pessimistic (concerning himself), fatalistic, easily overwhelmed, can be disconnected
likes: the sea, drawing, the outdoors, storms, physical affection, reading, sewing/knitting/embroidery
dislikes: small spaces, blatant deceit, intrusiveness, being confronted, rising early, responsibility, being tested, losing control
quirks: heavy handed though he strives to be delicate, moves/behaves as if he is much larger than he actually is, speaks with a faint accent that nobody can really place the origin of, stays close to people/displays affection to seek comfort
habits: lays his hand protectively over his bracelet when at rest, tugs at his clothes, runs his hands through his hair/twirls his curls about his index finger, hums when idle

o t h e r
history: Fenn doesn't remember much of his childhood. It all seems a blue-hued blur. Despite this, he is very fond of it. He regards those years as simpler times, keeping them close to his heart. These are secrets to his story. He still blocks out certain memories, unable to face them just yet.

His sister is bright in his memory, sharp and defined - curly haired, dimpled, and winsome. She was braver than him, more resolute. She is one of the only notes of his past that he can see clearly. He can remember the lighthouse that his father manned, the sea-worn stones that made up their home, his father's weary, callused hands, his mother's dark, foreboding eyes, the depths of the water. His family all bore the same makes on their wrists, the ones he was born with - all save for his father.

In Fenn's fourteenth year, his sister disappeared. He still doesn't know what befell her. Soon after, despite his ardent protests, his parents sent him away to the academy. At this point, he has all but given up hope of ever seeing his sister again.
do you enjoy being different?: "No comment." Fenn's true form and nature have always been a part of him. These days, he keeps it at a distance, but it is what defines him. There's a complex array of feelings on the subject. His greatest fear is rooted in it. He doesn't let it take over, for fear of losing control - fear of his unknown potential and what he might become. He's very reserved and cryptic when this side of himself is brought up. He rarely speaks of it willingly.
family/relationships: mother (iku-turso) - alive | father (human) - alive | sister (iku-turso) - missing
abilities/powers: Unless forced or driven into it by someone else or some significant circumstance, Fenn will not shift into his true form. Despite this, in his human visage, he retains most his abilities - all except the three-story tall sea monster thing, of course. Fenn can sense when storms are on the way. He has minor influence over the tides and water in general. He usually uses this influence in order to navigate quickly and smoothly through the water. He doesn't have to come up from the water for air for very long durations of time. He can produce great bouts of heat.
theme song(s): here , here , here
other: His bracelet is what keeps him from taking his true form. The markings on his wrists are the sacred signs of his species. They were once omens of good luck and fortune.

>> coding by nova <<
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  • baby_syre.gif
    basic information
    Name: Syre Eden Quill
    Nickname: Sy, Halo
    Age: 18, 3rd year Student
    Species: Angel (Fae)
    Gender: Cis Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Height & Weight: 6 ft 2 in. 163 Lb
    Appearance: Syre stands at quite the tall stature, body slender yet lean. He has a beautiful clear complexion, roasted almond skin hinted in tones of warm gold and honey. His cocoa eyes adorned in long dark lashes alone hold the story of a painful past life, cut too short, but every time he smiles the pearly whites of his teeth and curvature of the smile within those sad eyes are a reminder that he no longer feels the pain he once felt, and that he is free.
    His hair is neatly braided and tends to hang down, but normally can be seen in what appears to be a ponytail. Each neatly sectioned off braid is done himself, and he feels uneasy when others touch them for he does not understand why they feel the need to. He does not have to maintain it often, in fact, it's rare that he takes them down. His hair when un-braided is of a beautiful curly-kinky texture.
    Beneath his clothes are various scars, darker in complexion than his own skin. They do not hurt, and art not raised. They merely resemble lines and marks and are a reminder of what once was. The biggest of scars is on his stomach, the rest adorn his arms and few on his chest.

    Clothing: Syre likes to wear very comfortable clothes, normally earth toned, black, or white. They can range from oversized to just plain loose, but he always has a jacket or coat incase someone else gets cold, or it happens to be raining. [ i . ii . iii . iv . v .]

    underneath the surface
    Personality: Kind and Quiet, Syre is more than observant. It's as though he can feel when someone is feeling a negative emotion, and his immediate instinct is to help them or to simply be there. This makes him a natural helper with the biggest heart with little to no regard for himself because he can't help but to put others first.
    Syre is incredibly soft spoken, and absolutely cannot raise his voice. He gets uncomfortable when doing so, but as long as the person he's communicating with understands him, he feels alright to repeat himself to no end. This hints at his very high patience level, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. He cannot bare to think poorly of anyone else because he feels that if he were the person receiving such negative connotation he wouldn't like it. Therefore, he treats everyone the way he'd want to be treated in return, even if he doesn't get that same courtesy back.
    Syre's always giving. He's the type to always be cold in temperature, but give away his jacket so someone else could be warm. The problem is, he's too shy to ask for it back and would rather them have a way to stay warm for the next time: so he just finds or buys another. Syre is truly a team player, and his only motive is to be happy, and to spread that same happiness.


    Biography: Syre was once a mortal human, living under a name he cannot remember. He was the older child of two, living in a household of four and was struggling with the demons in his head telling him that he could never be happy. He was never allowed to discuss regular emotions such as sadness or pain, because to discuss pain and sadness as a young black man or a man period was to be "weak". While hyper-masculinity was being pushed upon him and not allowing him to be his true self, he had to try and teach his younger brother that if either one of them could be their true selves, it was to be him, and Syre would take the blame for anything that happened in return.
    Home life was, in a short word, toxic. It seemed like Syre was the one holding their breaking home together, and just when he thought things couldn't get worse: his parents got into a physical dispute which lead to his younger brother being put into the CPS system. When Syre couldn't find his brother, he left in the family car and took off in a blind rage, ultimately landing himself and the car wrapped in a tree. The crash was fatal, but totally accidental, and even after death Syre couldn't forgive himself for abandoning his brother. Only now, he doesn't remember much from that life, only that he regrets not being there for someone, and because of that he's now there for everybody he meets thereafter.

    other information
    Weapons: No Weapons

    Strengths: Light, Love, Kindness, White Sage

    Weaknesses: Darkness, Negativity

    Magic & Abilities: Syre can radiate warmth from his body, light energy in truth but it doesn't get hot enough to scald or burn the touch unless he is to be touched by someone of dark matter. It is merely for comfort purposes when embracing and comforting others. This also translates into his already warm personality, so it's just barely passing for magic, and he doesn't really ever talk about it. He can't radiate this excess heat for long, as it drains his energy. Any other time he's pretty cold, he just won't complain about it.
    Another thing is that Syre can turn into... well, a night light. Instead of wings and a halo floating just above his head, he physically glows at the outline of his body. He doesn't too much know why, it's just part of his "new" body. This doesn't hurt or harm anyone in any way.
    Syre would say the most impressive thing he can do is to watch over others. He has a high level of intuition, a regular person's "gut feeling." He will go to that person and spark up a conversation, and they will have no idea that he's actually just there to make sure that is something unfortunate or potentially dangerous is going to happen, he can be there to shield or to help. Sometimes the feeling passes, and he'll gracefully make his exit from the scene to be there for the next person.

    All of his abilities are generally pretty simple and are defensive as opposed to offensive and harmful.

    Likes: Smiles, Laughing, Light, Happiness, Helping, Singing, Dancing, Cooking, Cleaning, Animals, Learning, Being useful, Feeling Wanted

    Dislikes: Darkness, Negativity, Anger, Loud noises, Arguing


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  • Blythe Williams
    "Stars can't shine without darkness..."


    Name :: Blythe Marie Williams
    Nickname :: Blythe
    Age :: 17
    Birthday :: April 18
    Zodiac :: Aries
    Gender :: Female
    Sexuality :: Pansexual
    Species :: Part Fey Part Succubus
    Year ::
    Fc :: Rooney Mara

    Height :: 5'3 ft
    Weight :: 115 lbs
    Eye Color :: Green
    Hair Color :: Dark brown
    Distinguishing Features :: A crescent moon shaped birthmark on her nape (Devil’s mark). And her cute dimples.
    Clothing Style :: S U C C U B U S

    Virtues :: Blythe is one sensitive girl. Very emotional and caring that she'll put the other people's happiness before hers. She's also a capable little lady who likes to keep herself busy. She's good at cooking and has a penchant for Asian cuisine and exotic foods. She can be very animated and enthusiastic every time she talks about the things she loves. She's reliable and a hard worker and will do whatever it takes just to get the job done. Because of what she is, Blythe became a perfectionist. And since she loves cooking, she's a little neat and a control freak. Blythe just want things in order. She’s a girl with a big heart but refuses to open up to others.

    Vices :: Because of her powers, she's a little aloof and quiet, she'd rather be alone than hurt others around her. She can also be calculating and very cautious to other people since emotions trigger her power. She's a little erratic and prohibits herself on having fun. She believes that if you're too happy today, you're going to suffer big time tomorrow. She's also very conscious about herself, and very self- critical. Doubt lingers in her heart and mind. She has this fear of failure because failing means she killed someone. Again. And her conscience can't just handle it.

    Dislikes :: Sometimes herself and what she is and what she can do. Mess. Death.
    Likes :: Food. Animals particularly dogs (likes to have one but can’t; afraid she might end up killing them). Order. Foods.
    Quirks :: She likes to write in her left hand but likes to do other things using her right hand.
    Habits:: Compulsively needs to finish the first task she’s doing before moving on.

    History ::
    - a little cynical, loner but can be really animated when she's talking about what she loves: FOOD.
    - unique power/ curse: Death touch (not an awesome name, will think of a good one. promise)
    - She can absorb someone's life force/energy when she's touching them.
    - power is slightly uncontrolled when she's very emotional thus she likes to stay away from people but she really wants to have friends.
    - still has the allure of being a succubus.


    Do you enjoy being diffent? ::
    Family/ Relationships ::
    Fae mom and incubus dad
    Bunch of foster family

    Theme Song ::
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name: vincent micheal pritchard age: 19 sexuality: bisexual birth date: January 16th [capicorn] gender: cis-male species: dokkalfar

I was there

face claim: vito basso
height: < self-explainable. >
weight: < self-explainable. >
eye color: < self-explainable. >
hair color: < self-explainable. >
distinguishing features: < self-explainable. >
clothing style: < self-explainable. >

for her when

virtues: < 5 or more with explanations. >
vices: < 5 or more with explanations. >
dislikes: < 4 or more. >
likes: < 4 or more. >
quirks: < 2 or more. >
habits: < 2 or more. >​


No one was

history: < 2 or more paragraphs. >​

Or wanted to be


do you enjoy being different? < resentment? delight? tell us.>
family/relationships: < who's your family? >
theme song: < use links. >
misc. < anything else the academy should know about? >


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eden parker - vampire - fc: sasha kichigina
+ melisandre's baby cousin
+ mel has been her role model until she turned into this crazy drinking blood vampire
+ likes blood bags and not human veins
+ is shy but loves to sing
+ her parents are very loving and caring
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Sophie Sakamoto
"omen, messenger of death,"

Name: sophie sakamoto
Nickname(s): soph, lucky (by kyveli)
Age: 17 (even though she routinely jokes about being hundreds of years old it's a lie)
Birthday/Zodiac: may 20th, taurus
Year: 2nd
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: banshee (fae category)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 138 lbs.
FC: sakura heffron


Skin Tone: sandy, tan, freckled
Hair Color/Texture/Length: dark chocolate brown, thick, smooth, straight, hangs almost to her mid back
Eye Color: dark brown, pale whiskey in the light
Distinguishing Features: dark eyes that seem to suggest at something unsaid, freckles, a scar on her collarbone, wide and messy smile, fingernails kept short, expressive brow, unkept hair
Clothing Style: comfortable, sometimes boyish, lots of hoodies, almost athetic wear, literally 90's teen boy heartthrob wardrobe


Virtues: endearing, straightforward, protective, assertive, strong, brave, devoted
Vices: uncomfortable with intimacy, stubborn, ruthless, puts on a front, simplistic view, jealous, jaded
Likes: friends, spontaneity, being appreciated, gentleness in others, running, night time, potato chips, going to bed late, cuddling, sports, bad movies
Dislikes: being ignored, forced closeness, authority, fear, bullies, mornings, prejudice, society, mandatory things, feeling helpless, thinking about the future
Quirks: pretty much only refers to people with nicknames save for rare occasions, wears three small gold rings on her left pinky, ties her hair away from her face haphazardly when she's about to focus on something, makes eye contact unless she's being sincere, is obvious when she lies
Habits: she used to bite her nails but she got over it, lots of shrugging and crossing her arms, ending crucial sentences with "or whatever," always has mints in her pockets


History: Sophie was born in the shade of a death. One door closes, another opens. Banshees sometimes take the form of the youngest maiden of a household who died young. It was so with Sophie. She has little memory from the soul that previously inhabited her body. These echoes and glimmers are the only childhood she has ever known. Not being human, this didn't trouble her, at least in her first years. She didn't know any different. She didn't know what to yearn for.

Her seventeen years of life have felt like several decades. Sophie has grown and matured incredibly rapidly. At times the world seemed to meet and take her in too rapidly for comfort, too much, too fast. Her physical form has changed little, at least to most onlookers. Being able to manipulate the image of herself that is seen, she almost unconsciously retains the look of her form when she first came to it. In actuality, her true form is a bit more grotesque - the traditional appearance of a banshee. She rarely lets the veil fall away, if ever.

On her travels, Sophie found herself drawn to the academy. She remains.
Do You Enjoy Being Different?: "Different how?"
Abilities/Powers: Sophie can sense the potential oncoming deaths of those in her immediate vicinity. If she has a deeper bond with someone, then she can sense it over larger distances. She can communicate with spirits of the dead, and also see glimpses of their prior lives. Sophie can also ease the passing of those who are dying - manipulating their spirit into a peaceful state. Sophie's form is more of an illusion - as it's the guise of a girl already passed. She can be wounded normally, but she can manipulate her appearance so it doesn't show. Her soul is not as attached to her physical form as most are, so she can more easily project herself outwards. She is able to possess other beings, though this is painful and takes an enormous amount of effort. She dislikes doing so and has only tried maybe once or twice in her life. Additionally, she is sensitive to those with light/life based magic. She can be "banished."
Family/Relationships: parents N/A , kyveli leah abbey - girlfriend - dryad
Theme Song: here
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